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There is an old saying:"Take the time to stop and smell the flowers."I think we should also take the time to(1)   flowers.

My grandmother knew just(2)   to do that.She grew flowers with earth,water and love,so her back garden was filled with beautiful flowers.She would smile when she saw the(3)   shine down on them.In her front garden she planted flowers,(4)   .You could see red,white,and yellow flowers in it.My mom and I used to walk(5)   them and enjoy their smells.Beautiful butterflies flew down on them.Grandma also cared for the wild flowers.She would send(6)   and my brother out to pick flowers and would then turn them into delicious wine.

Grandma not only planted flowers in the gardens(7)   also planted flowers in our hearts.Her delicious dinners made with love encouraged us.Her sweet smile always made us(8)   .Her hugs and kisses were the sunshine that kept our own love(9)   day after day.

Take the time to plant a few flowers yourself today.Show your smiles,kindness and love.Plant your wishes,talents and pleasure.Make this(10)   brighter and brighter with your sunshine.

(1)A. plant

B. water

C. buy

D. sell

(2)A. who

B. when

C. how

D. where

(3)A. star


C. rain

D. wind

(4)A. too

B. either

C. then

D. though

(5)A. at

B. on

C. with

D. around

(6)A. me

B. you

C. him

D. her

(7)A. and


C. but

D. or

(8)A. happy

B. hungry

C. tired

D. angry

(9)A. sleeping

B. growing

C. standing

D. losing

(10)A. house

B. town

C. city

D. world

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  • 难度:未知

Teenagers and their parents always think differently.Children always hate the (1)   asked by their parents.Here are some of them.

What did you get on your report card?

Unless you get all As and Bs,you'll never want to hear this question come out of your parents'mouths.How do they know it is the report card day?Mom and Dad are going to be angry when they see you (2)   a C in math.

Did you clean your room?

"YES,"you shout downstairs as you start running around your room,hiding all the clothes on your floor under your bed.You must finish all of this (3)   your mom comes into your room and sees your room is still in a mess.

Is it your boyfriend/girlfriend?

You can't understand why your (4)   always ask such a question.You find it difficult to give an answer.It's either because you don't know what kind of relationship it is (5)   there is an important reason you can't tell them.

Did you call a family member for his/her birthday?

Uh,no.Honestly,you see this family member once every three years.What will you say (6)   him/her?Can't you just write"Happy Birthday"in his/her WeChat or QQ group?

Such problems often happen to teenagers and their parents.Maybe (7)   sides should have some changes and try to understand each other better.For parents,they may let the children be free to deal with their (8)   problems.For children,they'd better ask their parents for some advice.

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  • 难度:未知

A big company wanted to find someone to work for them.Lots of young college students came to(80)   for the job,but only a small part of them were left.And this time,the company didn't plan to choose the right persons as usual.

Here came the day when they took the final interview.A big box (81)   of papers was placed on the way to the interview room,and a few papers were lying around the box.

The first student came.He hurried along the way to take the interview."Who put this (82)   in the middle of the road?"the student said to himself,but he did not try to move the box away.Instead,he passed around the box and continued his way.

The second student came along and did the same thing.Then another came,and another.All of them complained (抱怨) about the box but(83)   of them tried to move it.What's worse,someone even stepped (踩) on the papers and left without having a look at the things on the ground.

Half an hour later,a thin young man with glasses came.He was also (84)   those who were left to take the interview.He saw the box and the papers around it.Without thinking twice,he (85)   and began to pick up the papers and put them into the box.Then he managed to move the box to the side.To his great (86)   ,he found an invitation under the box.On it were the following words,"Congratulations,young man!You are the(87)   person we are looking for!Would you like to join us?"

Sometimes,you see,helping others is helping yourself.

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  • 难度:未知

There are long rivers, and there are famous rivers.The Nile is the world's longest and most famous river. It runs 6, 650 kilometers. Crocodiles and hippos live in its waters. Pyramids built by ancient Egyptians rise along its banks.

The main branch of the Nile, the White Nile, starts just above Lake Victoria, the world's second largest fresh ﹣ water lake, in east central Africa. Then it flows to the north. At Sudan's capital, another great river called the Blue Nile joins the White Nile. Together, they form one very powerful river. Then it goes through Egypt's famous Nile Valley before reaching the Mediterranean Sea.

Ancient Egypt, the first great African civilization(文明), started along the banks of the Nile more than 5,000 years ago. Ancient Egypt ruled the Nile Valley for thousands of years. Great pyramids and temples were built on the banks and we can still visit them today.

Without the rich farmland along the banks of Nile, there might be no ancient Egypt civilization.Every year, the Nile flooded its banks. The floodwaters covered the banks with a rich soil. The Nile's banks were easy to farm and produce crops.

The Nile also made a perfect highway for boats. The river runs north, but the wind on the river blows south. To go south, boaters put up sail to catch the wind. TO go north, they took the sails down. Ancient people traded along the river for hundreds of miles.


The Nile ﹣ the longest and most famous river in the world

Where does the Nile flow?

The White Nile is the main branch of the Nile. It starts above Lake Victoria and then (1) _____ to the north.

The Blue Nile joins the White Nile at the (2)  ______  of Sudan. They form a powerful river.

Then the Nile goes through the Nile Valley. Finally it(3)   the Mediterranean Sea.

The Nile's long and rich banks.

Ancient Egypt started along the banks of the Nile more than 5,000 years ago. Its people built pyramids and temples we can still visit today.

Every year the Nile flooded its banks. The floodwaters covered the banks with a rich soil. Rich farmland(4)   this ancient civilization great.

The Nile made a perfect highway for boats. To go south, boaters put up sails to catch the wind. To go north, they took the sails down. Ancient people (5)   and sold goods along the river for hundreds of miles.

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  • 难度:未知

"Were going to cut science class today. I know you want to come with us. Let's go!"Maybe you've (1)   one of the popular kids at school say something like this. So what do you do? Do you just give in and do what the other kids (2)   , or do you go to class no matter what they say?

Situations like this often come up. And it is not easy to make your own(3)   when your friends want to do something you're not quite sure about. Sometimes, you feel you should do something because everyone else is doing it, and it is(4)   to go against the majority. This is called "peer(同龄人) pressure" because peers are pressuring you to do what they want.

Some people give in to peer pressure because they want to be more popular. Some worry that others will make fun of them (5)   they don't go along with the group. The (6)   ______  that "everyone is doing it" makes them follow the crowd. Sometimes peer pressure can be (7)   if your peers encourage you to be a better person. But most peer pressure pushes you to do something you don't really want to do. And it affects almost everyone without exception. So what can you do to(8)   it?

First of all, you should follow your own feelings and beliefs and be self ﹣ confident. When you are self﹣ confident, you can say "no" to the people(9)   to pressure you. It also helps to have a good friend who respects your beliefs. That way you won't be(10)   when you stand up to peer pressure.

(1)A. made

B. helped

C. felt

D. heard

(2)A. complete

B. control

C. suggest

D. avoid

(3)A. friends

B. rules

C. search

D. decision

(4)A. slow

B. hard

C. clear

D. useful

(5)A. unless

B. until

C. if

D. although

(6)A. doubt

B. idea

C. hope

D. promise

(7)A. good

B. common

C. serious

D. strong

(8)A. free

B. show

C. deal with

D. talk about

(9)A. failing

B. trying

C. learning

D. refusing

(10)A. alone

B. lucky

C. quiet

D. popular

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  • 难度:未知

The home of tea is in China. It is said that tea was found by Shennong, a legendary(传说中的)ruler of ancient China about 5000 years ago. Some people say that tea is the national drink of China. There are mainly six kinds of tea in China, such as black tea, green tea, white tea, etc.

Many Chinese drink it almost every day.

Tea helps keep your mind clear. It's calorie ﹣ free and good for your heart. Also, tea can protect against cancer. So it becomes the most widely consumed(广泛饮用的) drink in the world next to water. To celebrate this popular drink, the United Nations has made May 21 stInternational Tea Day recently.

However, people in different countries have different ways to drink tea,In the US, sweet tea is popular. It is made with black tea, sugar and fruit. Unlike Chinese tea, sweet tea in the US is always served ice cold. Many years ago, only rich people drank it.

Black tea and sugar used to cost a lot of money. But now, anyone can drink it.

In the UK, people like to put milk in their tea, This gives it a nice taste. They usually drink it in the afternoon﹣ ﹣ this is called"tea time". They like to eat biscuits while drinking their tea.

During tea time, people take a break from work and relax.

If you never drink tea, you can try it. Maybe you'll find your favorite taste.

(1)   Culture in Different Countries


It has about five(2)   years of history.


● Tea helps keep your mind clear.

●It's calorie ﹣ free and good for your heart.

●It can(3)   against cancer.


In China

There are mainly six kinds of tea in China.

In the US

(4)   people didn't drink tea because it used to cost much money many years ago.

In the UK

People like to drink tea (5)   _____milk to relax themselves.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I grew up in a small town in Italy. One morning my dad told me to drive him to a village,about 18 miles(1)   . Then he asked me to take the car to a nearby garage for a service(保养). Thinking that I just had my driving license, and I hardly had the (2)  _____ /tʃaːns / to use the car, I agreed happily. Then I drove to the garage and (3)  _____ (drop) off the car. Because there were still a few hours left, I decided to watch movies at a theatre near the garage. But I was two hours late when the last movie finished.

Dad could never let me drive again (4)   he knew what I did. So when I drove to the place where we had planned to meet and saw Dad waiting patiently on the corner. I told him that I came as (5)   (quick) as I could. I was late because the car needed some (6)   /'s peʃl/ repairs.

"I'm very sorry that you told me a lie, Jason.

"What do you mean, Dad? I'm telling the (7)t   . "

"I called the garage to ask if there were any problems.I'm angry not with you but with(8)m   .I've failed as a father, so I'll walk home now and think it over."

I begged all the way,telling him how sorry 1 was.But nothing helped. I had to drive (9)   /b ɪ′haɪnd/ him for 18 miles.

It was one of the most(10)   (pain) moments in my life. But it was the best lesson.

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  • 难度:未知

Last Saturday morning, the head teacher called a meeting of parents. On be half of(代表) the students, I made(1)   speech, and I felt very proud of(2)   

Now my middle school life comes to an end.This summer,I will go to the U.S.and stay for one year to(3)s   at an American high school.There I will be in Grade 10.I feel excited.(4)   (同时), I am a little sad because I have to(5)s   goodbye to my old friends and teachers. I want to(6)t   some photos with them before I leave and I will(7)   (赠送)many gifts to my friends as well. We will(8)   (保持联系) with each other by sending emails, making phone calls or(9)w   letters.

In the past three years, I have learned a lot(10)   my teachers and have had a great time at school. Although we'll set out on our new journey, I will never forget(11)   I come from. In the future, I will work (12)m   harder. I hope to be a doctor when I(13)   (长大). My parents(14)   [sə'pɔ:t] me all the time. I believe my dream will(15)   (实现,成为现实)!

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

someone;    wait for;   decide;   even though;       week;

as well as;   high;      mention;     Germany;        try one′s best

(1)﹣Could I ask if you   this to her till now?

﹣Yes, but she refused to listen.

(2)   the usual activities, such as sailing and climbing, there was a writing class in the summer camp.

(3)On a beach, run away from the sea and move quickly to   ground when an earthquake happens.

(4)In order to catch the early bus, we had to stop   them.

(5)As is known to all,   who breaks the rules should be punished.

(6)He asked for two   leave to look after his sick father.

(7)During the World War II, millions of   lost their lives.

(8)﹣Which sport are you in at the school sports meeting?

﹣No decision yet. I think it   after discussing with my PE teacher.

(9)The students in Miss Wang's class are all   to study hard to go to the university.

(10)She won't leave the Tv set,   her supper is on the table.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

As we know,museums are buildings where many valuable and important exhibits (展品) are kept so that people can go and see them.For example,art museums are places where people can learn about (1) v    cultures.More and more popular "design museums" that are opening today,however,perform quite a different role.Unlike most art museums,the design museum shows exhibits that are easily found in our daily life ,such as fridges and washing (2) m   

   The advantage of design museums is that they are places where people feel familiar with the exhibits.Being different from the art museum visitors,design museum visitors seldom feel frightened or puzzled.This is partly (3) b   design museums clearly show how and why mass﹣products (批量产品) work and look (4) a    they do,and how design has improved our lives.Art museum exhibits,on the other hand,would most probably (5) f    visitors with a feeling that there is something out of their understanding.

Several new design museums have opened their doors in recent years.Each of these museums has tried to satisfy the public' s (6) g   interest in the field with new ideas.

London' s Design Museum,for example,shows a collection of mass﹣produced exhibits (7) f   electric typewriters to a group of Italian fish﹣tins.The choices open to design museums seem far less strict than (8) t    to art museums,and visitors may also (9) s   humorous part of our society while walking around such exhibits as interesting and (10) u   attractive(有吸引力的)toys collected from our everyday life.

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  • 难度:未知

Some things usually have different meanings in different cultures. Here are some words about (1)    that are used differently in western cultures and Chinese culture.

Most phrases in(2)    about the dog, such as "a homeless dog", "a running dog" and "a dog catching a mouse", have negative meanings. But in western countries, dog are considered honest and good friends of (3)    (人类). The word, "dog", has positive meanings. For example, "you are a lucky dog" means you are a lucky (4)    /'pɜːs(ə)n/. And "every dog has its day" means everyone has good luck at times.

As we know, dragons are very important in Chinese culture. In ancient times, dragons were regarded as strong and magical creatures. They (5)    /brɔ:t/ hope and good luck. The ancient emperors compared themselves to dragons. Nowadays, many p(6)___    want their children to become "dragons". But in western cultures, dragons were d(7)   __  animals. Heroes killed them to protect people.

Some things have (8)    (相似的)meanings in Chinese culture and western culturea. The rose is regarded as a symbol of love in b(9)    China and some western countries. People in China and the West think the rose also (10)    for peace, courage and friendship. When we pay attention to the cultural meanings of words, we will understand them better.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

this   from   family   father   if   success   receive    away    return    good

Qian Xuesen was born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province on December 11, 1911. After he graduated(1)    Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 1934, he traveled across the Pacific Ocean to the United States for further study. There he(2)    his Ph. D. degrees in both aerospace and mathematics. After graduation, he became a teacher as(3)    as a researcher who studied rockets and missile theories.

He made important contributions to the missile and space programs in China. When he(4)    to his motherland in 1955, the country's space research was almost a blank. In 1956, he set up the first research institute of rockets and missiles. From then on, he was in charge of developing China's missile, rocket and spacecraft research programs. He was a pioneer in(5)    related fields and was honored as "The (6)    of China's Missiles". He is the pride of the Chinese people.

He passed (7)    on Octcber 31, 2009, but be is a man who still encourages Chinese youth. His devotion to his country was expressed in his saying. "My career is in China, my (8)    is in China and my destination is in China!" When someone said he could make much more money(9)    he stayed in the United States, he laughed and said, "My (10)___  name is Qian, but I don't like qian."

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Kate and Dick were classmates. They (1)____(相处) well with each other and later fell in love. After getting m(2)____, they found it difficult to (3)____(谋生).

Finally, they decided(4)____run a small restaurant near the railway station. The restaurant often stayed o(5)____ until after midnight, because people came to drink there while they were(6)____(等待) trains.

At two o'clock one morning,(7)____ man was still sitting at a table in the restaurant. He was(8)____ [ə'sli:p]. Kate wanted to go to bed. She looked at the table several times, and each time the man was still there. Then,(9)____(最终) she went to her h(10)____ and said to him, "You've talked to that man three times, and he isn't drinking any more.(11)____ haven't you sent him away? After (12)____, it's so late."

"Oh, no, I don't want to send him away," a(13)____ Dick with a smile. "You see, whenever I (14)____(叫醒) the man, he asks for the bill, and when I bring it to him, he p(15)____ it. Then he goes back to sleep again."

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  • 难度:未知

Jane:   Did you go to Dr Hawkings speech last year?

Li Xiang: Sorry, I didn't (1)____ a chance to go. Could you tell me something   about him?

Jane:Yes. He was born in Oxford, England in 1942, and he wrote many valuable books.

Li Xiang: I've (2)____(know)about A Brief History of Time. It is his best﹣selling book.

Jane:That's right. He's a great (3)____(science). He (4)____(catch)a terrible disease

thirty years ago.

Li Xiang: What's his disease like?

Jane: Oh, he can't move his body, and can only speak with the (5)____ of a computer.

Li Xiang: It's hard to believe. No wonder so (6)____ people admire him

I Jane: Unfortunately, he (7)____ f illness on March 14th, 2018

Li Xiang: Oh,(8)____ a pity! Thank you for telling me so much.

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  • 难度:未知


Clothing(服装) is a language. We can look at traditional clothing to know more about culture.

Africa has a long history and a rich culture, and this is shown in traditional dress. The three colours﹣red, gold and green, are often used in the clothing. The first colour stands for the blood of millions of people who fought for freedom; the second, rich resources of the African earth; and the third, the grassland of home.

Because clothing has strong social meanings, people are very careful in choosing what to wear. It would be a serious mistake to wear the wrong clothes, or to dress in the wrong way. For example, in Ghana, a woman should wear her waistband(腰带) differently according to the importance of the social event.

Traditional dress also tells us about everyday life. African designs are famous for loose (宽松的) clothing. The temperature there can be very high during the daytime but very low at night, so it requires that the clothes are comfortable for daily life.

Today although more and more young people like wearing Western clothes, especially in big cities in Africa, traditional African dress is still quite valuable. This is because it has deep cultural meanings.

Traditional Dress in Africa

Different colours

• The three most important colours used in clothing are red,(71)_____ and green which stand for the blood of freedom (72) _____, resources of the earth and the grassland of home.

Social meanings

• Because clothing has strong social meanings, people have to choose what to wear (73)_____.

• Women in Ghana even wear different waistbands according to how important the event is.

Everyday life

• Because the temperature (74) _____ greatly, clothes are usually loose and comfortable.

• Though Western clothes are popular with young people in some areas, traditional clothes are still of great (75)_____.

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