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---What do you think of A Bite of China on CCTV?
---It's one of _______ best programs that I've ever seen.
A.a          B.the       C./

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It was reported that China's first moon car “Yutu" landed on the moon successfully _______December 14, 2013.
A.in         B.on        C.at

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—Which drink would you like,  fruit juice or milk?
—_______, because I have a stomachache.
A. Neither     B. Either       C. Both

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--- Do you know if Tom_______ to Lily’s birthday party last Sunday?
--- Sorry, I've no idea.
A. is invited
B. was invited
C. invited

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The year of 2013 saw the_______ air pollution in China for 52 years.
A. bad        B. worse       C. worst

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--- Hi, David. _______do you go to see your grandparents?
---About three times a month.
A. How long
B. How often
C. How soon

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The telephone rang_______ Jenny was practicing the violin.
A. until       B. before         C. while

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Look at the sign _______! We shouldn't park our car here.

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According to the new family planning policy in China, a couple can have a_______child if one of them is an only child.
A. two        B. second      C. twice

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--- Can I use the bike_______ you bought yesterday?
--- Certainly.
A. what       B. which       C. who

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Although the old man has been away from his hometown for years, he still speaks Chinese with a strong_______ of Putian.
A. accent
B. pronunciation
C. voice

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The Jiuli Lake is so beautiful that lots of tourists _______wait to enjoy its view.
A. needn' t     B. mustn' t   C. can' t

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The sun is shining brightly outside. You’d better _______your hat.
A. put on
B. put away
C. put off

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---Shall we go to see the movie FROZEN this evening?
---_______, but I'Ⅱ have an exam tomorrow.
A. No way
B. Sounds great
C. Not at all

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--- Can you tell me ______________.
---Next weekend.
A. when they will visit Guanghua Temple
B. how will they visit Guanghua Temple
C. why they will visit Guanghua Temple

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A: I hear there is a fashion show in Wanda Square. Let's go there together.
B: Good idea.  
A: No, I’ve never been there before.   
Excuse me, where is Wanda Square?
C:     It ' s about 200 meters along on your right. It ' s a little too far. You’d better take a bus.
C: You can take either the No. 2 bus or the No. 28 bus.
A: I see. Thanks a lot.

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A successful man said, “Find a dream and do whatever it takes to make it come true.”
A young man didn’t know how to face his work.  One day he was sitting in a park watching squirrels(松鼠) run in the trees.  Suddenly, a squirrel jumped from one high tree to another. It seemed to    for a branch(树枝)  so far out of reach that the jump looked impossible.  And sure enough, the squirrel      .  But it still landed safely on a branch several feet lower. Then it just climbed up a little higher and reached the branch it really    .
An old man sitting near the young man said, “It’s    . I have seen a lot of squirrels jump like that. A lot of them miss, but I have never seen one of them get hurt. I guess they have got to risk(冒险) it if they don' t want to spend their whole life   one tree. ” Then the young man thought, "If a little squirrel is    to take a chance, do I have less       than a squirrel?"
At that moment he decided to take a risk he had been thinking about. And sure enough, he landed safely in a position he    thought possible.
Shoot(飞奔) for the moon.    you miss, you will land among the stars, and you will still end up higher and better than    you are now. Since life is short and time goes by so fast, why not make it the best one possible?

A.search B.care C.aim D.stand

A.succeeded B.fell C.missed D.appeared

A.rested B.liked C.discovered D.wanted

A.dangerous B.funny C.exciting D.boring

A.in B.on C.at D.by

A.afraid B.ready C.nervous D.lucky

A.chance B.time C.sense D.courage

A.never B.always C.still D.sometimes

A.As if B.Even if C.As long as D.As soon as

A.how B.who C.where D.what

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Dr. Wade is my hero. He saved my life when I could have died.  He saved lots of children’ s lives. He worked hard and studied a lot to get the job he has got now. He has done very difficult operations. He has to work almost every day at the hospital. He has studied the heart and got his MD(医学博士)at Queens University. He is a great doctor and he is easy to talk to.
He is willing to take a risk to save someone’s life.  He saved my life from a heart attack when I was in hospital.  He worked very hard to find out what exactly was wrong with my heart and why it wasn’t working properly.
He went out of his way for someone like me and my parents, because he had to explain to them what was wrong with me and did lots of different tests to find the medicine to cure me. His life has made a difference in the lives of others. I saw him look after many other children in hospital and help them get well. Also, he is always there helping by teaching other doctors about being heart specialists(专家). He works very hard to keep others alive. You can phone him anytime and he will phone you back as soon as possible to see how he can help you. He has a group of medical workers who make his appointments(预约)  and make sure you get the medicine that Dr. Wade tells them to give you.
From the passage, we know that the writer once got a(n) _______.

A.lung B.heart
C.eye D.stomach

The doctor got his MD at_______.

A.Tsinghua University B.Harvard University
C.Queens University D.Beijing University

The underlined phrase "went out of his way" probably means_______.

A.宽以待人 B.竭尽全力
C.马虎应付 D.黔驴技穷

We can learn from the passage that the doctor_______.

A.was difficult to talk with
B.saved the writer’s life easily
C.helped several doctors become heart specialists
D.wasn’ t willing to save some serious patients

Which one of the following sentences is WRONG?

A.Dr. Wade is the writer’s hero.
B.The doctor saved the writer’s life.
C.The doctor saved many children’s lives.
D.The doctor saved the lives of the writer’s parents.
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If you work as a driver in the restaurant, you may work_______.

A.in the afternoon B.in the evening
C.every day D.on weekends

Ann wants to buy a house in the south of the city, she will call_______.

A.2771255 B.2395078
C.2798432 D.2221223

Customers with the Meizhou Daily will get a small present from_______.

A.Puxian Theatre B.Xinhua Restaurant
C.Meizhou Daily D.Yonghui Supermarket

Lin Ning is a school boy.  He would like to go to Rose’s concert with his parents.  How much will they pay for the tickets?

A.¥80. B.¥160. C.¥240. D.¥400.

From the messages above, we can learn that_______.

A.the wanted driver needn’t pay for his meals
B.the house for sale costs more than l.2 million
C.you can go to the new Yonghui Supermarket on July 5th
D.we can enjoy Rose’s concert in Puxian Theatre in the evening
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What do people usually put in their living rooms? Perhaps you will think of something such as a TV, a coffee table or a sofa. But French designers Mathieu Lehanneur and Anthony van den Bossche didn’t think that was enough. They wanted to add something new in people’s living rooms. So they created a do-it-yourself ecosystem(生态系统) named “Local River”. The system lets its owner grow fish and plants inside tanks (缸) in their living rooms.
In the DIY fish and gardening ecosystem, the plants on top of the tank feed on the waste of the fish below. It makes the water clean so the fish can go on living. In this way, the fish and plants in the“Local River”can keep the balanced environment,  and only need a little help from the owner. The system is also called “fridge-aquarium(冰箱水族馆) ”by some people because owners can use the fish and plants as food. That is to say, owners are able to grow fish and plants within the "Local River" before eating them. Almost any plant can grow on top of the tanks and most freshwater fish are able to live in the tanks below.
The“Local River”ecosystem from Paris comes in small and large models. It is a relaxing thing to have in your home.

From the passage we know the system lets its owner grow_______.

A.fish and plants B.fish and crops
C.plants and tortoises D.flowers and grass

The plants of the system feed on_______.

A.the fish B.the water
C.the fish waste D.the fish food

Why is the system called “fridge-aquarium” by some people?

A.Because the tank can be put in the fridge.
B.Because owners can grow fish and plants in it.
C.Because owners can eat the fish and plants in it.
D.Because owners can grow and eat the fish and plants in it.

Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. All fish are able to live in the tanks below.
B. The designer Mathieu Lehanneur comes from France.
C: The "Local River" can keep the balanced environment by itself.
D. In the DIY fish and gardening ecosystem, the plants grow under the tank.
What is the best title of the passage?

A.Fish and Plants
C.Balanced Environment
D.“Local River”Ecosystem
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  • 难度:未知

Build a good home learning environment.
School is not the only place for study.     It is important to provide a workplace of their own, so that they can read books or just write a letter to their friends.
 Kitchen and dining room are not suitable for regular study, because books and pens get in the way of daily uses of those areas. Find a place where a child can leave his papers and pens without having to clear everything away every night. For a child that likes being alone, give him a comer in his bedroom.   
Keep things in order.
 Parents should encourage their children to leave them neat and orderly when they aren’t using their workplaces. It is important for the children to have room for themselves. The workplace should be personal, but not another part of the playroom.
 Encourage the whole family to help support the environment that children need for success at school. Give them a good example of how to deal with problems, how to manage time and how to get things done in the right way.  Study will be more enjoyable when it is supported by the whole family.


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American Table Manners
Table manners are different in different countries. What is polite in China may not be polite in the Unite States. These basic rules will help you enjoy western food with your American friends.
When you sit down at the table, always put the napkin on your lap first.
When eating something in a bowl, do not leave the spoon in the bowl. Put it on the plate under the bowl. When you have had your meal, place your knife and fork on the side of your plate.
During the meal, the hostess will offer you a second helping of food. Sometimes she will ask you to help yourself. When she offers you food, give her a direct answer. If you refuse the first time, she might not ask you again.
At the table, ask others to pass you dishes that are out of your reach. Good expressions to know are: “Please pass me the ...” or “Could you hand me the -please?”
The best way to learn good manners is to watch others. Observe (观察) the way your western friends eat. This is the best way to avoid making mistakes when you are unsure of what to do.

The Basic Rules of Table Manners in America
Before the meal
You should put the napkin on your  first.
During the meal
★ If the hostess offers you food, you' d better answer her   . She might ask you just once.
★ You can ask others for help when the dishes are your reach.
After the meal
★ After you have the meal, you should put the  on the side of your plate.
The best way
★ If you don't know how to behave well at table, just  . It works well.
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On the first day of my entering the college, our teacher Mr. Smith introduced himself and got us to know each other. I stood up to look around when a gentle hand ______ (触碰) my shoulder. I turned around to find a little old lady looking at me ______ a smile. She was eighty-seven years old. I was surprised at ______made her take on this challenge at her age. "I always dreamed of having a college ______ (教育) and now I am getting one ! "
At the end of the ______(学期), we invited Rose to speak at our dinner party.  She c______her throat and began, “We don’ t stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing. There are only three keys to s______ young and happy. First, you have to laugh every day. Second, you should have a dream. W______ you lose your dream, you die. Third, have ______regrets.”
At the end of the year, Rose finished all the courses. The wonderful woman taught us that it was never too ______ to be all one could possibly be.

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There used to be a stone bridge________ the river.
Square dance ________ people now.
Alice enjoys watching horse races, but she________ a horse so far.
________your help, I have made great progress in English study.
________, which team do you think will win the 2014 World Cup?

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How can we keep safe when we go out?

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