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There is a popular Chinese saying that "Fair skin(皮肤) will make up for three flaws(缺陷)". This mentions the fact that in Chinese culture, it is believed that people who have fair skin are more beautiful. In Western culture, however, the opposite is true ﹣ many Westerners think tanned skin is prettier. The example shows that different cultures have different ideas of what they think is beautiful. These cultural meanings of the beauty, however, are no longer important. As more and more people travel overseas, ideas about beauty are being shared among cultures. The Internet has also made it easier for people to share different types of beauty since people are always posting pictures on social media. The result is an ever﹣changing idea of what is considered beautiful.

    The cultural practice of ear piercings, for example, has become a part of modern day culture.

In Kenya, it is a tradition among Masai men and women to pierce and then make their ear

lobes(耳垂) longer using ivory and wood or stones. They then wear colorful things on their ear lobes. This is a common practice since longer ear lobes are seen as a sigh of beauty. This tradition has now found its way into present﹣day culture. Nowadays, this might still seem unusual to some, but with more and more well﹣known actors and film stars showing off their longer ear lobes, it will finally become more fashionable.

    It is understood that different cultures around the world have different ways of showing beauty. However, since we now live in a worldwide society, people's views about beauty are always changing. With the help of the Internet, people are now able to easily borrow ideas from other cultures to help them stand out. So what new fashions can we expect to see in the future?

(1)What has made it easier for people to share ideas about beauty  

A.The development of technology.

B.The popularity of the latest fashions.

C.The unchanged cultural traditions.

D.The world's growing population.

(2)What can be learned about the Masai people from the passage  

A.Longer ear lobes are their new fashion.

B.Only women make their ear lobes longer.

C.They think longer ear lobes look beautiful.

D.They make actors and film stars famous.

(3)The underlined word "them" in the last paragraph refers to  

A. people

B. ideas

C. cultures

D. fashions

(4)What is the passage mainly about  

A.People in Asian countries like fair skin better.

B.Beauty is considered important in many cultures.

C.Different cultures have different ideas about beauty.

D.People's ideas about beauty are changing all the time.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Bananas are the perfect snack. Not only are they sweet and delicious, but they are easy to carry around, so you can take them anywhere. Best of all, bananas provide different things that the human body needs!

    Bananas grow best in warm places that get lots of rain. They grow on plants that look like trees. The banana plant, however, is considered a herb rather than a tree because it doesn't have a strong , woody stem(干,茎). The plants can grow as high as 30feet. When they reach their full height, flowers grow out from the stem. These flowers produce bananas.

    Two or three times each year, the plants produce fruit. The bananas grow together, which seem like "hands". A hand is made up of 10to 20bananas. Growers sometimes call bananas "fingers". Each bunch(丛) of bananas has about 15hands, and so a whole bunch may have as many as 200bananas and can weigh more than 100pounds.

    After about three months, the bananas are ready to be picked. At this point, they still aren't the sunny yellow color of bananas. Farmers pick them when they're green. That's how they're shipped to stores. They turn yellow along the way and are ready to be sold.

    If you love bananas, you've got a lot of company. Americans have been enjoying bananas since the first shipment arrived in the United States in 1876. Today, American eat more bananas than any other fruit. More bananas are sold than apples and grapes together. Every American eats over 26pounds of bananas each year!

(1)The first paragraph mainly talks about  

A.why people like bananas

B.how bananas taste

C.what bananas are rich in

D.where bananas are taken

(2)What is the correct order in which these happen  

a.The bananas begin to turn yellow

b. A banana plant grows to full height.

c.The flowers produce bananas.

d. The bananas are ready to be picked.

A. c﹣b﹣a﹣d

B. b﹣c﹣d﹣a

C. b﹣c﹣a﹣d

D. c﹣b﹣d﹣a

(3)Which of the following is true according to the passage  

A.The banana plant is a kind of tree.

B.Bananas like growing in hot and dry areas.

C.One banana plant usually produces fruit once a year.

D.The banana plant usually produces fruit once a year.

(4)Which is the second most popular fruit in America according to the bar chart  


B. Grapes.

C. Bananas.

D. Oranges

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Who wants to eat food that is thrown away as waste? Believe it or not, that's exactly what world leaders did at a lunch held by the United Nations in 2015.

    During the meal, the world leaders enjoyed dishes like salads and burgers made with thrown﹣away vegetables and fruits. Chef Dan Barber, who helped create the meal, hoped that the experience would make the leaders pay more attention to the issue of food waste.

    It is a huge problem. One out of nine people on Earth does not get enough food. Yet every year over one third of the food produced worldwide goes to waste!

    Why is so much food wasted? Firstly, food is often thrown away before it reaches customers because too much of it is produced, or because it is not kept properly in farms. Secondly, shops and supermarkets usually throw away unsold food. Finally, customers often buy more food than they need, so a lot of uneaten food is wasted.

    How can you waste less food? When eating out, you may ask for less food and take home what is left. Visit fast food restaurant less often, since they usually more wasteful. Encourage your favorite restaurants to give unsold food to food banks.

    You can also waste less food at home. Use smaller rice bowls so that you serve less rice.

Encourage family members to use unfinished rice to make rice puddings. Tell family members to make a shopping list and buy only what is on the list when shopping for food.

    Food waste is a growing problem and we, either farmers or food sellers or customers, must take this problem more seriously and do what we can to help.

(1)What did world leaders do at a lunch held by the United Nations in 2015 ?  

A.They threw away food as waste during the meal.

B.They made dishes with waste vegetables and fruits.

C.They ate food made with waste vegetables and fruits.

D.They helped Chef Dan Barber create the special meal.

(2)The underlined word "issue" in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to  





(3)The writer organizes Paragraph 4 by asking a question and  

A.giving examples

B. using numbers

C. listing reasons

D. telling a story

(4)Which way of wasting less food is mentioned in the passage ?  

A.Buying unsold food from supermarkets.

B.Keeping food properly in fridge.

C.Using smaller rice bowls when eating out.

D.Asking for less food in restaurants.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When Canadian teenager Ryan was six years old, his teacher told him that in many parts of Africa, there was no clean water. She said that people often made themselves ill, and even died, just from drinking or bathing in dirty water.

    What she said made Ryan upset. He decided to raise money for a well(井) so that people in Africa could have clean water. He did extra chores for his parents and raised ﹩70 all by himself. Then he found out that it actually cost ﹩2,000 to dig a well.

    Most people would have given up at this point, but not Ryan. He was disappointed, but determined to raise more money. Finally he collected over ﹩2,000. That money was used to dig the first of "Ryan's wells".

    Since then, Ryan has continued to raise money for more wells. In fact, Ryan has raised over﹩1,500 ,000!

    Ryan calls himself "a normal boy" and likes to play ice hockey when he's not in school or traveling around the world talking to other students about himself and his work. As for the future. he has said that he isn't exactly sure what he will choose to do. "Something along the lines of a lawyer or a teacher. Maybe a leader!"

(1)Ryan's teacher told him about the water problem in Africa in order to  

A.encourage Ryan to dig wells for people in Africa

B.ask Ryan to raise money for poor people in Africa

C.make Ryan feel unhappy and disappointed

D.educate Ryan to care about African people in difficulty.

(2)What does Ryan think of himself according to the passage ?  

A.He is different from other students in many ways.

B.He never gives up when he has decided to do something.

C.He is talented and can do many great things in the future,

D.He's like other students with his own hobby and dreams.

(3)Which of the following is the best title for the passage  

A. Ryan and His Teacher

B. Ryan and His Wells.

C. Ryan and His Money

D. Ryan and His Future

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

We live in Bedford, a town near London. My father is a hard﹣working pilot, so he doesn't have much time to look after us.

    When I was a kid, my mum liked to make breakfast food for dinner every now and then. And I remember one night in particular, when she had made breakfast food after a long, hard day at hospital.

    On that evening so long ago, my mum placed a plate of eggs, sausage and terribly burnt biscuits in front of my dad. I remember waiting to see if anyone notices. Yet all my dad did was reach for a biscuit, smile at my mum and ask my brother and me how we had been doing at school. I don't remember what I told him that night, but I do remember watching him put butter and jelly on that biscuit and eat every bite!

    When I got up from the table that evening, I remember hearing my mum apologize to my dad for burning the biscuits. And I will never forget what he said," Honey, I love burnt biscuits."

    Later that night, I went to kiss my dad good night and I asked him if he really liked his biscuits burnt. He wrapped me in his arms and said," Your mum is really tired after a hard day's work. Besides, a little burnt biscuit could never hurt anyone. We have been married for 17 years. She always cooks for me. Don't put the key to your happiness in someone else's pocked but into your own."

(1)what is the father?  

(2)Where does the mother work?  

(3)How many people are there in the family?  

(4)How long have the mother and father been married?  

(5)Why did the father eat the burnt biscuits?  

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In our daily life, much plastic package is used just once and then thrown away. According to a new study from the University of California, 9% of this is recycled, 12% is burnt and 79% goes to landfill. And because most plastic doesn't biodegrade, once it's in the ground, it stays there. (1)The study also shows that eight million tons of plastic waste are pouring into the sea every year

    Scientists have calculated the total amount of plastic ever made: 8.3 billion tons. That's as heavy as one billion elephants. And almost all of it has been made in the last 65 years.

    (2)每个人都应该参与拯救地球. Protecting the environment is protecting ourselves. If the environment is taken good care of, we can have clean water and green mountains. (3)绿水青山或是金山银山

    What can we do as students? Just say no to single﹣use plastics like straws, cups and bags. Many people love to drink from a straw or use plastic to carry things, but they are really bad for the environment.

    (4)Bring your own chopsticks if you're planning to eat outside. It can be hard to remember.

    Just put a pair of chopsticks in your bag before you leave home.

    You know you're going to need some water to get you through your day. So carry a bottle(or a cup) with you. (5)That will help you avoid plastic bottles






  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Copenhagen is one of the best places in the world to be a bicyclist but there is a downside﹣﹣thousands of parked bicycles. Sometimes it gets out of control.

    In 2014, when Copenhagen got its Cycle Snake﹣a new bicycle﹣only bridge ﹣the city edged even closer to being a cyclists' paradise.

    There are in fact more bicycles in Copenhagen than people, five times as many bicycles as cars, and 400 km of cycle lanes﹣not shared with cars or pedestrians (行人)﹣for a city of about 600,000 people.

    This has many advantages, such as cleaner air and physical fitness. If only more thought had gone into what happens when riders get off. Cycle parking is a big problem here.

    Bikes are often parked on the pavement, taking up pedestrian space and blocking(堵住) entrances to shops and restaurants.

    Outside Copenhagen's central train station, where people often leave their bikes for the weekend, plenty of cyclists are fed up. "There just isn't enough space," says Kirsten Hoeholt, a famous artiest.

    While 95% of cyclists in the city are happy with conditions for cyclists overall, only 29% are satisfied with cycle﹣parking facilities﹣down from 40% in 1996.

    One of Copenhagen's is that it has been growing rapidly. About 12,000 people are moving to the city each year, while only 7,000 new cycle parking spaces have been created over the last eight years.

    One Dutch idea on its way to Copenhagen is taking away the bikes that are parked in the wrong areas. Leave your bike in the wrong place and you could find that it has been moved to nearby bicycle facilities.

    A few years ago "bike﹣butlers" were introduced in some areas. The butlers pick up bicycles that have been knocked over, pump air into flat tyres and give the bike﹣chains a bit of oil, to thank people for parking properly.

(1)The last "paradise" in the fourth line means  




(2)There are about  people in Copenhagen.




(3)Which of the following is NOT true?  

A. There are in fact more bicycles in Copenhagen than people.

B. Only 29% are satisfied with cycle﹣parking facilities.

C. About 7,000 people are moving to the city each year.

(4)The last paragraph tells us to  

A. punish the bicyclists

B. encourage the bicyclists

C. take away the bikes

(5)What does the passage mainly tell us?  

A. The parking of the bikes in Copenhagen.

B. The repairing of the bikes in Copenhagen.

C. The creating of the bikes in Copenhagen.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Tracy was always hard﹣working and creative. She started a website called TEAM for girls when she was 16, and it's doing better than ever.

    TEAM now has 10 million visits every month.

    When she was ten, Tracy drew four characters(人物). They are all girls, and they are good friends. She called them "Amazing Girls".The main amazing girl, Miss E, represents(代表) her younger sister Elizabeth. Amy writes stories, and Mary answers questions." Amazing Girls "finally became TEAM. "TEAM" means "Together everyone achieves more."

    At that time, Tracy wanted a safe and warm site for girls, but she couldn't find one. So she decided to create one herself.

    At first, Tracy asked family members and friends for help. Her computer teacher also help her a lot. She created a small website. "There was a homepage, which had the four characters and simple flash animations (动画)," Tracy says. "It was very, very simple, but it was a start."

    Now it is a heaven for millions of girls. It has message boards, quizzes, games, music, and more. Girls can help each other with homework here. And they can also discuss fashion, dancing and singing stars. They feel free and comfortable. They have made their life more fruitful and meaningful.

    "I'm able to learn so much about culture around the world," Tracy says. "The goal for the site was, and still is, to help young girls to believe in themselves."

(1)How many visits does TEAM have every month now?  

A.10 million.

B.16 million.

C.17 million.

(2)What does Mary do?  

A. Answers questions.

B. Draws characters.

C. Writes stories.

(3)Why did Tracy decide to create a website?  

A. Because she wanted to make money.

B. Because she couldn't find one for girls.

C. Because her computer teacher asked her to create one.

(4)Tracy started the site to help young girls to  

A. do their homework

B. dance and sing

C. believe in themselves

(5)What can be the best title of the passage?  

A. Girls' Success

B. Girls' Website

C. TEAM's Meaning

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Han Meimei did gymnastics all day ﹣﹣anytime, anywhere. This made her family angry. "Han Meimei, enough!" said her family.

     "I've got to go to a gym!" said Han Meimei.

     "Too much money!" cried her parents.

     "Then I'll earn it myself," said Han Meimei.

     She tried hard, but she didn't earn money because she often practiced gymnastics when working.

     "Han Meimei, enough!" cried the neighbors.

     She walked toward the gym. She seated herself with others. A group of girls no older than Han Meimei tumbled(做空翻动作) on the floor. And about 15 beginners balanced on the beam(平衡木).

     Then she saw the sign:

     "Wanted: Gymnastics students to be Children Class teacher assistant. Talk at the front desk."

     "I'd like to be the children Class teacher assistant," she said.

     "I see," said the woman at the desk, "How old are you?"

     "14," said Han Meimei.

     Can you do gymnastics?" asked the woman.

     Han Meimei tumbled on the floor then and there.

     "It appears you are excellent," said the woman. "I think you may be just what we're looking for." Han Meimei smiled.

     "There is one thing," said the woman. "I'm afraid we don't pay in money. We pay with free classes. Would you still be interested?"

     Han Meiemei jumped so high that there was no doubt about her answer.

     She spent every afternoon at the gym, teaching and practicing. After that, the only place she heard anyone say "Han Meimei, enough!" was at the gym ﹣at closing time.

(1)What made Han Meimei's family angry?  

A. Doing grmnastics too much.

B. Wasting money.

C. Practicing gymnastics when working.

(2)The woman at the desk thought that Han Meimei was the right person for the  



C. assistant

(3)What can Han Meimei get from the gym?  

A. Some money.

B. Free classes.

C. Some tickets.

(4)From the passage, we know Han Meimei  

A. never gave up

B. sang very well

C. was always late for school

(5)The passage mainly talks about  

A. Han Meimei's fighting with her family

B. Han Meimei's teaching gymnastics

C. Han Meimei's practicing gymnastics

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Xia Yu


No. 1 Weigongcun, Haidian District, Beijing









Experience abroad

studied translation in Bath, lived in London, practiced in the UN, travelled in 32 countries


Chinese(mother language), English, French


graduated from the University of Bath, Yanling No. 1 High School

Work experience

gave speeches about Chinese culture helped students to study abroad worked as a volunteer English teacher in different schools

(1)How old is Xia Yu?  

A. 28.

B. 30.

C. 32.

(2)How many languages can Xia Yu speak?  

A. Two.

B. Three.

C. Four.

(3)From the form we can see Xia Yu is very  

A. helpful

B. Strict

C. Careful

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(1)How many branches are there in Zhuzhou?  

A. Two

B. Three

C. Nine

(2)This picture mainly introduces  

A. sports classes

B. sports programs

C. sports clubs

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

"Xiao Yun has no coat for town and special events," Mama told Papa when he came in from the (1)  

    "The cows can't be(2)  now," he said. "Are you sure Xiao Yun can't wear a hand﹣me﹣down?"

    "Yes," Mama said. They took Xiao Yun to a store in town.

    "Can I (3)  you?" "A shop assistant asked.

    "Our Xiao Yun needs a good coat," Papa said.

    They looked for coats for some time carefully. "A (4)   coat!" Xiao Yun cried. "I want the pink coat." The coat was slippery and shiny inside. In the pink coat she looked like a spring flower.

    "I'm afraid the pink coat will only (5)  one year," Mama said.

    "And there's no one to pass it on to," said Papa. Xiao Yun backed away. She wanted to be a flower.

    "Xiao Yun!" It was Papa. He came over to (6)  . "You are old enough to know that you can't always have your own way," he said seriously.

    Xiao Yun slipped one arm from a sleeve(袖子).

    "It is her color, though," Mama said.

    "Ah!" said the assistant."Anyone can (7)  how the pink of the coat brings out the roses in her cheeks(面颊)."

    Papa looked thoughtful for a moment.

    "We are (8)  ." Continued Mama, "that is only one little coat for Xiao Yun and not also new coats for Xiao Xuan and Xiao Qing."

    Papa rubbed his chin(下巴). "The cows can't give milk soon enough," he said. "(9)  how can we let Xiao Yun wear a brown coat when she looks like a flower in this one?"

    "Papa!" Xiao Yun cried, slipping her (10)  back into the empty sleeve. She threw her arms around Papa's neck. "I do look like a flower, don't I?" She asked happily.

    "Like a primrose in spring," Papa said.

(1)A. farm







B. help

C. trouble

(4)A. blue

B. pink

C. brown

(5)A. fit

B. last

C. shine

(6)A. it

B. them

C. her



C. draw

(8)A. rich

B. lucky

C. busy

(9)A. So

B. And

C. But

(10)A. arm

B. head

C. hand

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The boss was late for the meeting because his alarm clock didn't_____.(  )

A.go offB.go outC.go on

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Many modern trains in the world_____in Zhuzhou.(  )

A.are creatingB.created

C.are created

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Polly has been ill for three days but she is a lot_____today.(  )


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
