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51. Children in the west usually wear (特殊的) costumes with masks at Halloween.
52. Zhang Shaohan has a sweet▲ (嗓音), and many of us like listening to her songs.
53. People around the world love    ▲   (和平)and hate wars.
54. As we know,  ▲   (星期一) is the second day of a week.
55. Sorry, I didn’t know you. Would you please speak more    ▲   (清楚地)?
56. Now we are short of water and we should s  ▲   water in our daily life.
57. Peter’s father is very    ▲   (not free), so he does not have much time for his family.
58. My grandpa likes    ▲   (chat) with his friends under the big tree.
59. —Would you like some bananas?
—No, thanks. I    ▲   (eat) one already.
60. The style of this dress is popular, but I don’t like    ▲   (it) colour.
61. What a    ▲   (snow) day! The ground is covered with snow everywhere.
62. July 1st is our Party’s    ▲   (ninety) birthday this year. We Chinese people are going to celebrate it.
63. Beijing is one of    ▲   (beautiful) places in China, and I have been there twice.
64.    ▲   (lucky), they escaped from the burning building with the help of the firemen.
65. We    ▲   (ask) to help our parents do some housework every day.

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Yesterday the workers had to stay at home    ▲   the heavy rain.
Mum, don’t    ▲   me! I can look after myself well now.
Joan is the most practical of us, but she never    ▲  .
You should    ▲   when you are in danger.
Is there    ▲   that I can do for you?

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  • 难度:未知

Simon: Hello, Daniel. The weekend is coming. 71.    ▲  
Daniel: Yes, I’d love to. 72.    ▲  
Simon: What about the Palace Museum? There is a great show there.
Daniel: That’s really a wonderful place to visit. 73.    ▲  
Simon: We can see fine works of art there.
Danile: That sounds great. 74.    ▲   
Simon: The best way is to take the underground. It takes only 20 minutes.
Daniel: All right. 75.    ▲  
Simon: Shall we meet at my home at 8 a.m. tomorrow?
Daniel: OK. See you tomorrow.
Simon: See you.

A: Would you like to go on a trip with me?
B: Who will go with us?
C: How can we go there?
D: When and where shall we meet?
E: Then what can we do there?
F: But where shall we go?
G: Is it a long way to get there?
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填写表格 (每空限填一词)。
How to beat sadness
We all have days when we are down, tired and unhappy. That’s OK. You need days like this, or how would you know you are happy? You’ll enjoy your good days even more when you have a few bad days. Even if sadness is a part of life, let’s try to make it small. Here are a few simple ways to help you feel better when you are feeling sad.
1. Stand up straight and this helps your energy flow (流动). When your energy is flowing freely, you can flow too.
2. Smile! It’s easy to do and have good results. This way can not only leave you in a good mood but also bring others a good mood.
3. Listen to music. It can be your favourite music. Some kinds of music work better than others, so try and find out what kind of music works the best for you.
4. Take some “me” time. You can find pleasure in reading a book, watching a sunrise or having a hot bath, or something like that.
5. Exercise. Even something as simple as taking a walk will get your blood flowing. It is a great way to clear your mind of anything that makes you sad.
These ways will cheer you up when you are down, but don’t just use them when you are sad. Try and practice them every day to make them a habit. You will be surprised to learn that these simple ways will keep your sadness away. But if you are in a deep depression (沮丧), go to see a doctor.
Title: How to beat sadness

● It is OK to feel down, 76.    ▲   and unhappy.
● It is possible to make sadness a small 77.    ▲   of life.
Simple 78.    ▲  
to cheer you up
● Stand up straight so that your 79.    ▲   can flow freely.
● 80.    ▲   at others because it can bring you and others a good mood.
● Listen to your 81.    ▲   music because it works the best.
● 82.    ▲   pleasure in everyday life, such as watching a sunrise.
● Take a walk and you can clear your 83.    ▲   of sad things.
● Try to make these simple ways a 84.    ▲  .
● Go to see a 85.    ▲  when you are in a deep depression.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


1. 作业太多
2. 没有读书习惯
3. 时间花在电脑或网络上
1. 更多地了解世界
2. 学会如何思考
3. 生活更加丰富多彩

注意:1. 词数: 80个左右(开头已给出的内容不记入总词数);
2. 内容必须包括上表中的要点,可适当发挥,但不要逐字翻译;
3. 条理清楚、语句连贯;
At present only a few students do some reading after class. Here are several reasons.

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---Who’s ___________ boy in red, do you know?
---Oh. He’s ___________ friend of Tom.

A.the, a B.an, the C.a, the D.the, an
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In order to stay fit, people pay more attention to their ___________.

A.diet B.experience C.thoughts D.awards
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  • 难度:未知

---I think you can ________ money by yourself to buy a birthday present for your mother.
---OK. I’ll try. I’ll not let a penny waste.

A.spend B.save C.cost D.leave
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  • 难度:未知

---Terra, you shouldn’t be so ___________. You always leave your things here and there.
---Sorry, mom. I’ll put them away soon.

A.terrified B.cheerful C.careless D.frightened
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  • 难度:未知

---You have tried on several shirts.
---Sorry to take up too much of your time. But __________ of them look good on me.

A.neither B.any C.none D.both
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---Tom’s father looks very serious.
---___________ he is very kind.

A.Though B.If C.And D.But
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---All the oil in the world will have __________ some day.
---Yeah. What shall we use for power at that time?

A.given away B.put away C.run out D.set out
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If our parents do everything for us children, we won’t learn to depend on _________.

A.them B.us C.themselves D.ourselves
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Which of the following pictures means “Please don’t make any noise”?

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If it had been fine yesterday, we could have watched that air show. But it _____________ all day.

A.has rained B.had rained C.rained D.rains
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---Look, what have they done?
---Sorry. I think if I __________ another chance, I’ll do it better.

A.give B.will be given C.will give D.am given
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  • 难度:未知

Mr. Smith works with a mobile phone company, but he _____________ for this international meeting, since he is on holiday.

A.works B.is working C.has worked D.had worked
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I’ve become good friends with several of the students in my school __________ I met in the English speech contest last year.

A.who B.where C.when D.which
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---Can you tell me ______________?
---His home is quite far away from the office, I think.

A.when he got up B.where he works
C.why he bought the car D.how he likes his job,
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---Excuse me. Can I take a seat here?
---__________. The woman who sat here will be back soon.

A.We’d better not. B.No, thank you.
C.Yes, please. D.I’m afraid you can’t.
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The teacher stood before his class and was going to hand out the final exam papers. “I know how ___________ (41) you have all worked to prepare for this test,” he said. “And because I know you can do it well, I am willing to offer a B to anyone who would ___________ (42) not to take the test.
Many students jumped up to ___________ (43) the teacher and left the classroom. The teacher looked at the ___________ (44) students and said, “Does anyone else want to get a B? This is your last ___________ (45).” Two more students decided to go.
Seven students remained. The teacher then handed out the ___________ (46). There were only three sentences typed on the paper: Congratulations! You have just ___________ (47) an A in this class. Keep believing in yourself.
I never had a teacher like that, but I think it is a test ___________ (48) any teacher could and should give. Students who are not ___________(49) in what they have learned are B students at best(充其量).
The same is ___________ (50) in real life. The A students are those who believe in what they are doing because they have ___________ (51) both successes and failures. They have learned life’s lessons, either from normal education ___________ (52) from events in their lives, and have become ___________ (53) people.
Scientists say that by the age of eight, 80% of what we believe about ourselves has already been formed. You are a big kid now, and you ___________(54) that you have some limits (限制). However, there is ___________ (55) you can’t do or learn or be. Sir Edmund Hillary, the first person to reach the summit of Mount Everest said, “It’s not the mountain we conquer(克服) but ourselves.

A.luckily B.terribly C.quietly D.hard

A.dislike B.help C.prefer D.start

A.thank B.praise C.fight D.criticize

A.following B.relaxing C.worrying D.remaining

A.chance B.trouble C.test D.idea

A.results B.presents C.papers D.essays

A.given B.sent C.discovered D.received

A.where B.that C.what D.when

A.confident B.necessary C.mysterious D.convenient

A.unusual B.impossible C.true D.special

A.broken off B.dreamed of C.learned from D.cared about

A.and B.or C.but D.so

A.ruder B.cuter C.worse D.better

A.decide B.forget C.realize D.imagine

A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing

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What worries Christ most?

A.His grandchildren B.His death C.His diary notebooks D.His case

What does Christ probably hope to happen to his diary?

A.They can come out as an interesting book
B.They can be made into a TV play or a film.
C.His children will put them together with him after his death.
D.His grandchildren will continue to write following his habit.

What does Action think of Christ’s diary?

A.They supply good memories for others especially his grandchildren.
B.They will educate the young to remember the hard life
C.They can make his grandchildren make more money.
D.They may help others learn more about the war.

What do the comments about an ordinary soldier’s war diary want to tell us?

A.To remind Christ to write more about war.
B.To show others will get help from Christ’s notebooks
C.To encourage Christ to write diaries like the brave soldier
D.To tell Christ social historians are interested in the soldier’s diaries.

Which of the following is mentioned in the page?

A.Barrel doesn’t stop writing diaries.
B.Action wants to remain the diaries as a record.
C.Christ’s children don’t get along well with him.
D.Christ’s grandchildren may show interests in his diaries.
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  • 难度:未知

If the eyes are the windows of the soul, then the body is the mirror of our feelings. If we are feeling great, we may give our body signals(信号). If we look at someone else’s body, we can often tell how they are feeling by their body signals. So reading body language signals is a great tool in daily communication.
In case(假使) you don’t think that learning how to read and use body language is important, here are some numbers for you. 7% of the information we receive is from what people actually say, and 38% of the information we receive is from the tone(语气) and the speed of their voice; while 55% of the information we receive is from their body language.
These non-verbal(非口头的) signals will help you a lot, but you still need to focus on what people are saying. If you focus too much on their body language signals, you and the person may feel uncomfortable. It is useful to be able to read people’s body language, but it is useful to learn how to send the right signals and avoid the wrong signals too. Body language may be given several interpretations. Many signals have different meanings, depending on the person and the situation. Be sure of it when you are trying to read a body language signal.
The numbers mentioned in the second paragraph are to ___________.

A.explain what body language is
B.show the importance of body language
C.tell us body language is less used than verbal language
D.tell us body language is the only tool in communication

What is the meaning of the underlined sentence in the last paragraph?

A.Body language is widely used all over the world
B.Body language can be explained in different ways.
C.It’s too hard to understand the meanings of body language
D.People have already looked through many books on body language.

According to the writer, body language is very ___________.

A.simple to learn B.negative to be used
C.hard to understand D.helpful in communication

According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A.Body language is uncomfortable.
B.What people are saying is not important
C.Body language can show your emotion.
D.To send wrong signals is not body language

We can infer(推断) that the writer will most probably talk about __________ next.

A.what the wrong body language signals are
B.examples of how to understand body language correctly.
C.numbers about how many people wrongly use body language
D.an analysis (分析) of why people wrongly understand body language
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Almost all of us have unpleasant habits. We all want to get rid of(摆脱) them, but we don’t know proper ways. Here’s some advice.
●Write down all the reasons why you want to stop some behavior. Look at the reasons very often.
●It’s clever to do something else when you want to stop your bad habits. If you get angry easily, for example, you can go out for a walk.
●Decide what you’ll do to reward(奖励) yourself if you really get rid of your bad habits.
●If you get too heavy, keep junk food out of your house.
●Bad habits develop over years, so you can’t get rid of them very soon. So you should be patient.
●Don’t be afraid to ask others for support. You can talk to your friends, family or other people. When you talk to them, they might be able to provide some advice that you can’t get from yourself.

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There is no way that you cannot have any embarrassing moments. You cant control everything that happens, so youre going to be in an embarrassing situation one day. So how can you solve this problem? The answer is to control your actions and try not to get upset.
◆Remember that you’ll probably laugh about it in a few days, so try to see the funny side of it right away.
◆If it is something so embarrassing that you feel you will never laugh about it, please remember that the ______________(1) will be over after some time.
◆Ask your friends to give you a break and not to make fun of you. If you’ve done the same for them, they’re more likely to agree to give you a break.
Always remember that you are not alone. Everyone has embarrassing moments. While you are sure that everyone is going to remember this moment forever, that fact is that they’ll probably forget it very soon. Most of us remember the moments in which we feel embarrassed, but very few of us remember other people’s embarrassing moments.
Most people have short memories. So while you may never forget the moment when your skirt was torn(撕裂) in gym class, most of the other people probably forget it at once. Although a short memory may not be a(n) ____________ (2) thing when you are trying to remember facts in a history test, it is useful when you are trying to forget life’s most embarrassing moments.
(1) ________________      (2) _________________
It can be inferred(推断) from the passage that __________ when you fall down after making a speech.

A.everyone will remember the moment forever
B.you may never forget the moment
C.other people will feel embarrassed
D.you will not remember the moment

According to the passage, why does the writer say “you are not alone”?
What’s the main idea of the passage?
It’s mainly about how to _______________________ when you are embarrassed.

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-Do you hear there was _______ fire in the shopping mall last night?
- Yes. I never thought _______ fire can be so terrible.

A.the; the B./; a C.the; a D.a; /
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- Take one more pen. If your pen doesn’t work during the exam, you can use the other one.
- OK, Mum. You are always_______.

A.grateful B.useful C.thoughtful D.wonderful
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The boy learns everything quickly because he has a good _______.

A.memory B.idea C.ability D.dream
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  • 难度:未知

- Does the MP4 0n the desk belong to_______?
- No, it is _______.

A.you; her B.hers; mine C.you; his D.him; you
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  • 难度:未知

_______ boys in my class can ski but _______ of them can do as well as Jim does.

A.Few; few B.Many; few C.A few; many D.A few; a few
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- Look! Mrs Green is wearing a black dress today.
- I think she _______ wear red. She looks young in red.

A.should B.must C.may D.need
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  • 难度:未知

The boy _______ that the duck _______ two eggs yesterday.

A.lied; lied B.laid; laid C.lied; laid D.laid; lied
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  • 难度:未知

- I’ve bought a box of chocolate for our daughter.
- Oh, how good a dad! But she doesn’t like sweet things. _______ know that?

A.Do you B.Don’t you C.Won’t you D.Didn’t you
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I’m too busy _______ my homework _______ walk my dog every day.

A.to do; to B.doing; to C.to do; / D.doing; /
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  • 难度:未知

- Daniel is ill. I _______ to see him after school.
- Sorry to hear that. I _______ with you.

A.am going; will go B.am going; am going
C.will go; am going D.will go; am planning
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

- Who left the window _______?
- Sorry. I forgot _______ it when I left yesterday.

A.opened; to close B.open; to close C.open; closing D.opening; closing
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  • 难度:未知

- _______ does it take to get to the bus stop from your home?
- About twenty minutes.

A.How far B.How much C.How long D.How many
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  • 难度:未知

- Mum, why _______ some water?
- Good idea. I am feeling a little thirsty.

A.not stop drinking B.not stop to drink
C.don’t we stop drinking D.not we stop to drink
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  • 难度:未知

It was difficult for me to _______ this morning because I slept too late last night.

A.wake up B.go up C.pull up D.pick up
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  • 难度:未知

- Do you know some butterflies taste with their feet?
- _______ I can’t believe it.

A.Yes, you’re right. B.Oh, I think so C.Are you sure? D.Oh, really?
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  • 难度:未知

My 4-year-old daughter Maddie once taught me a good lesson.
One day, we were taking a walk in the park. Then we   31   some kids (小孩) around an old lady, laughing at her. A little boy said, "Look at this funny lady! She is    32   and she is crying!"
Maddie walked to the woman. I wanted to    33   her away from the woman. But Maddie sat   34    the woman and held her hand. The woman looked down at Maddie and a   35   appeared on her face. Maddie gave the woman a hug(拥抱) and then left.
On the way home, I asked her, "Maddie,    36    did you go up to that woman for and hold her hand? All the other kids were either laughing at her or     37     her?"
Maddie looked at me and said, "I did that to tell her God (上帝)    38    her. It can make her feel better!" I was    39    . A 4-year-old little girl showed me what love   40   means. What a kind girl!

A.heard B.saw C.asked D.met

A.hungry B.shy C.dirty D.ill

A.bring B.send C.carry D.take

A.beside B.behind C.next D.between

A.question B.change C.smile D.pity

A.what B.how C.why D.which

A.worried about B.crazy about C.afraid of D.tired of

A.loves B.follows C.needs D.knows

A.glad B.strange C.excited D.surprised

A.usually B.really C.certainly D.finally

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It’s still the holiday season and students in the UK are enjoying their winter break (休假).
Tiffany in Guangdong asks us about how British students spend their winter break.
For some, it’s a time to study because they have exams next term. Some might have to study. They have to read some books. They use the winter break to catch up with(赶上) their reading. But some students can Let their hair down and celebrate Christmas and New Year with a few drinks.
This holiday is also an important time to chat with the family and maybe get some sleep too. Some lucky students are going away on holiday but it won’t be long.
What do the underlined words "let their hair down" mean in this reading?

A.放下头发 B.烫发 C.放松 D.理发

Which of the following is true?

A.The winter break in the UK is not long.
B.The winter break in the UK is a time for sleep.
C.Students work hard in the winter break.
D.Students are preparing for the coming exam.

The passage is mainly about _______.

A.the differences between the winter break in China and the UK
B.what the students in the UK usually do in the winter break
C.why some students like the winter break
D.how to celebrate the winter break
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Tom can’t join the summer camp because he _______.

A.doesn’t speak English well B.doesn’t like the university
C.is 20 years old D.isn’t a Canadian

How much will you pay when you visit Tate Modem Art Gallery with your parents?

A.¥5 B.¥10. C.¥15 D.It’s free.

Where can we see the above reading?

A.On a poster. B.In a textbook. C.In a letter. D.In a guide book.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When Kyle walked into Ernie’s Pet World, he looked very worried. He walked quickly to the front counter(柜台). The owner of the shop, Ernie, jumped out to greet Kyle. He was the shop’s first shopper of the day.
"Good morning, sir!" Ernie said. "What can I help you with?"
"Well, I...," Kyle started to say.
"Wait, don’t tell me," Ernie interrupted (打断) him. "You’re looking for a … a little dog... for
your daughter ’s birthday.  Right?"
"No T really, l just..."
Ernie didn’t let him finish. "Ah, I’ve got it, You just moved into a new house, and you want some fish for it. I have some very nice tanks over here."
"In fact, I..." Kyle was starting to look very nervous (紧张的). His face had a strange expression(表情)on it.
"No fish? Ah, a cat! You look like a cat person. At Ernie’s Pet World, we have the best kinds. Take a look at this Persian—long, white hair, and look at that cute expression. She’s looking at you. She’s thinking, ‘Take me home. Take me home.’ Would you like some cat food and toys as well?"
"No, thank you," Kyle said. By this time, he was walking up and down. He had a pained (痛苦的) look on his face. "Really, I’m not interested in cats or fish or little dogs."
"What do you want, then?" Ernie asked.
Kyle looked like he was going to cry. "I just want to know if I can use your bathroom!" he finally said.
What does the writer want to tell us?

A.A good pet owner. B.A funny story.
C.A wonderful shopkeeper. D.A strange pet shop.

What was true about Ernie’s Pet World?

A.The shop was not busy. B.Kyle went there often.
C.The shop was about to close. D.Kyle knew the shop owner well.

What do you think of Ernie?

A.He is careful. B.He is helpful.
C.He likes talking. D.He is clever.

Why did Kyle look anxious and pained?

A.He wanted to get a cat very much. B.He didn’t like animals.
C.He was late for work. D.He was not comfortable.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Jack got good g  ▲   in the Math exam last week.
It’ really amazing that the elephant can go t  ▲   such a small circle.
The old man moved    ▲  (向前)with slow steps.
Mum, I’d like one more    ▲  (块)of cake.
   ▲   (数百万) of visitors come to the seaside town every year.

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  • 难度:未知

Whose desk is    ▲  , Jim’s or Sam’s?
– Who    ▲   the dog? - Mum did.
Sam is old enough to dress    ▲  .
The theatre doesn’t have enough    ▲   for so many people.
She invited a lot of friends to her    ▲   birthday party.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

He    ▲   off the bike when he was riding it.
I’m not sure which hair style    ▲   me best.
He got up early this morning    ▲   the first bus.
Sally, go and see who    ▲   on the door.
You should study hard, or you    ▲   many good chances.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Paul tried to open the door but it didn’t work.(改为同义句)
Paul tried to open the door but    ▲  .
I want one kilo of fish.(对划线部分提问)
   ▲      ▲      ▲   of fish do you want?
The news report is very exciting.(改为感叹句)
   ▲      ▲   exciting news report it is l
His mother came home. Then he stopped watching TV.(合并为一句)
He    ▲   TV    ▲   his mother came home.
the, kites, she, in, flies, Ben, park, with, often (.)(连词成句)

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

请你根据以上提示,用英文记录Sophia 一周来的一些游玩活动。
Sophia is an exchange student from the UK.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知