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专题28 阅读理解 人生百味类 (压轴题)

I loved my mother’s desk since I was just tall enough to see above the top of it when mother sat doing letters. Looking at the ink bottle, pens and white paper, I decided that the act of writing must be the most wonderful thing in the world.
Years later, during her final illness, mother kept different things for my sister and brother,“But the desk,”she said again,“is for Elizabeth. ”
I never saw her get angry, and never saw her cry. I knew she loved me, and she showed it in action. But as a young girl, I wanted heart-to-heart talks between mother and daughter.
They never happened and a gulf opened between us. I was “too emotional (易动感情的)”, but she lived“on the surface”.
As years went by and I had my own family. I loved my mother and thanked her for our happy family. I wrote to her in careful words and asked her to let me know in any way that she did forgive (原谅) me.
I posted the letter and waited for her answer. It didn’t come.
It seemed that nothing happened. I couldn’t be sure that the letter had even got to her.
I only knew that I had written it, and I could stop trying to make her into someone she was not.
Now the present of her desk told me that she was pleased that writing was my chosen work, though she had never been able to. I cleaned the desk carefully and found some papers inside… a photo of my father and a one-paper letter. Folded (折叠) and refolded many times.
Give me an answer, my letter asks, in any way you choose. Mother, you always chose the act that speaks louder than words.
The writer began to love her mother’s desk ______.

A.after mother died
B.when she was a child
C.before she became a writer
D.when mother gave it to her

The passage shows that mother _______.

A.was too serious about everything her daughter had done
B.was cold on the surface but kind in her heart to her daughter
C.cared much about her daughter in words
D.wrote to her daughter in careful words

The word“gulf”in the 4th paragraph means _______.

A.deep understanding between the old and the young
B.part of the sea going far in land
C.free talks between mother and daughter
D.different ideas between mother and daughter

What did mother do with her daughter’s letter asking for forgiveness?

A.She read the letter again and again till she died.
B.For years, she often talked about the letter.
C.She didn’t forgive her daughter at all in her life.
D.She had never received the letter.

What’s the best title of the passage?

A.My Letter to Mother
B.Mother and Children
C.My Mother’s Desk
D.Talks Between Mother and Me
来源:专题28 阅读理解 人生百味类 (压轴题)
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Droughts (干旱)are common in Kenya . Before ,they came every 10 years ,but now they seem to be hitting us more often and for a longer time .
We gave the droughts names :“longoza”was the drought when many animals died ; there was the drought of the “planes” because food was dropped from the air by planes; and one particularly bad drought was called “ man who dies with his money in his fist (拳头)”,because ,even if there was money , there was simply no food to buy .
I was born in 1951 in Machakos. From what my mother tells me , when I was 7, there was a serious drought . I clearly remember the terrible weather and the hunger. I can’t tell you how many times I went to bed without eating . “ I slept like that ,” is how we described it . I can’t count the number of days when “ I slept like that,” or describe the feeling of going to sleep hungry ,knowing I’d wake up and there would still be no food for breakfast.
My father would leave early in the morning carrying a little basket to ask for food on credit (赊欠). Each night he would return home around 10:00p.m. My mother would try to encourage me by telling me to keep the water in our pot boiling so that when my father arrived we could quickly cook any food he brought in the already prepared water . I would keep the fire burning and the water boiling , along with the hopes that we would eat that night. But my father would arrive frustrated and empty -handed. And I would sleep like that.
The best title for the text is ________.

A.A Hungry Childhood Caused by Droughts
B.Food and Hunger
C.Protecting the Environment
D.Droughts and Their Names

What does the drought of the “ longoza”refer to (指代)?

A.Many animals needed food dropped by planes.
B.People had to eat animals because of hunger.
C.Many animals died because of the droughts.
D.People died of hunger even if they had money.

Why would the author keep the fire burning and the water boiling?

A.To wait for her father to come back to have supper.
B.To cook the food that her father would bring back.
C.To keep her house warm all night.
D.To make her hungry mother happy.

The sentence “I slept like that ” means “ ________.”

A.I was disappointed when my father came back empty-handed
B.I felt sorry because my family got hungry again
C.I went to sleep with no food for breakfast.
D.I went to bed with nothing to eat
来源:专题28 阅读理解 人生百味类 (压轴题)
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Most students have biology classes in the classrooms or the labs in China.But several days ago,I had a biology class outside in my American schoo1.
My biology teacher,Mr.Kwak,divided us into three groups and asked us to play a game about natural selection(选择)and how birds find food.
He gave the first group one spoon per person,the second group forks and my group"knives.I thought we were going hunting,so knives might work better.Surprisingly,he told us to pick up the beans on the grass with our tools.
When the game started all of us ran to the grass area.We squatted(蹲)down and looked for beans.It was hard to pick up something that small,especially from the grass .
When I almost fired a bean,it dropped back to the ground.When I finally picked up several beans.one of my friends ran into me.I couldn’t keep my balance and fell over.All my beans dropped to the ground!Just at that moment,Mr.Kwak called us back.I had to leave the game and of course I got a bad result.I couldn’t help thinking that if I were a bird living on Galapagos Island,I would be dead soon.
The fun game made me realize that natural selection is redly competitive(竞争的).Everyone is trying his or her best to—survive
What did the writer’s group use to pick up the beans?

A.Spoons. B.Forks. C.Knives. D.Hands.

How many beans did the writer get at last?

A.None. B.One. C.Several. D.Many.

Which of the following is TRUE?

A.The writer did a good job in the biology class.
B.The writer had a biology class outside their schoo1.
C.The writer found that picking up the beans from the grass was hard.
D.The writer didn’t find enough food for the birds on Galapagos Island.

What’s the meaning of the underlined word“survive’’in the last paragraph?

A.Find food. B.Remain alive.
C.Be lovely. D.Keep balanced.

What was the aim of Mr.Kwak’s class?

A.To play an interesting game.
B.To pick up the beans.
C.To know different kinds of birds.
D.To learn natural selection.
来源:专题28 阅读理解 人生百味类 (压轴题)
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Today the word friendship has been used so often that it has lost its meaning. Some jokingly or seriously say that friends are made to be used. It makes me very sad.
True friendship doesn’t mean that when you need your friend’s help,you will treat him to dinner,and when you have to protect yourself,you will put your friends in a difficult situation.
In fact,true friendship is the communication and understanding of the hearts(心).
True friendship is like water. Compared wish decent wine,water is tasteless,but is of great help when we are thirsty. True friends don’t need to be with each other every day,but are connected in heart every minute.
True friendship is like medicine. Though it is bitter,it cures your illness. True friends give you some suggestions even if they know you would not take. They criticize you when others have a good word for you,not because of envy but worrying that you may lose your cool head.
True friendship has nothing to do with fame,power or money. True friends would often watch you silently far away when you are influential,but come to you whenever you need their help. You’re not his stepping-stone to success,but are his crutch to live through difficulties.
True friends make you complete. Many persons go along with you through your life─your parents,your spouse,and your children,who take care of you and make your life happy. However,you still need someone who understands your thoughts and souls. Without them,you are likely to be unhealthy in spirit.
True friends stay in your heart,rather than at your side;they know you more than yourself,and try to better you.
Once you have found such a true friend,do treasure(珍惜)him. If your true friend disappears,how can you make the sound of your heart understood?
The writer feels sad because some people           .

A.don’t understand friendship
B.make wrong friends
C.don’t treasure friendship
D.blame their friends

The writer speaks of water because           .

A.it has no taste
B.it is important to our life
C.it is easy to get
D.it stays with us every day

The underlined word“influential”in Paragraph 5 means“          ”.

A.busy B.quiet
C.helpful D.powerful

According to the passage,true friends may help you            .

A.enjoy mental health B.achieve success
C.understand them better D.live a happy life
来源:专题28 阅读理解 人生百味类 (压轴题)
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One day when Jack was walking inthe park, he saw a woman he knew sitting on a bench(长椅)with a dog beside her. The dog was looking up at the woman.
Jack walked up to the woman and said, “Hello. Sue, how are you? May I sit and talk with you for a while?”
“Of course, please sit down,”Sue said.
Jack sat down next to Sue on the bench, and they talked quietly together.
The dog continued to look up at Sue, as if waiting to be fed.
“That's a nice dog”Jack said, pointing(指向)at the animal.
“Yes, he's handsome. He's a bit of a mixture(混合) but that's not a bad thing.
He's strong and healthy”
“And hungry,” Jack said. “He hasn't taken his eyes off you. He thinks you've got
some food for him.”
“That's true,”Sue said, But I haven’t.”
The two friends laughed and then Jack said, “Does your dog bite?”
“No,” Sue said. “He's never bitten anyone. He's always gentle and good-tempered
Hearing this, Jack decided to pet the dog. He put out his hand and touched the
animal's head. Immediately it jumped up and bit him.
“Hey!” Jack shouted. “You said he didn't bite.”
“No, I didn't,”Sue replied.  “You asked,if my dog bit, and I said no.
What did Jack do when he saw the woman?

A.He walked past her.
B.He asked to sit next to her.
C.He spoke angrily to her.
D.He spoke to her dog.

The dog looked_________.

A.angrily at Jack B.sick
C.as if he would bite Sue D.hungry

Jack thought that the dog

A.was ill B.belonged to Sue
C.was terrible D.belonged in a zoo

The underlined word “pet” should be ______________in Chinese.

A.宠物 B.喜欢
C.敲打 D.抚摸

From the story, we can know______________.

A.Jack and Sue talked about the same dog
B.Jack asked Sue a right question
C.Jack was bitten by Sue's dog
D.Jack asked Sue a wrong question
来源:专题28 阅读理解 人生百味类 (压轴题)
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Once there was a huge apple tree. A little boy loved to come and play around it every day. He loved the tree and the tree loved to play with him.
Time went by --- the little boy had grown up and he no longer played around the tree every day. One day, the boy came back to the tree and he looked sad. “Come and play with me,” the tree asked the boy. “I’m no longer a kid. I wouldn’t play around the tree any more.” the boy replied. “I want toys. I need money to buy them.” “Sorry, I don’t have money. But you can pick all my apples and sell them. So, you will have money.” The boy picked all the apples on the tree and left happily. The boy never came back after he picked the apples.
One day, the boy returned and the tree was so excited, “Come and play with me,” the tree said. “I don’t have time to play. I have to work for my family. We need a house for shelter. Can you help?” “Sorry, I don’t have a house. But you can cut off my branches to build your house.” So the boy cut all the branches off the tree and left happily. The tree was glad to see him happy but the boy never came back since then. The tree was again lonely and sad.
One hot summer day, the boy returned and the tree was pleased. “Come and play with me!” the tree said. “I am sad and getting old. I want to go sailing to relax myself. Can you give me a boat?” “Use my trunk to build your boat. You can sail far away and be happy.” So the boy cut the tree trunk to make a boat. He went sailing and never showed up for a long time.
Finally, the boy returned after he left for so many years. “Sorry, my boy. But I don’t have anything for you any more. The only thing left is my dying root,” the tree said with tears ①
“Good! Old tree root is the best place to lean on and rest. Come and sit down with me and rest.” The boy sat down and the tree was glad and smiled with tears ② ----
---Why did the boy pick all the apples on the tree?
----Because __________.

A.he wanted to eat them
B.he needed money to buy toys
C.he liked the tree without apples
D.he wanted to share them with friends.

----When did the boy come back to the apple tree?
----He came back _________.

A.whenever he was happy
B.if he missed the apple tree
C.when he was in times of difficulty
D.as soon as he was free

----What did the boy want at last?
----He wanted ___________.

A.to have a house to live in
B.nothing except a place to rest
C.the root of the apple tree
D.anything that the apple tree had

----What can we learn from the story?
----We should _________.

A.plant more apple trees B.learn from the boy
C.always stay at home D.be thankful to our parents

According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.The phrase “with tears ①” means that the apple tree was sad because the boy asked for too much.
B.The phrase “with tears ②” means that the apple tree was still happy because she could help the boy for the last time.
C.Each time the boy asked the apple tree for help, the tree tried her best to satisfy him.
D.After reading the passage, we can easily think of the old Chinese saying “Parents’ love is universal!”
来源:专题28 阅读理解 人生百味类 (压轴题)
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In a cold winter, a couple had to move out of their big house because of bankruptcy(破产). The husband worked day and night but with no care of his wife. So she thought, “He doesn’t love me any more; he just thinks about his work.”
One day, she wanted to take a shower, but her husband stopped her at the door. “Let me take it first, OK?” “Why not let me take it first?” she asked. “I’m tired, dear. You take it later, OK?” She was very sad.
On a rainy day, she found nothing to do and turned on his computer. After a few minutes, her eyes were full of tears...it was his diary:
Today, I was quite sad. She asked me why I was always taking the shower first, and I said I was tired. She was unhappy. I wasn’t as rich as before! We moved to the small house and it was very cold. I found that if one person took the shower first, the bathroom could get a little warmer. So I always rushed to the bathroom first. When she took the shower, the bathroom could get warmer, at least 1°C. I can’t give her more, but at least I can give her 1°C love.
The couple moved out of their house ________.

A.on a rainy day
B.in a cold winter
C.when the husband lost his work
D.when the wife saw her husband’s diary

The woman thought her husband didn’t love her because ________.

A.he didn’t buy her beautiful clothes
B.he didn’t have enough money
C.he always worked with no care of her
D.he had another woman

The woman’s eyes were full of tears because ________.

A.she felt sad by her husband’s words
B.the rainy day made her sad
C.her eyes were hurt by the computer
D.she was moved by her husband’s diary

The man wanted to take the shower first because ________.

A.he was tired and wanted to sleep earlier
B.he wanted to make the bathroom warmer
C.he wasn’t as strong as before
D.he couldn’t stand the cold winter

From the reading, we know that ________.

A.the man loved his wife very much
B.the woman didn’t love her husband any more
C.the man was very poor before
D.the woman had no job
来源:专题28 阅读理解 人生百味类 (压轴题)
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

【2013年江苏徐州】The class teacher thought that hobbies were important for children. So she encouraged all her students to have one, and sometimes she arranged hobby shows for their parents to see as a result.
One morning the teacher told the class to have a holiday and get their hobby things to school before 5p.m. A hobby show would be held the following afternoon.
So in the afternoon, the students with nothing to show did their lessons at school as usual, while the lucky ones had a holiday to go home for their hobby works.
When the afternoon lessons began, the teacher was surprised to see that Tommy was not there. “I don’t believe Tommy has a hobby,” she thought. However, at a quarter to five, Tommy arrived with a beautiful collection of butterflies in glass cases. The teacher liked the samples(标本) very much and put them on a desk in the classroom. But, to her surprise, Tommy picked them up again and began to leave.
“What are you doing, Tommy?” she asked. “Those things must stay here until tomorrow afternoon. That’s when the parents are coming to see them.”
“I know that,” answered Tommy, “and I will bring them back tomorrow, but my big brother doesn’t want them to be out of our house at night.”
“But, aren’t the butterflies yours?” asked the teacher.
“No,” answered Tommy. “They are my brother’s”
“But Tommy, you should show your own hobby here, not somebody else’s”
“I know that,” answered Tommy. What surprised her most was the answer, “My hobby is watching my brother collecting butterflies.”
What did the class teacher think of hobbies for children?

A.Unwelcome B.Hopeless
C.Harmful D.Important

What time did Tommy get back to school that afternoon?

What would NOT happen the following afternoon?

A.The parents would enjoy the show in the classroom
B.Tommy would bring the butterflies back
C.The teacher would encourage her students for hobbies
D.The butterflies would fly away

Which was the teacher’s greatest surprise?

A.Tommy was not at school as usual
B.Tommy picked the butterflies up again and began to leave
C.Tommy said his hobby was watching his brother collecting butterflies
D.Tommy came back to school before 5 that afternoon

What’s the best title for this passage?

A.Important Hobbies B.Tommy’s Hobby
C.Different Hobbies D.Collecting Butterflies
来源:专题28 阅读理解 人生百味类 (压轴题)
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I bought a jasmine plant for my office. When I bought it, I was told it would bloom(开花) and the sweet smell would fill my office. I had the plant for two months, and every day I looked at it, but there weren't any flowers or pleasant smell. I was not happy, so I gave the plant to my friend Linda.
One day, another friend Mary called and invited me to her office. When I walked in, her jasmine flowers surprised me. I reached out to touch the flowers. Mary cut some and gave them to me. I couldn't help smelling them. Surrounded by the sweet smell of only a handful of these flowers, I suddenly understood something.
Mary bought her plant the same time I did. It took a year for her jasmine to bloom. I was so impatient for mine to bloom; regretfully, I gave it away.
In a way my life is like the jasmine plant. I need to be patient and let things happen.
Last Sunday Linda told me that she was going abroad the next week. Before she left, she returned the plant to me. This time I am going to wait. I have learned that when we want something in our life, we have to be patient. I am slowly learning to have that patience to wait for my jasmine to bloom.

Before she gave the jasmine away, the writer had it for               .

A.one day B.one year
C.two weeks D.two months

When the writer saw Mary's jasmine, she felt____________ .

A.unhappy B.peaceful
C.hopeful D.surprised

What has the writer learned from her experience?

A.Patience is needed in life.
B.Flowers can make life better.
C.Friendship is necessary for us.
D.Jasmine can be a wonderful plant.
来源:专题28 阅读理解 人生百味类 (压轴题)
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Saturday, June 16th
In the morning, we went camping along a path in Green Natural Park. We were happy because it was a sunny day. We were expecting an enjoyable two-day holiday. On the way, we kept singing and making jokes.
However, in the afternoon, when we finished our picnic at one o’clock, it was dark and windy. Soon, there was a shower. Unluckily, none of us brought an umbrella. We ran about but we could find no place to hide.
Twenty minutes passed and it was still raining, There were hours to go before we reached the campsite (野营地). It was even worse that our small compass (指南针) showed that we went to the wrong way. We had lost our way!
We had to make a quick decision as it was raining heavily. Chris said we could set up a tent to hide in, so Mary and Tom helped to set up the tent. Chris and I tried to make a fire to keep us warm. But we were unable to light the fire, as everything was wet. We dried ourselves, chatted and waited inside the tent. At about five o’clock, it stopped raining. We decided to give up the camping trip because all of us had been very tired.
This camping trip may not be very successful but we know each other better. And the most important thing I’ve learned from this trip is the importance of team spirit.
The writer went camping in Green Natural Park             .

A.for 4 hou B.for 2 days
C.in June D.in the afternoon

It was even worse that they             .

A.had no picnic
B.lost their way
C.couldn’t light the fire
D.couldn’t know each other

Chris suggested that they should              in the rain.

A.set up a tent B.reach the campsite
C.keep singing D.find a place to hide

Which of the following is NOT true?

A.It was sunny in the morning.
B.None of them had an umbrella.
C.They gave up the camping at last.
D.They ran about to dry themselves.

The writer has learned the importance of              from the trip.

A.making a decision B.working together
C.enjoying holidays D.taking a compass
来源:专题28 阅读理解 人生百味类 (压轴题)
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A teenage girl couldn’t stand her parents’ family rules, so she left home.
She wanted to be famous. But she had poor education and several years later she had toaskfor food on the street for a living. Now her father has died. Her mother is an oldwoman. But she is still looking for her daughter. She has been to every corner of the city. Everywhere she goes, sheputs up a big photo of herself on the wall. At the lower part of the photo she writes,“I still love you . . . , come back home!”
One day, the daughtersawone of the photos. The face was familiar(熟悉).“Is that my mother?”she moved closer and read the words“I still love you ...”She cried. When she got home, it was early morning. She knocked on the door. The door opened itself. She rushed to her mother’s bedroom. Her mother was sleeping. She woke her mother up,“It’s me! Your daughter is backhome!”The mother and daughter held each other, full of happy tears. The daughterasked,“Why is the door not locked? A thief could get in.”The mother answered softly,“The door has never been locked since you left.”
Thedoorof parents’ love for their children will never be closed.
The girl left home because her parents were cruel to her.
No money caused the girl couldn’t be famous.
The motherput up her daughter’s photo on the wall so that she could find her daughter .
When the girl came backhome, she couldn’t wait to see her mother.
From the story we know that parents love their children forever at any time.

来源:专题28 阅读理解 人生百味类 (压轴题)
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知