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William Shakespeare is widely regarded as the most famous writer and poet of the English language and the world's excellent dramatist.He was born in England in 1564 and died in 1616.The works he left behind are made up of 38 plays,154 sonnets (a poem that must be 14 lines long and have a particular style),2 long narrative poems,and many other poems.

However,Willian Shakespeare is most famous for his plays which have been translated into every major living language and are performed more often than those of any other dramatist.Some of his well﹣known plays include A Midsummer Night's Dream,The Merchant of Venice,Hamlet,Romeo and Juliet,King Lear,Macbeth,and The Tempest.

All of his works remain popular with most of the people who enjoy reading classical English.University students who study English usually have to study at least one of Shakespeare's plays.

Shakespeare was born to a wealthy English family and went to a good school.He married a 26﹣year﹣old woman when he was only 18.Between 1585 and 1592,he began his successful career in London as an actor,a dramatist.It was in London that he wrote most of his plays.Although he was well known in his own day,he was not as famous as he is today.

After William Shakespeare's death,his fame continued to grow until he was considered to be the best poet and writer of his time,a status that he still retains(保持)today.

96.The word"sonnet"in paragraph one means   in Chinese.

97.The Merchant of Venice is one of Shakespeare's  

98.Between 1585 and 1592,Shakespeare worte   in London.

99.Shakespeare is not only a great writer and poet but also  

100.The passage mainly talks about   of Willian Shakespeare.

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  • 难度:未知

By November 30,2015,the comedy Goodbye,Mr.loser had got more than 1,400 million yuan in ticket sales.

It was amazing that a film with common actors who had their first shows in the film got such great success.What's more,the actors were all stage performers and they improved their acting skills by making this film.

The somedy tells about a common middle﹣aged man who has no job but problems.He seems to be a loser in life and never gets any success.He causes many jokes and is laughed at a lot.And because of his bad luck,he feels upset most of the time.Later,a sudden accident changes his life and he starts to realize how important the family is to him.

Goodbye,Mr.Loser was the first movie made by Happy mahua Pictures.The film came out on September 30,2015.Because of its great success,the film company became famous overnight.

During the seven﹣day holiday for National Day in 2015,the ticket sales were just behind the most popular film being shown at the same time﹣Lost in Hong Kong.

41.Goodbye,Mr.Loser had got over   yuan by November 30,2015.









42.At last the middle﹣aged man understands the importance of   


the family


the film


the company


the chance

43.Goodbye,Mr.Loser was amazing because   


it was a comedy


it was a successful film with common actors.


it was on show during National Day in 2015


it was the first film made by Happy Mahua Pictures.

44.Which of the following is NOT TRUE about Goodbye,Mr.Loser?   


It came out at the end of September in 2015.


It tells about a common middle﹣aged man.


It made its film company famous overnight.


It was more popular than Lost in Hong Kong.

45.The passage mainly talks about   


a popular movie


a poor loser


a great man


a film company.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One day,a baby snail(蜗牛)found that he had to carry a big and heavy shell at any time.He was confused(困惑的),so he went up to his mother and asked,"Why was I born with a shell that grew so hard and heavy?"His mother said,"Because we don't have bones to hold us up.We can only move slowly,so we need a shell to protect us."

The baby snail asked again,"The caterpillar(毛毛虫)has no bones,either,and she can't move quickly.Why can she live without a shell?"The mother snail answered,"That's because a caterpillar will become a butterfly(蝴蝶).She can fly high into the sky.The sky can protect her.

The baby snail had one more question,"But the earthworm(蚯蚓)moves like us.He has no bones and he won't turn into a butterfly.Why doesn't he carry a hard and heavy shell?"His mother said,"He can dig a hole and hide in the ground,and then the earth can protect him."

The baby snail then cried,"We are so poor!We have no protection from the sky or from the ground!"His mother smiled at him,"That's why we have a shell.My dear,imagine that if we don't have the shells,what will happen to us?Hot sun will dry out our bodies and we'll have nowhere to sleep.What's more,we'll die in the heavy rain.How terrible it is!We don't depend on the sky or the ground for protection.We should depend on ourselves."


81.Whom did the baby snail ask for help,his mother or father?

82.What will the caterpillar in the story become when she grows up?

83.Where can an earthworm hide?

84.How many questions did the baby snail ask?

85.Who should the snails depend on according to the story?

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

We all know that his name is Harry Potter.

And we all know that Harry Potter written by J.K. Rowling has influenced the lives of its readers.

Here are some fans' stories about the influence of the books on them.

Melanie Martin

I was lonely, and Harry Potter helped me get better.

When I was 16, my family moved away to a foreign country. I lived with my uncle and his family. At that time, I was lonely. Times were grey, but Harry Potter always gave me something to look forward to. The books helped me understand that I could talk to my friends, depend on them. And the books have taught us to care about others. Thanks to J.K. Rowling. How I wish to get her autograph(亲笔签名) !

Krystal Sim

Like Harry, I'd lost my mother. Harry Potter helped me face it.

My mother had been dead by the time I read Harry Potter. Though I was an 11﹣year﹣old girl, I understood a little of how Harry felt, I remember staying up to read it through the night and ending up crying as Lily Potter, Harry's mother, said to him﹣"You've been so brave." Those are the kind of words you want to hear when you've lost a parent. They hit your heart sometimes, in the most beautiful way. I think I can be a lot stronger than before.

Matthew Lawrence

I didn't want to read, until my friends told me about a wizard (魔法师) called Harry.

I didn't like reading until I heard a lot of my friends reading Harry Potter. I read it from the first page to the last page. As Harry, Hermione and Ron grew up, I grew up, too. Harry Potter showed me that reading could be enjoyable. It changed my life because it led me to love reading.

(1)Who will probably ask for J.K, Rowling's autograph according to the passage?   

A. Melanie Martin.

B. Krystal Sim.

C. Lily Potter.

D. Matthew Lawrence.

(2)Which of the following is TRUE in the passage?   

A. Melanie Martin and Harry Potter both lost their mothers.

B. Matthew Lawrence always wanted to read with his friends.

C. Krystal Sim was 11when her family moved to a foreign country.

D. Harry, Hermione and Ron might be the characters in Hany Potter.

(3)What is the best title for the passage?   

A. How to read Harry Potter

B. How Harry Potter Changed My Life

C. Reading Harry Potter Is Enjoyable

D. Every Child Knows Harry Potter

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Have you ever seen the movie Big Hero 6?Baymax(大白)is a main character in the movie.He's a friendly big robot that looks after people's health.If there is a robot like Baymax in our real life,people will get more benefits.The robot will be especially helpful in caring for the old.The health of old people needs greater monitoringand care.

Scientists in America are now working to make Baymax a reality(现实).Actually,they have already produced some health care robots.These robots provide brain video games to improve people's memory.The games can help the old remember things for longer.Besides,these robots provide special apps(应用程序)to help the old manage their health at home.The apps can check the old people's heart rate(心率)and tell them to take their medicine on time.The apps can also record their daily activities.Such collected information helps doctors discover the cause of an illness faster and more correctly.But the health care robots aren't as clever as Baymax yet.

Nowadys,scientists are working on improving the health care robots.They hope the robots can produce electricity by walking across the floor.If they succeed,batteries will not be needed.They also hope the robots can communicate with humans in the daily life so as to make people happier and healthier.

Scientists are trying to realize these dreams.Like Baymax,these health care robots may save people's lives in the future.We are looking forward to them.


46.The underlined word" monitoring"in the passage means"   "in Chinese.







47.According to the passage,Baymax is   


a friendly small robot that looks after people's health


as clever as the health care robots in real life


a main character in the movie Big Hero 6

48.In the passage,the health care robots that have been produced by scientists   


can't improve people's memory


can communicate with humans in the daily life


can help the old manage their health at home

49.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?   


Nowadays the health care robots can produce electricity by walking across the floor.


Both the doctors and the old who use the health care robots can get help from them.


The health care robots can provide video games to check a person's heart rate.

50.What is the passage mainly about?   


It's mainly about the movie Big Hero 6.


It's mainly about the health care robots.


It's mainly about the importance of health.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Tea house is one of Lao She's most famous plays.He wrote it in 1957.The play has three acts.It shows the lives of common people in China from the end of the 19th century to the middle of

the 20th century.It tells us the story of Wang Li fa and customers of his tea house in Beijing.It describes the changes in Chinese society more than fifty years.

Last Sunday Miss Li,our teacher,took us to visit Lao She.

Tea house in Beijing.When we entered the house,we not only learn the story about Lao She,but also drank tea and ate delicious Beijing food at the tea house.

Then all of us went to the People Theater to see the play,Tea house.The actors and actresses'clothes and Tea house scenes were right for the first half of the twentieth century.The actors and actresses all did a very good job.It was easy for everyone to understand the story and see the changes in Chinese society.We learn a lot about Chinese lives one hundred years ago.

Lao She was born in Beijing in 1899.After finishing school in 1918,he became a head teacher of a primary school.In 1924,Lao She taught Chinese at a college in London and returned to China five years later.He wrote many plays,novels and short stories about people's lives,and was named"the people's artist".Lao She is one of the greatest Chinese writers of the

twentieth century.

51.What characters did Lao She write in his works?   


Common people.







52.How many years of changes does Tea house describe in Chinese society?   


About 5years.


Over 50years.


Nearly 50years.


Above 100years.

53.What did they do when they entered the Lao She Tea house?   


Saw the play Tea house.


Learn Chinese lives one hundred years ago.


Drank coffee and ate food.


Learn the story about Lao She.

5.Why did they enjoy the play Tea house?   


They knew a lot about the Tea house.


The actors and actresses'clothes were fashionable.


The play scene was right for the late twentieth century.


The actors and actresses all did well in their performance.

55.When did Lao She return to China from London?   


In 1918.


In 1924.


In 1929.


In 1957.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

My favorite book is A Friend like Henry.It's about how a family dog helps a boy deal with his autism(孤独症).When I felt sad,my best friend gave me the book.It cheered me up.

Reading in the holiday is an interesting thing.Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea is my favorite book.It's about a captain's travel under the sea.The story is very interesting and the pictures are fantastic.This book can make you relaxed.

I like reading the Four Great Classical Novels of China although I'm a foreigner from Sydney.I can't wait to tell the story The Romance of the Three Kingdoms.It taught me a lot about the three kingdoms(王国) of Bob   Wei,Shu and Wu.If you are interested in history,don't miss it.

In my opinion,The Little Prince is the best one.In this book,a young prince(王子) falls to Earth from a small planet and experiences a lot.

It's not just a fiction story,but tells us about the correct values.

51.When Li Mei felt   ,her friend gave her the book A Friend like Henry.







52.Tony's favorite book is   


Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea


The Romance of the Three Kingdoms


The Little Prince

53.We can learn a lot about   from The Romance of the Three Kingdoms.




54.Mary thinks The Little Prince is the best because   


it has fantastic pictures


it can deal with her autism


it tells about the correct values

55.The best title for this passage is"   ".


My Best Friend


My Favorite Book


My Interesting Movie.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A fisherman lived with his wife in an old shack(棚屋) by the sea.Each day he caught a fish,and cooked it for his wife.One day he caught a talking fish.The fish asked the fisherman to let him live,and the fisherman agreed.For the rest of the day,he caught nothing else.

When the fisherman got home empty﹣handed,his wife asked what happened.He told her about the magic fish."What did you get in return (作为回报)?"his wife asked."Nothing."said the fisherman,which made his wife very angry."It's a magical fish,so ask it to grant (准予)your wish.I hate my shack.Ask the fish for a nice house,"she said.The man didn't want to trouble the fish but he didn't want his wife to get angry either.He did not know if he should listen to his heart or his wife.

The next day the fisherman went to the sea and told the fish about his wife's wish.When her got home,his wife was standing in front of a beautiful house.

For a week,she was happy but then she started to complain (抱怨)."Go back and ask for a castle (城堡),"she said."If you don't,I'll be unhappy forever."The fisherman didn't want to bigger house but he didn't want his wife to be unhappy.Again,he did not know if he should listen to his heart or his wife.However,the next day,he returned to the sea and spoke to the fish again.When he got home,his wife was standing in front of a large castle.

Life was good for a few days but early one morning the fisherman's wife said,"I want to be queen of the land."The fisherman couldn't believe it."I won't go,"he told her."Then,I will never speak to you again,"she said.

After a troubled night's sleep,the fisherman went back to the fish and in a nervous voice told him the new wish.The fish told the man to return to his wife and said she would be queen of her land.

When he got home,his wife was crying and standing in front of their old shack.

81.The fisherman went to the magic fish   times to ask it to grant his wife's wishes.

82.At the very beginning,the fisherman's wife wished for   

83.The wife's second wish was   

84.The fisherman listened to his wife instead of his heart because he didn't want her to be   

85.From the passage we can infer that the fisherman was a (n)   man.

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  • 难度:未知
