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  首页 / 试题 / 初中英语 / 试题详细
  • 科目:英语
  • 题型:阅读填空
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:74

Smart phones have become an essential part of our daily lives. This is worrying, as long﹣time use of smart phones harms children's eyesight, cervical vertebrae(颈椎)and even the brain. It was reported China had 175 million Internet users under the age of 18, with 74 percent having their own mobile phones.

   It's already common practice in some countries to limit students' use of mobile phones. France passed a law banning the use of mobile phones on school grounds for children under the age of 15. Other countries, including the United States, Italy and Japan, have also passed laws banning students from bringing phones to schools or classrooms.

   The Ministry of Education in China released a notice that restricts primary and middle school students from bringing mobile phones to school. Those who require their phones for some need must get their parents' and teachers' approval and must hand their phones over during class time.

   An English teacher from Beijing noticed that many students lost themselves in their phones. She said, "Most students are short of self﹣control. Spending too much time on the phone prevents them from learning. " A parent from Shanghai said, "The rules are good for children and limiting phone use is the right way to put their focus back on studies. "

   A 16﹣year﹣old student said, "It is unwise to stop all the students taking their phones to school. " He thinks adults can't simply cut them off from the Internet in the digital era and it's more important to cultivate students' ability to manage themselves.

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Title:Shifting focus from phone to classroom

Background information

•Smart phones play an important role in people's daily lives.

•Long﹣time use of phones is   (1)  to children's health.

•Nearly three   (2)  of 175 million Internet users under 18 had their own mobile phones in China.

Laws   (3)  

•French students under the age of 15 can't use mobile phones in schools.

•Students in the United States, Italy and Japan can't use mobile phones in schools or classrooms.

Notice in our country

•A notice on controlling primary and middle school students' phone use in schools was released.

Different opinions

•Both the teacher and the parent are in   (4)  on limiting students' phone use. Controlling phone use is the right way to put children's focus back on studies.

•The student thinks that they can't be separated from the Internet in the digital era. No rules   (5)  all. Self﹣management is more important.

