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Whenever the exam season comes, stress (焦虑) may come along. Here are some(1)   that have helped me and my friends through this season.

When the stress of exams is really hitting me, I stop and take a walk. I usually borrow my neighbor's dog and (2)   for about fifteen minutes. Many boys would simply choose to run for a while, or play ball games. Having some(3)   drives away your stress easily most of the time.

And(4)   you find music helpful, give it a go. Listening to your favorite songs will surely make you(5)   .The best thing about this is that you don't have to go(6)   

But if you are a book lover just like me,(7)   a book you like for half an hour. Reading can take you to places you've (8)   been. Putting yourself into a new world helps you forget your stress in this world for a little bit.

For sure, there's nothing better than laughing.Laughing is the best medicine.It can really keep (9)   off your mind! Very often I call my best friend and we(10)   our good times or something funny, and I'm feeling better before I know it.

Remember many others also face the problem of stress just like you, and it is not something that cannot be dealt with.

(1)A. ways

B. reasons

C. habits

D. results

(2)A. walk

B. jump

C. stand

D. sit

(3)A. jokes

B. sports

C. tasks

D. lessons

(4)A. before

B. until

C. since

D. if

(5)A. lovely

B. friendly

C. happy

D. sleepy

(6)A. somewhere

B. everywhere

C. anywhere

D. nowhere

(7)A. copy

B. write

C. print

D. read

(8)A. ever

B. never

C. seldom

D. always

(9)A. worry

B. pity

C. surprise

D. pain

(10)A. think about

B. talk about

C. care about

D. hear about

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Some people like﹣living the peace and quiet of the countryside , (56)   I prefer living in the city. I like (57)   the noise and activity of city life. The traffic does not trouble me. I find (58)   interesting to see all the different (59)   of traffics that use the roads.BesideS,People Crowded on the pavements (人行道)don't trouble me at all. I think i will (60)    rather loneIy ifl only see one or two (61)   as I walk along the street.

Some people say that the countryside is much (62)   . because there is no litter on the ground,

no graffiti (涂鸦)on the (63)   , and no polluUon (64)   the air. But our city is not trouble in the first two problems.'Our people, including young people like myse, are (65)   of the place where they live. They do not throw litter o n the ground or paint words and pictures on walls

A.kinsd B.cleaner C.but D.all E.feel F.people G.it H.prodI.in  J.buildings

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There are purple clothes, purple handbags, purple bicycles, purple furniture, even purple computers! So purple is one of the most(1)   colors today. But in the past, purple was a very expensive and unusual color. Let's take a look at the rich(2)   of the color purple.

Some scientists believe that the first plants to appear on Earth over 500 million years ago(3)   looked purple, not green. Plants today are green because(4)   use green chlorophyll (叶绿素) to produce energy. (5)   these early plants probably used something called retinal, which is a dark purple color.

During the time of the Roman Empire (37BC﹣476AD), it was very(6)   to make purple dye (染料). The dye came from sea snails (海螺).But 10,000 dead sea snails(7)   you just one gram (克)of purple dye…as well as a very bad smell! This(8)   purple dye was called Tyrian purple, and it was the preferred(9)   of emperors.

In 16th﹣﹣century England, purple was(10)   for the kings family members. Queen Elizabeth I's clothes were purple, but ordinary people were not allowed to(11)   the color.

In 1856, William Perkin, an 18﹣year﹣old(12)   student, noticed something strange while doing an experiment (实验). The chemicals (化学药品) he used to clean his instruments(13)   with the chemicals he used in his experiment and produced a bright purple color. This(14)   led Perkin to start a company using this chemical mixture to make purple dye. The dye was much(15)   than sea﹣snail dye. Thanks to Perkin, now anyone can afford to wear purple clothes.

(1)A. peaceful

B. popular

C. exciting

D. serious

(2)A. history

B. style

C. research

D. product

(3)A. gradually

B. especially

C. exactly

D. probably

(4)A. others

B. they

C. we

D. some

(5)A. And

B. So

C. But

D. Until

(6)A. dangerous

B. common

C. difficult

D. strange

(7)A. got

B. passed

C. wasted

D. cost

(8)A. basic

B. harmful

C. special

D. perfect

(9)A. color

B. smell

C. plant

D. animal

(10)A. even

B. never

C. seldom

D. only

(11)A. wear

B. sell

C. change

D. make

(12)A. geography

B. science

C. art

D. math

(13)A. compared

B. mixed

C. collected

D. kept

(14)A. survey

B. suggestion

C. discovery

D. exam

(15)A. healthier

B. thicker

C. cheaper

D. darker

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
