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Do you know the poem Song of the Great Wind? Its(1)   is Liu Bang, who was the first emperor of the Han Dynasty (206BC﹣ 220AD). Born into a(2)   farmer's family,Liu didn't go to school for long, but he still wanted to do something(3)   . In his thirties, he became a village official. In his forties, he became the leader of an army. In his fifties, he became the emperor. During all these years, he(4)   many difficulties and won many wars. His life was exciting and successful, just as his poem Song of the Great Wind shows us. Liu wrote this poem when he went back to his hometown(5)   an emperor. During a meeting, Liu remembered the old days and felt sad. He read this poem aloud for all to hear.

(1)A. reader

B. special

C. writer


B. poor

C. rich

(3)A. great

B. good

C. interesting

(4)A. had

B. met

C. overcame

(5)A. like

B. as

C. for

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Mother's Day is always a fun time at my house every year.This year is no exception.My brother and I want our mom to feel(1)   by giving her a day off from family chores.In the morning,I woke up before everyone else to hang up a poster that(2)   __  "Happy Mother's Day!".My dad also got up(3)   and helped set up a rose bouquet in a vase.

When my mom woke up, she read cards we laid out next to her bed with a big smile.While she was watching the morning news with my dad, it was time to(4)   my cooking skills.I made some delicious food with my brother's help. My mom and I love board games, so after a short(5)   around the neighborhood, we played all of her favorites. In my family,playing a fun board game turns into a big(6)   and can become very heated. One of us always becomes a sore loser after being beaten in the game. The afternoon games made all of us tired. A delicious takeout dinner from my mom's favorite restaurant(7)   __  us. The festivities(8)   with ice cream and more quality family time, while watching one of my mom's favorite movies from her teenage years.

It was such a(9)   day, and it was great to be able to show my mom how much we appreciate her and thank her for(10)   she does for our family. Mother's Day should be every day.

(1)A. free

B. special

C. normal

(2)A. said

B. wrote

C. recorded

(3)A. late

B. slowly

C. early

(4)A. show

B. practice

C. improve

(5)A. talk

B. walk

C. rest


B. discussion

C. competition

(7)A. relaxed

B. excited

C. surprised

(8)A. started

B. ended

C. continued

(9)A. happy

B. busy

C. tiring

(10)A. whom

B. that

C. what

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

This Side of Wild (2015)

Written by Gary Paulsen, US

If you are interested in nature and animas, this book is for you! It tells the true stories of animals the writer loved and that changed his life for the better. You'll be surprised to find out that one animal even saved his life.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Old School (2015)

Written by Jeff Kinney, US

Greg Hefley, a middle school student,is facing new problems.His town decides that everyone should stop using all electronics! This book shows that while there are always going to be a few bumps in the road, you can still laugh about them.

A Tale of Highly Unusual Magic (2015)

Written by Lisa Papademetriou, US

Kai and Leila live in different countries. One day, they both find copies of a book called The Exquisite Corpse. The book is blank, but when they write in il, it starts to write a whole story on its own. This is a great book and you should be prepared for a major plot twist.,

(1)If you love nature and animals, which book will you probably choose?   


This Side of Wild,


Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Old School.


A Tale of Highly Unusual Magic.

(2)What is Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Old School mainly about?   


How to stop using electrics.


How to pass bumps in roads.


How to deal with difficulties.

(3)What do we know about the three books?   


They had the same background.


They came out in the same year.


They were written by the same author.

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Can a one﹣armed person still play basketball? You might not think so when you see ﹣Zhang Jiacheng play.

The single﹣armed 13﹣year﹣old from Guangdong has recently become an internet sensation.Featuring his dribbling skills and powerful underarm shot, his basketball videos have been viewed by more than 50 million people. Zhang even drew the attention of NBA superstar Steven Curry.

"You are an inspiration, you don't take 'no' for an answer, you find the way to go through difficult times and get out there on the basketball court(球场)," Curry said in a video posted on Sina Weibo.

However, it wasn't easy for Zhang to step onto the court.At the age of five, Zhang lost his right arm in an accident at an oil mill. Although it was difficult at first, Zhang gradually got used to eating and getting dressed on his own. He also keeps up with his studies in school and helps his family with chores.

In the summer of 2018, Zhang first discovered his love for the sport when he attended a basketball course in his school. Soon, he was rarely seen without a ball in his hand, even dribbling at home in the living room. He also practiced basketball in PE class. When the class was learning how to skip rope, which takes two hands, he asked his teacher to permit him to do basketball training instead.

He's gotten a lot of attention since then. Zhang said, "With the encouragement of all these people, I feel like I have to try harder to live up to people's expectations. I will do better and become better."

(1)When did Zhang Jiacheng become disabled?   


Eight years ago.


In his teens.


In summer, 2018.

(2)What is the right order according to the story?   

a. He learned to dress himself with one arm.

b. He attended a basketball course in his school.

c. He drew much attention at home and abroad.

d. He lost his right arm in an accident at an oil mill.

e. He practiced basketball skills anytime and anywhere.







(3)What can we infer from Steven Curry's words about Zhang Jiacheng?   


Curry felt sorry for Zhang's sad life experiences.


Curry thought highly of Zhang's fighting against bad luck.


Cury admired Zhang's dribbling skills and powerful shots.

(4)What is the author's purpose in writing the text?   


To introduce Zhang's school life.


To describe Zhang's growing process.


To tell Zhang's efforts to follow his dream.

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  • 难度:未知

Kermit the Frog, a popular puppet character from US ﹣kids show Sesame Street,is probably most well﹣known for saying, "It's not easy being green." Well, our famous frog friend won't have to worry much longer! It seems that the color green is coming back in style in 2020.

Based on fashion collections made for spring/summer 2020, it is clear that major brands have been inspiredby nature's beauty. The new designs have a variety of leaf prints and floral fashion.

This new trend in seeing the color green as fashionable shouldn't come as a surprise,though. The popularity of the color has actually been growing for a while now. In 2017,Pantonenamed Greenery its color of the year as a symbol of new beginnings.

Green is a strong fashion trend for 2020 and it seems like it is here to stay, According to the famous Dutch trend forecastet, Li Èdelkoort. green, will be a major color of the 10 years. She believes the new" Green Wave"is connected with a hunger for nature. "The need for green is so powerful that it will turn around fashion and design without any doubt…it is impossible to ignore,"Edelkoort writes on her company website describing the new trend.

There is much more to green than it being just a color. Edelkoort continues, "But maybe the most important thing about green is its capacity to bring joy," Maybe it's easier to be green

than Kermit originally thought.

(1)What can we learn about Kermit the Frog?   


He thinks it difficult to be green!


He is a popular kid actor in America.


He predicts green will be popular in 2020.

(2)What does the underlined word inspiredin paragraph 2 mean?   


A 启发





(3)What does Li Edelkoort think of green?   


Green will become popular in 10 years.


Green will make no difference to people's life.


Green will be an important part of people's life,

(4)Where is the text probably from?   


A guidebook.


A magazine.


A novel.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When it comes to long, distance space travel, the biggest, problem is that spaceships can only get as far as the fuel onboard allows. In 1964, a British writer Clarke came up with the idea of "solar sailing" in his science fiction. He wrote of large, mirror﹣like sails that collect power from the sun and free spaceships from the limitation of fuel.

This sci﹣fi idea was first successful brought to reality in 2010 by Japan's IKAROS satellite.Ever since then, the technology has improved mission by mission, with the latest being NASA's Advanced Composite Solar Sail 3(ACS3). NASA has recently announced that it's going to team up with Lithuania's satellite﹣building company NanoAvionics to test its new sail ﹣in low﹣Earth orbit.

To many, a solar sail may look like a giant solar panel, but it actually works very differently.While solar panels take in energy from the sun and change it into power, solar sails use Photons given off by the sun to create direct power. Besides, solar panels are big and heavy to carry, while solar sails are just the opposite.

According to Abbott, the CEO of NanoAvionics, the upcoming low﹣Earth orbit trial with NASA, if successful, will be followed with deep﹣space missions that involve larger solar sails. Theseare ideal for low﹣cost and long﹣distance space travel because fuel will no longer be a problem.

"It started as a sci﹣fi dream," Popular Mechanics reporter Jennifer Leman wrote. "Now it could be the future of space flight."

(1)What can we say about solar sailing according to the first two paragraphs?   


It was widely used in space travel.


It was tried by IKAROS satellite.


It was from the creative idea by Clarke.

(2)Which of the following words best describe solar sails compared with solar panels?   


Big and heavy.


Small and light.


Powerful and large.

(3)What does the underlined word Thesein paragraph 4 refer to?   


À. Larger solar sails.


Deep﹣space missions.


Long﹣distance space flights.

(4)What is the best title for the text?   


Solar Sail: the Latest Technology


Solar Sail: from Dream to Reality


Solar Sail: a New Kind of Spaceship

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Exercising Together

Pets are great for our general health, and happiness. Dog owners especially benefit from increased levels of exercise.(1)   

Dogs as personal trainers

Dog owners generally exercise more, and this has positive effects on their health over the long term. (2)   Also, they can make their owners want to get up and go.


Walking with a dog can help people,particularly women,feel safer.(3)   walking with a dog can also improve social communication with other people.

Health benefits

(4)   Simply taking your dog for a daily half﹣hour walk is a great way to bum kilojoules.It can also let you clear your head of the worries of the day and enjoy the company of others.

Good for dog

Regular exercise with dogs isn't just great for owners,and our dogs benefit as well.It helps keep them mentally and physically healthy just like their owners.

Other pets

(5)   Cats, birds and fish can all help to reduce loneliness and stress, meaning pets owners visit the doctor less often than non﹣pet owners. Now that's a real benefit.

A. Walking is good for our health.

B. Other pets can get some benefits from owners.

C. Dr.Katrina shares her advice about exercising with pets.

D. Other pets can have a good influence on owners besides dogs.

E. These findings suggest dogs are almost like personal trainers.

F. This in turn can encourage owners to exercise more regularly.

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There are 12 months in a year. And D   is the twelfth month of a year.

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I p   reading books at home to hanging out with friends every weekend.

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Tom has many hobbies, i   hiking and running.

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My son is so c   that he often leaves his homework at home.

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There's no need for you to worry about f   your driving test because you have prepared well enough.

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Judy was late for class and e   the reason to the teacher.

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Qian Xuesen, the father of China's space program, is generally considered as the greatest s   in China.

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My mother walked into the bedroom q   while my sister was sleeping because she was afraid to wake her up.

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Most of us can't a   to buy the car, for it costs a lot of money.

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The choice is important. You should think about it carefully before you make the final d  

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You're probably used to getting take﹣away delivered to your home these days. But the first pizza delivery in history took place nearly 150 years(1)   in Italy.

In 1878, Margherita became the first queen of Italy. Gradually, the queen got tired(2)   eating "fancy" meals and wanted to eat "common" food.Esposito,the most famous pizza chef at that time,was asked to deliver a pizza to the queen.He(3)   (quick)prepared a pizza with red tomatoes,white cheese and green basil, which stood for the colors/ of Italy's new(4)   (nation) flag.As soon as the pizza was out of the oven, he delivered it to the queen (5)   . (him).The queen had never eaten pizza and said it was one of the(6)   (good) things she'd ever eaten.Esposito named the pizza after the queen, and it has been served in nearly every pizza restaurant in the world ever since;

Today, pizza is still popular with people around the world. In 1973, US Domino's Pizza company promised(7)   (take) pizzas to customers in "30 minutes or less". If the pizza was late, it would be free. Another US pizza company offers a "Hot﹣N﹣Ready" pizza at all its(8)   (store).

These pizzas(9)   (cook)around the clock so that there are always fresh pizzas available.Go to the store, paying ﹩6 (10)   you'll walk out with a fresh pizza with no waiting time.

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参考词汇:新冠病毒COVID﹣19 传单 leaflet 口罩mask

Dear Li Ming,

   How's it going? I'm writing__________________.

   I'm looking forward to your joining.


Li Hua

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