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Drug(毒品) use in Britain has increased by 30% in the last five years. Use of hard drugs, for example, cocaine(可卡因) and crack cocaine, is increasing as a result of these drugs becoming cheaper and easier to buy.

Young people in Britain are more likely than other Europeans to take illegal(非法的) drugs. UK teenagers are taking up to five times more illegal drugs, for example, ecstasy tablets(摇头丸) and cannabis(大麻制品), than in other European countries. The most common drug for UK teenagers is cannabis. Over 35% of 15 to 16﹣year﹣olds say they have tried it. Harder drugs such as crack cocaine are less common. As many as one in twelve 12﹣year﹣olds have taken drugs.

British law puts drugs into three groups, from the most dangerous Class A drugs to the least addictive(使人上瘾的) Class C drugs:

   ● Class A: hard drugs, for example, crack cocaine;

   ● Class B: for example, ecstasy tablets;

   ● Class C: "soft" drugs, for example, cannabis, which are also addictive and dangerous.

In the UK there are possibly 500,000 Class A drug users. As a result, the UK spends £390 million a year on treatment centers to fight drug use. Treatment centers spend more than £3,000 to help every drug user. But only 3,800 drug users a year successfully go through the drug treatment.

Teenagers gave the following reasons in order of importance:

   ● to copy their friends and to look cool;

   ● so as to have a good time and to feel good;

   ● in order to see what it is like and to experience something new;

   ● so as to be like adults, but to be different from their parents;

   ● because the drugs are cheap and easy to buy;

   ● because they have nothing better to do with their time.

(1)One reason for people taking more hard drugs in the UK is that   are becoming lower.

(2)The UK teenagers take much more drugs than teenagers in any other   

(3)Under British law, from Class A drugs to Class C drugs, all of them are   

(4)The UK government works hard on the drug treatment. But only a small number of   in the UK can get out of the drug addiction every year.

(5)As for how to stop themselves from taking drugs, the UK teenagers should    

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

After Donald Trump became the 45 th American president,a new video of his granddaughter Arabella went popular once again on the Internet. In this video, the little girl wore a qipao,a kind of traditional Chinese dress. She stood in front of a table to recite(背诵)ancient Chinese poems.These poems are familiar(熟悉的)to most Chinese people and theyare often recited by Chinese kids.Arabella made the video to remember Chinese Monkey Year, which ended on January 27 th, 2017.

Arabella's family are interested in Chinese culture. They can even make Chinese dumplings and sing Chinese songs. Arabella began to study Chinese when she was 18 months old. Now she can speak very good Chinese. Early in February, 2016 , 4 ﹣year﹣old Arabella, recited a Tang Dynasty poem in Chinese. Her mother sent her video online and won lots of "likes" from all over the world.

On Sonia Weibo, many users thought Arabella was a wonderful and surprising girl. "I'm glad to see the little angel (天使) loves Chinese culture." Wrote a user called "orange".

"At least his video shows that Trump is serious about education and never closes the door to foreign culture," said another user named "stAU79".

(1)What did Arabella wear in the new video?   


A coat.


A T﹣shirt.


A qipao.


A skirt.

(2)When did Arabella begin to learn Chinese?   


When she was 18 years old.


When she was 4 years old.


When she was 6 years old.


When she was 18 months old.

(3)How old is Arabella now?   


She is 18 months old.


She is 6 years old.


She is 4 years old.


She is 18 years old.

(4)The underlined word "they" refer to   


CHInese kids


ancient Chinese poems


Arabella's family


Chinese dumplings

(5)Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?   


Donald Trump became the 45 th American president.


Arabella's family are interested in Chinese culture.


Donald Trump began to study Chinese when she was 18 months old.


Arabella can speak good Chinese now.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Children with no shoes on do better at school than those with shoes on,a study suggests.

For over 10 years,researchers from universities observed (观察) children in 100 schools from 25 countries.They found that classrooms were quieter when children took off their shoes.It provided a quieter environment where pupils were more willing to focus on study than those with shoes on.

"Children are much more willing to sit on the floor and relax if they have no shoes on,"said professor

Stephen Heppel,a lead researcher.

"The last place a child would sit to read is an upright chair.And we've found that 95% of them really don't read on a chair at home,"Heppel added."When they go on holidays,they read lying down."

Professor Heppel hopes to bring the"shoeless policy"to all U.K.schools.He says relaxing conditions at school make children feel as if they're at home.He believes all the teachers will be glad to adopt the habit.

36.The best title to describe the main idea of the passage is"   ".


Suggestions on shoeless children.


Suggestions on children with shoes on.


Shoeless children do better at school.


Shoeless children looks cool at school.

37.According to the passage,we know that the study was made by   


some university students


children from 25 countries


teachers in 1000 schools


researchers from university

38.Which of the following pie chart   can explain Heppel's discovery?

39.Heppel thinks shoeless policy can provide children with   


quiet activities


relaxing conditions


some upright chairs


a safe environment

40.What does the underlined word"adopt"mean in the passage?   









  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In recent years,mobile phones and e﹣readers have become more common.Some people worry that the days of paper books will be gone.So we did a survey about paper books Here is what we have got.

In the UK.sales of e﹣book& are dropping while Miles of paper books are rising.More surprisingly.It's young people who are buying the most paper books.Another survey of university students from the United Stales,Japan and Germany also showed that 92percent of them preferred paper books.

The most popular reason was:I like to hold the product.It's true that paper books bring a very different reading experience.Some students said that they liked the smell of paper books.Other students said that they got a sense of accomplishment(成就感) when they finished reading a paper book and they enjoyed seeing it on the bookshelf.

Paper books can also be very personal objects to readers.Many people like to sign their names on the inside cover.If the cover gels bent (弯曲的) or there's a stain (污点)made from coffee or food,it will make the book even more personal.It's more like the readers'old friends.

This friendship between people and books isn't just sentimental(情感的).Studies have shown that readers remember more information from paper books.People also more easily have sore eyes while reading e﹣books.

It seems that paper books still have an attraction(吸引)力So why not pick up a book and start reading?

A survey about (81)



☆The (82)

  of e﹣books are dropping white those of paper books are rising.

☆Most young people like paper books better.


☆Readers were brought a different (83)

  by reading paper books.

☆Readers think paper books are (84)

  and regard them as friends

☆Readers can remember more information and they are better for(85)



Paper books still have an attraction.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

If you live in Shanghai or Bejing,you may see some orange bicycles on streets these  days.

These orange bikes are from a company called Mobike.You can order a bike through its app on your phone.When you find the bike,you just scan the QR code(扫二维码)so you can use it.You don't need to return the bike to a station,just park it somewhere.

China was known as"the kingdom of bicycles"around 30years ago. But lately more people choose to drive cars and catch the subway,fewer people choose to ride bicycles.Now,bike rental(租赁)services like Mobike are bringing biking back to people's lives. "In those days,I got the feeling that Chinese people were trying to be modern and push away the past.So they did not want to be linked with bicycles,"said Ines Brunn,a German woman who opened a bike store in Beijing."But now I believe changes in people's tastes will shape  new thinking on bikes."

Now,online rental services make biking much more fashionable(时髦的),but it's still not easy to ride bikes in Chinese cities.Cars usually take up bicycle lanes(车道).Bikers have to ride next to cars in car lanes, which can be very dangerous. This is why Beijing will build over 3,200km of new bike lanes.Drivers who park on bike lanes will be punished.Traffic signs will be put on roads to better protect bikers.

46.You can   first when you find the bike that you have ordered.


phone the company


ask the manager for it


use it right away


scan the QR code

47.After you use the bike,you can   


park it somewhere


return it to a station


ride it home


send it to the company

48.The underlined word "linked"means   









49.Because of   ,biking has become more fashionable now.


the color of the bikes


the opening of bike stores


online rental services


changes in people's tastes

50.The last paragraph(段落)of the passage tells us   


it's easy to ride bikes in Chinese cities


it's dangerous to park a car in car lanes


bikers will be punished on bike lanes


something will be done to protect bikers

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The"59smiles"on a smartphone by an old woman in Wuhan,Hubei province in about six months tell a big story.The smiles are from the 59people who offered her seats on buses."Everybody can be a good citizen,because in many cases a friendly smile is all that is needed to build a better world."says Zhang Yongsheng in an article on youth.cn.

The 69﹣year﹣old Wuhan woman has taken photographs of the people who offered their seats to her on buses.The 59photographs are good memories for her.Some of the smiles are shy,some friendly,while others are like sunshine.

The old lady is not good at taking photographs with her smartphone,because some of them are of poor quality,but in spite of that,the series of photographs has become famous immediately on the Internet.

The smiles that the old lady has taken show people's care and love for others,which is becoming valuable in today's society.Her act also expressed her thanks to those who have helped her,says Zhang.

Offering one's seat to elderly people on buses has become a hot topic of discussion.There have been many cases of quarrels (争吵) between young and aged people recently.They could have been avoided if we had thought more about others and also more thankful when others offered help.

(1)Why has the woman taken so many photos?   


Because she has a good smartphone.


Because she wants to show thanks.


Because she decides to become famous.


Because she is good at taking photos.

(2)The underlined words"citizen"means   in Chinese.









(3)Which of the following statement is NOT true?   


The woman is 69years old.


It took her about 6months to photograph the"smiles".


People offering seats to her are not happy at all.


The 59photos are valuable to the woman.

(4)We should   to make a better world according to the passage.


love ourselves first


take many photos


avoid quarreling with old people


care about others and be thankful

(5)The best title for this passage is   


Kindness recorded


Pictures popular on the Internet


A woman taking pictures


An incident inspiring others.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The Shanghai Disney Resort is different from others in the world.It opened on June 16 th,2016.The resort(胜地)is in Pudong,Shanghai and it is the first Disney resort on the Chinese Mainland.Shanghai Disneyland has changed the classic Main Street USA to a Mickey Avenue.

Main Street USA was designed(设计)by Walt Disney himself.For 60 years,it has been the main entry (入口)of Disney theme parks in the world.However,the designers(设计者)of the Shanghai resort think there should be something new.So the designers create the Mickey Avenue.

On Mickey Avenue,Mickey Mouse and his friends will greet the visitors.Visitors can hug and take photos with Mickey Mouse and his friends.There are also many shops along the avenue.It is the largest part for visitors to buy gifts in the theme park.During the day,there will be Mickey's Story﹣book Express(专列).There will be firework(烟火)shows at night.The designers hope visitors can enjoy themselves there.



92.The Shanghai Disney Resort didn't open on June 16 th,2016,did it?   

93.Why do the designers create the Mickey Avenue?   

94.When will visitors see firework shows?   

95.Can visitors buy gifts in the theme park?   

96.What's the best title for the passage?   

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There are not enough Chinese language teachers in the world.It has become a big problem.Didi Dawis,president of the Indonesia Fujan Asscition(印尼福建商会),said Indonesia has only about 1,000 Chinese teachers.

"With increasing trade and communication between China and Indonesia,more and more companies from the two countries have etablishedlanguage offices.These new companies need a large amount of people who are good at Chinese,"he said.

Didi Dawis hoped that China would take Indonesia's language needs into consideration and send more Chinese teachers.

In recent years,the Chinese language has become more and more popular worldwide.The United Saltes govemment also noticed the imporance of the Chinese language.In New York and Califomia,it has become the second language of many students.In the future,more and more schools will open Chinese course,so they need many high﹣level Chinese leachers.

China is working out many ways to solve the problem.Preiden Xi Jinping said during his visit to the US in Seplember in the next three years,China will support the studies of 50,000 Chinese and US students in both countries,and the US will provide chances for as many as one million students to learn Chinese by 2020.

(1)There art about 1,000 Chinese teachen in   


the US







(2)The underined word"establish"means   in Chinese.









(3)Preiden Xi Jinping visted the USA in   









(4)How many students will be provided chances lo leam Chinese by the US by 2020?   









(5)What's the best title of the passage?   


Chinee teachers are needed all over the world


How to learnChinese


President Xi Jinping


The trade and communication between China and the other countries.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Do you ever feel no one really understands you?Well,"Pepper",a robot could change all that.Pepper is the first robot to read human's feelings.Using its emotional recognition,Pepper can react to people when it is close to them﹣making jokes,dancing and even singing in Japanese.

The man﹣like robot looks a small girl.It is four﹣feet tall with a table computer set to its chest.It has human﹣like hands,a girl﹣like body and baby﹣like voice.It was shown to curious people in Tokyo stores on Friday by Softbank,a Japanese robotics company.

Pepper can examine face expressions,human voice and signs,then make an answer.Pepper is designed to be a family robot,but it isn't like Rosie,the household robot on the cartoon.Pepper is used at home or in the store,where we provide fun and entertainment.

Pepper gets power from love inside a family.Not only is he making jokes,making them laugh,also it helps people when they are in trouble.In a natural accident,it can help make those people who are sad or lonely feel relaxed.encourage them or make them laugh.

Pepper was on sale in Japan for around $2.000 in February,2015.For now,several Peppers are at Softbank stores in Tokyo for people to visit.The creators say before selling Peppery they want the robots to store more knowledge,so it can get along better with humans.

71.Do you think a robot can read human's feelings?   

72.Where was Pepper shown to curious people on Friday?   

73.What kind of robot is Rosie?   

74.How much did a Pepper cost in 2015?   

75.How can Peppers get along better with people?   

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The map below is about Mid﹣cast Asian and African migrants( 移 民) who risk their lives to enter the European Union( 欧盟) from 2014 t 2015.

Many of them died on the way to EU countries.But the rush to Italy,Greece and Spain can never stop,because they are living all life in wars and poverty(贫穷).The whole family from pan parents to grandchildren are o boats to EU.

Italian government can't help but try lo save people on boats when they are in danger.Who knows whether we should save them or not?

56.The passage shoes the facts about migrants   


in 2014


in 2015


form 2014 to 2015

57.Which countries are the migrants rushing to?   


A France,German,Britain





58.Why do the migrants leave their own countries?   


Bet cause of illness and war.


Because of poverty and freedom.


Because of war and poverty.

59.How do the migrants arrive in E?   


B sea.


By land.


By air.

60.There are   more migrants died in 2015than the in2014.







  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

An AIDS (艾滋病)understanding program in Yunnan was started six years ago.It was held by the Chinese Red Cross.The program is a great way of making sure that people learn the facts about HIV/AIDS.It is so successful that it is running in several other provinces now.

The program not only provides care and support for the people who carry HIV/ADIS virus(病毒),but also trains young people to teach others about HIV/ADIS.In the program,the volunteers hold two﹣day classes to teach people about the virus and its links(相关)to drug use and sexual practices.They also work with students,drug(毒品)users and people who may be at risk of becoming infected(感染)by the virus.

The organizers of the program said that people knew about HIV/ADIS and how it was spread after taking part in it.HIV/ADIS was found mainly among drug users and those who had become infected through careless blood transfusion(输血)practices.Today,the number of young people becoming infected through sexual activity is increasing,so it is important to deal with this big problem.

The Chinese government predicts that unless action is taken right now,as many as 10million people could be infected with HIV/ADIS in China in the next nine years.

In June 2001,the Chinese central government announced a five﹣year plan for dealing with the spread of the disease(疾病).This plan focuses on better education about the virus,a national system to report cases of the disease and better practices for collecting blood.

An HIV/ADIS understanding program

The organization of the program

An HIV/ADIS understanding program was started by (101)   

The purpose of the program

★To provide care and support for HIV/ADIS sufferers.

★(102)   to teach others about HIV/ADIS.

The things that (103)   have done for the program

★They have held two﹣day classes about HIV/AIDS

★They have worked with students,drug users,people who may be at risk of becoming infected the virus.

What the Chinese government has done

★It has made a five﹣year plan to deal with (104)   

From the passage,we know the HIV/ADIS virus is spread through (105)   and sexual practices.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The novel coronavirus (新冠病毒) has changed our lives. In many countries, it has also changed the way people greet each other. To help stop the spread of coronavirus, people give up their usual greeting styles and invent safe ways. Let's take a look.

(1)   B  Lean forward (倾身向前), touch faces and make a kissing sound. This is French people's favorite way of greeting, But when the virus is going around, too many kisses are not good. An expert gives everyone in France a suggestion: simply looking into a person's eyes can be a greeting.It's not as romantic as kissing, but it's safe.

(2)   E  Like the French, Italians are also romantic people.When they meet,they always hug or kiss each other. Recently, an Italian grandma made a video to help everyone fight the disease. According to her, if you want to say hello to others, do not hug or kiss.Instead, you can close one of your eyes and give them a wink (眨眼). Isn't it cute?

(3)   D  It's a very Australian thing to put your hand out to shake hands.But if you do this,the virus can jump from one person to another. Now a health official (官员) in Australia says a pat (拍打) on the back would be better. But it also has some problems.For example,it's a bit impolite if you do this to your teacher. What do you think?

(4)   C  People in Iran often shake hands when they meet. But a recent video shows that an interesting way to greet others is now popular in Iran. In the video, three Iran men wear masks and put their hands in their pockets. They don't shake hands, but try to"shake" feet.

(5)   A  An official from the WHO suggested that we use three greetings: waving hands, Thai"wai"(泰式合十礼) and bumping elbows (碰肘礼).


A. The advice from the WHO.

B. No kissing, even if you are French.

C. Is the footshake the new handshake?

D. Pat on the back.

E. Grandma has a good idea.

(1)   (2)   (3)   (4)   (5)   


New Greeting Ways

   The novel coronavirus has made a big difference(1)   our lives. In many countries, it has also changed the(2)   people greet each other. To help stop the spread of coronavirus, people give up their usual greeting styles and invent safe ways. Let's(3)   __  at them.

   In France and Italy, people learn to use their(4)   ,to greet people instead of kissing or hugging. In Iran, people try to shake(5)   rather than shake hands. An official from the WHO gives us three suggestions: waving hands, Thai "wai" and bumping elbows.

   What do you think of these new greetings?

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

With the development of technology,WiFi is becoming more and more popular and important in people's daily life.But have you ever experienced it?Just imagine what life will be like if there is no Internat.Maybe you won't be able to talk with friends,play video games or search for information for your homework on the Internet.

But in fact,only one third of the world's population are able to get information on the Internet.The rest are too poor to buy WiFi access(使用权) or they live in remoteareas.As a result,they live without the Internet.

Google and Facebook,two world﹣famous technology companies,have decided to do something about it.Google's Project Loon will try to send balloons whichare 15 meters wide into our Earth's stratosphere(平流层) in 2016.The balloons are made of a special material that is three times thicker than the plastic bag we use every day.Each balloons will carry a minicomputer and a WiFi radio.The WiFi radio will send the Internet over the areas it is floating over.Then people can get up to date information on weather or news.

71.The underlined word"remote"means   in the passage.









72.Two thirds of the world's population live without the Internet because   


they have no money to buy WiFi access.


they live in remote areas


they don't need the Internet


they can't afford WiFi access or they live in remote areas.

73.The underlined word"which"in paragraph 3 refers to(指代)   




Google and Facebook




Google's projects


74.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?


The balloons are 15 meters long


People can do lots of things on the Internet


The WiFi radio can send the Internet without any help.


The material of the balloons is not as thick as out usual plastic bag..

75.The main idea of the last paragraph is   


how to send the Internet


how to use the Internet


what the balloons look like


how soon people will get WiFi from the sky.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Riding a Mobike on the street, you might hear some people speaking Chinese aloud. Turning to the right, you see a Sichuan﹣style restaurant. After walking into a store, you see that Huawei smartphones are on sale. But you're not in China ﹣ you're in Manchester in Britain. In fact, you might see similar things in many other cities. Chinese products have been going all over the world.

Chinese food has been enjoyed in Western countries for a long time. To meet local people's tastes, Chinese restaurants have made some changes to the dishes. "One example is the meat," said Yin Hang, a Chinese student who is studying in Australia. "We like to eat meat with the bone(骨头)in, but people here don't. So the local Chinese restaurants provide big pieces of meat without bones, even for fish."

Some Chinese brands(品牌)are also becoming more popular. It is reported that in many cities in Europe, many stores sell TCL televisions, Haier fridges and Lenovo computers. More than half of US﹣owned drones(无人机)are Chinese models, according to China Daily. They're not only made in China, but also designed and developed in the country.

In the past, most Western people thought Chinese products were cheap and unreliable. But now, things have changed greatly. More people trust Chinese brands. "Made in China" becomes cool. "They are beautiful and offer something special that American phones don't have," an article on CNN once said about Chinese smartphones.

As it is said, Chinese government has been trying its best to improve its national brands of all kinds to meet the needs of modern life.

(1)According to the passage,   


Chinese products are very popular around the world


People in Western countries don't like Chinese food


All of US﹣owned drones are made in America

(2)To meet local people's tastes, Chinese restaurants   


cut the prices of the dishes


provide big pieces of meat with bones


have made some changes to the dishes

(3)The following brands are Chinese except   







(4)The underlined word "unreliable" probably means "   " in Chinese.







(5)The passage is probably from   


a story book


a school notice


a newspaper

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Have we ever thought what we read for,information or skills?How do we feel when we read,excited or upset?We read word by word aloud and think about them.Is that enough?I think reading is more than pronouncing or thinking about words.

Recently The Reader,a very popular TV program,is staged in the form of reading.It's a national reading program.Dong Qing works as both a hostess and a producer.The reader hopes to tell us what the world is and it takes us to see the beautiful world by reading.The show has invited some influential(有影响力的)guests who have rich experiences and touching stories,like Ni Ping,Wang Yuan from TFboys and Yao Chen.

"Reading touches people's hearts"is the slogan(口号)The Reader.What it wants to present isn't reading skills but real feelings.They are what touches the audience(观众)most."I have long thought about working on a program related to the human spirit.So The Reader has become a turning point in my career in hosting and the program has brought me quite a huge challenge,"said Dong.

The Reader is of great importance to the audience and Chinese culture.It also tells us if we keep our mind on what we are reading,we'll know what reading really is and we'll become better readers.


66.Dong Qing works as not only a hostess but also a producer in The Reader.

67.The slogan of The Reader is"Listening touches people's hearts."

68.What The Reader wants to present is only reading skills.

69.The program has brought Dong Qing quite a huge challenge.

70.The Reader is very important to the audience and Chinese culture.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
