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Historically,most cars have run on gasoline(汽油),but that may change in the future:cars can also run on other liquid fuels(液体燃料)and electricity.

Gasoline is from oil.The energy in gasoline comes from hydrocarbons(碳氢化合物).Gasoline provides great power for cars.However,it causes environmental problems,like air pollution and temperature rise.So gasoline can't be the best fuel.

Another choice is electricity.Electricity cars can be as efficient(效能好的)as cars using gasoline,And they produce less pollution.But electric cars themselves are more expensive.Good news is that the cost has been lower and there are more and more places for the cars to get electricity ever since 2010.

The other choices are other liquid fuels.Many of these can be stored in the same places as gasoline,and used in the same cars.They can also be friendly to the environment.

One way to make such fuels is to get CO 2from the air and put it in water.Through chemical reaction,hydrocarbons can be created.However,these fuels take up more space.

Another way is to make such fuels from plants which take in carbon from the air.These fuels are greener in use.But not all of them can be as efficient as gasoline.

For a fuel to be the best,people have to be able to afford it.Unluckily,almost every green technology is more expensive than that of using gasoline.Governments and car producers are doing everything they car to cut down the costs.In the end,the best fuel will be both affordable for car users and green for our planet.

(1)Gasoline provides cars with       .


great power


fresh air


clean water


enough space

(2)According to Paragraph 3,we can infer that electric cars    .


produce less pollution


will become more and more expensive


will become more popular


are more efficient than those using gasoline

(3)The structure of the passage may be    .





(4)What would be the best title for the passage?       


How Do We Protect Our Planet?


What Are the Fuels' Differences?


What Is the Best Fuel for Cars?


How Do We Make Fuels for Cars?

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Visiting outer space is still a far dream for anyone who isn't an astronaut,but a day trip to the stars is already open for people to order!

A new company (公司),Space Perspective,is planning tests with passengers.It has big plans to run up to 500 flights from different places across the USA by 2024.If successful,reaching the outer side of space could be as easy as flying abroad in a few years' time.The plan will be for spacemen and up to eight passengers to travel in Neptune,a capsule (太空舱)tied to a balloon the size of a football field.

They will move slowly upwards right to the side of space,30 km away from the Earth.There,space tourists will be able to look back at the Earth and out to dark space and the sight of millions of stars.Although the price is yet to be fixed,the expensive flight,which will take six hours,is likely to cost over £100 000.Because the capsule remains within the Earth's atmosphere (大气层),no special clothing or training are needed.It means that older people or those with health problems will be included.

One problem may be the method of landing back on the Earth.The balloon moves back down from space until it falls down in the sea.Passengers,spacemen,capsule and balloon are then gotten back by ship.

Now Neptune faces competition from the Stratollite a balloon being developed by a company called World View Enterprises,while the super rich Richard Branson,Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk are all pouring money into developing business space flying machines.The advantage of the balloon is that it will be cheaper than a space plane or rocket.

Space travel may soon be a reality (现实),but how visitors get there is still a very open question.

(1)We can see from the passage that Space Perspective    .


has completed over 500 tests


wants to use Neptune to carry people


has quite a long history


makes it easier for us to fly abroad

(2)According to Space Perspective's plan,space tourists    .


should wear special clothing


will land back on the ground


can watch the Earth from space


must keep in good health

(3)The writer implies (暗示)in the passage that    .


the race to get tourists into space is becoming hot


there will be only four ways for visitors to reach space


the Stratollite is popular with space passengers


Richard,Jeff and Elon are all short of money

(4)The passage can usually be read in the part of    ad in a newspaper.









  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The natural world is colorful with humans,plants and animals showing different colors.

    Human skin can be many different colors and it changes.with the sun,our feelings or our health for example.This is because of pigments(色素),which reflect light and make what the eye sees as colors.So,when we feel excited or angry,our heart can send more blood to the face and the pigments in the skin become red.This is why we have the expression that someone. "sees red"when they are angry.

    Plants also have pigments.Color is important for them to live on.The bright colors of flowers catch the attention of insects(昆虫),which then carry their pollen(花粉)from one flower to another.Bees can see colors we cannot,and they follow these to the inside of the flower.Without bees visiting flowers in this way,many plants would die out.

    Animals also use color for their own need.They protect themselves with different colors so as not to be seen by predators.The snowshoe hare for example,a type of wild rabbit,changes color with seasons for this reason.During summer it is a brown color,and in winter it is white so that it can hide in the snow.However,some animals use color as a warning to make predators stay away.Bright colors such as yellow and red are often used in this way.Nature,however,is very clever,and predators also use colors to attract(吸引)the animals they feed on..

    So,we can see that there may be many different reasons and uses for colors in the natural world.Some uses of color in nature remain unknown;but one thing is for sure,color not only makes our planet beautiful but it is also necessary for our planet to live on.

(1)Paragraph 2 mainly tells us that     is/are the cause that makes human skin change color.





(2)According to Paragraph 3,plants can use     to attract insects.





(3)The underlined word"predators""in Paragraph 4 refers to animals which    .

A.hide in secret places

B.kill other animals for food

C.change color with the sun

D.protect themselves from danger

(4)What is the main purpose of the passage?    

A.To describe animals' ways of life.

B.To encourage us to study color in nature.

C.To introduce the uses of colors for life on earth.

D.To explain the importance of protecting our planet.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A vegetarian(素食者)is someone who does not eat meat.Being a vegetarian has become a popular choice.In fact,l in every 200 kids in the US is a vegetarian.Most people choose to be vegetarians for many reasons.

    First,they believe that a vegetarian diet(饮食)is good for health.It usually has less fat (脂肪)than a diet that includes meat.Vegetarians eat a low﹣fat diet to stay fit and healthy.A vegetarian diet also provides many vitamins(维生素)that people can't get from meat.These vitamins protect people from some diseases.

    Second,many vegetarians are worried about how animals are raised and killed for food.They hope animals can be better treated.

    Finally,they think being a vegetarian can help the planet.People use more energy,water and land to raise animals for food than to grow fruit and vegetables.Also animals put greenhouse gases(温室气体)into the air.These gases cause global warming(全球变暖).

    Vegetarians advise people to have just a couple of vegetarian meals a week to make the world a better place,

(1)In fact,1 in                     in the US is a vegetarian.

(2)Vegetarians eat a low﹣fat diet to stay                        .

(3)Many vegetarians are worried about                     .

(4)People use                   to raise animals for food than to grow fruit and vegetables.

(5)Vegetarians advise people to                             a week.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Many of us have had the same "pleasant surprise".After you mark a song as a favorite on a music app(程序),it suggests songs of the same kind to listen to (1)    

   Big data(数据)is a lot of sets of information that are put together so they can be used by a computer program.It can have different kinds of information from many sources(来源),such as information that comes from schools,social media sites,companies,and governments. (2)    Another set can have what they like,where they go to school,and how much time they spend on the computer.

   (3)    The government uses it to understand how many people travel on buses or trains.The information is then used to make bus or train systems better.Companies use big data,too.It helps them understand who buys their products.For example,one company uses weather data to see when people eat the most ice﹣cream.

   Big data can be used for good reasons.Some hospitals use big data to predict if a baby who is born too early will get sick.The hospital can then take extra steps to take care of that baby so he or she does not get sick. (4)    It can be used to predict which kinds of people are likely to break the law or hurt others,even if they have not done anything wrong.

   (5)    It is because the computer programs used to look at big data and understand it are written by people.People think a certain way.Because they think a certain way,they build a model of those ideas.These ideas are then used to look at the data.Sometimes,these ideas are helpful for people or businesses.Other times,bad ideas can cause problems for certain groups of people.


Big data can be used in many ways.


Why do we use big data for bad things?


Big data can also be used for bad reasons.


How can big data be used for good and bad things?


One set of data can have people's names and addresses.


In fact,this magic,mind﹣reading power depends on data.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

DNA is the whole"map" of the human body.It is something that all humans have,and it tells the body what to do.DNA is the reason that we look like our parents,because we get some of their DNA to make our own.

    People have been trying to understand the human body for a long time.In 1860,Mr Mendel discovered why we look similar to other people in our family.It is because of small things called "genes(基因)"in our body.In 1953,two scientists,Watson and Crick,found out that those small parts are real messages.They are written in the DNA with a special language.

    In 1961,another two scientists found the first "word" that they could understand in that language.It shows how DNA tells the cell(细胞) to build its parts.So far,scientists have found all the words in the DNA map,but we do not understand what they all do.By understanding what just one "word" means,we can help to save people from several illnesses.So the more we understand ,the more doctors will be able to do.

    Most people hope that this will help to make better medicine to help sick people,Other people worry that when we learn more "words" and find out more information,we will use it in the wrong way,just to make people more attractive(有吸引力的)or stop sick people getting jobs.

(1)Who discovered why we look like other people in our family in 1860?    





(2)The two scientists found    in 1961.

A.all the words in the DNA map

B.small things called "genes" in our body

C.the first "word" that they could understand in that language

D.The small parts are written in the DNA with a special language

(3)How can we help sick people if we understand more "words" in the DNA map?    

A.Make better medicine.

B.Stop them getting jobs.

C.Tell them what to do.

D.Make them attractive.

(4)According to the passage,all of the following are true except that     .

A we look like our parents because of "genes" in our body

B.we have understood what all the words in the DNA map do

C.DNA is the whole "map" of the human body

D.DNA tells the cell to build its parts

(5)What do people think of this research about DNA?    

A.It can be bad.

B.It can be good.

C.Lt can be good but won't work.

D.It can be good and bad.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Everything is made of something.Nothing is made of nothing.

Chemistry is about the smallest things that other bigger things are made of,and what happens when theychange.The word chemistry comes from chemical,which is an example of one type of the very small things that other bigger things are made of.The words you are reading now are made of a dark liquid called ink (墨水),which is written on paper.The paper itself is made out of the chemicals that wood is made out of.Both the ink and the paper were made by different chemical processes.A chemical process is what happens when chemicals come together to make other chemicals,and therefore other things.

Cooking makes chemical changes.Your different ingredients are made of different chemicals,and when you put them together and make them hot and cook them,the chemicals change into new chemicals and the different ingredients make something new.That tomato sauce you're making is made of tomatoes,onions,garlic,salt and pepper.Those ingredients each have their own chemicals and their own flavors,but now with your sauce you've made something different,something that has its own flavor,all the ingredients mixed together,all the chemicals mixed together,something new.

You can smell the chemical changes,too,as they go up into your nose,especially when you forget about your sauce and it doesn't just cook but bums and becomes black and has a really bad flavor.You can't make it better,either,because once chemicals change,they can't be changed back again.

(1)What does the underlined word "they" in Paragraph 2 refer to?   






The smallest things.


The bigger things.

(2)What is a chemical process?    


Ink is written on paper.


Paper is made out of wood.


Everything is made of something.


Things mixed together produce something new.

(3)What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?   


How to make tomato sauce.


What to use to form new things.


Ingredients and their own flavors.


Chemical changes in cooking food.

(4)Which might be the best title for the text?   


What chemistry is like.


Chemistry changes everything.


Where the word chemistry comes from.


A chemical process is called chemistry.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Think about what you like to wear on the weekend.There's a good chance that you like to put on a pair of blue jeans.At any moment,about half of the world's population is wearing jeans.But according to a new study,our love for jeans may be bad for Earth.Denim (牛仔布)might be putting some sea animals in danger.

Every time we wash our jeans,tiny bits of denim will flow out of our washing machines,down into the world's rivers,lakes and oceans.

You might wonder:Isn't denim made of cotton,a natural material?How can it become a danger to nature?Well,in the process of making jeans,denim is treated with many types of man﹣made chemicals.Some improve its durability (耐用性)and feel;others give jeans their blue color.

Scientists studied the Great Lakes in America and the Arctic Ocean in northern Canada.They found denim waste in all of the samples (样本)they had collected.It is feared that the harmful chemicals in denim have spread far and wide.Scientists aren't yet sure how these chemicals might harm animals.

In the study,the scientists also washed jeans to see how many bits of denim each pair would drop per wash.The answer was frightening:About 50,000.Not all of them make their way into the environment.Wastewater treatment plants hold back 83 to 99 percent of them.This may sound pretty good.However,one percent of 50,000 bits are still 500 per wash.Now think about the number of jeans around the world and the times each of them gets washed.As a result,a large amount of denim waste still gets into the environment.

Does this mean we shouldn't wear jeans?Probably not" We need to buy fewer jeans and only wash them when we truly need to do it," says Sam Athey,one of the scientists. " You don't need to wash your jeans after having worn them only a couple of times. "

(1)What influence might denim have on sea animals?    


It might do harm to some sea animals.


It has no influence on sea animals.


It is good to all the sea animals.

(2)Why do people add man﹣made chemicals when making jeans?    

①To save the materials and make more money.

②To improve denim's durability and feel.

③To make jeans blue.







(3)How many bits of denim might get into the environment every year?    


Five hundred.


Fifty thousand.


Too many to count.

(4)What should we do according to Sam Athey's words?    


We are not supposed to wear jeans.


We need to wash our jeans every day.


We should buy fewer jeans and wash them fewer times.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Whether from news reports or social media articles,you may know that 5G is coming.

5G is the 5th generation network.It is a new network after 1G,2G,3G and 4G.It can connect everyone and everything together.5G networks will cover many cities in China soon.5G means super﹣fast data speed.One can download a two ﹣ hour movie for fewer than 10 seconds,and it is making our lives more and more convenient.

5G will make self﹣driving cars possible.For safety,self﹣driving cars need super﹣fast data transmission(传输)to communicate with their nearby environment.5 G is just what makes self﹣driving cars achieve this.Even airplanes will become "smart" in the near future.Passengers will be able to use 5G networks in the air to connect to the Internet and can order for food and drinks.

5G will be a big help for students who take online classes.Many people live in poor areas in the world where there are no schools.But with 5G,this will change.Students all over the world will be able to see places like the Great Wall without leaving their rooms.

It will be also easier for doctors to treat patients remotelyby 5G.It means caring for patients from far away.

The facts listed above are only a part of what 5G will make possible and popular.Just as in the early days of the Internet in the 1990s,few could see how it could change our life and the world.The same will surely be true of 5G.With 5G,many things do not seem like dreams anymore.Now let's get ready to say goodbye to 4G and welcome the coming of 5G.

(1)How long may it take to download a two﹣hour movie with 5G?    


15 seconds.


8 seconds.


10 minutes.


2 hours.

(2)The underlined word "remotely" means "    '' in Chinese.









(3)5G will make the following things more and more popular EXCEPT    .


self﹣driving cars


"smart" airplanes


online classes


hospitals without doctors

(4)About 5G,    is NOT mentioned in the passage.


to be used freely


super﹣fast data speed


to connect everyone and everything together


to make life more convenient than 4G

(5)From the last paragraph,we can know that    .


4G is no more used in our daily life now


the writer is worried about the coming of 5G


with 5G,some of our dreams will come true for sure one day


in the 1990s,all the people believed that the Internet would change our life

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Parents are often surprised at their children's ability to use technology.A five﹣year﹣old child may easily find and use apps on a smart phone.A ten﹣year﹣old child can move up through the levels of a video game easily.Their parents may think their children were born geniuses (天才)!

Natural geniuses,however,are not common.But your parents are right if they think you are smarter than them.Most children are born smarter than their parents.This has been proved(证明)on IQ tests around the world recently.These tests have shown that over the last 100 years,each new generation (一代人)has become smarter than the older ones.In other words,you are smarter than your parents and your parents are smarter than your grandparents.

This increase in intelligence is called the "Flynn Effect(效应)".It was named after James Flynn.Flynn is a university professor (教授)in New Zealand.He first noticed this in 1980.According to his research,with each new generation,average (平均的)IQ scores would increase by twenty percent.

But why are people getting smarter?Flynn and many other researchers believe this has something to do with technology.New technologies have further developed our brains.They have made us think better.So we may be better at completing the missing parts of a puzzlethan our parents.

But being smart doesn't make you wise.Wisdom (智慧)comes with age and experience.A high score on a computer game will not help you solve the everyday problems of life.For that,a smart kid will turn to the wisdom of his parents and grandparents.

(1)How do parents often feel about their children's ability to use technology?    









(2)What has been proved on IQ tests around the world these days?    


Children easily use apps on smart phones.


Most children play video games better than their parents.


Children are born with a high IQ.


Most children are born smarter than their parents.

(3)What caused the "Flynn Effect" according to the passage?    


Better education.


New technologies.


A better environment.


New experiences.

(4)The underlined word "puzzle" in the passage means    in Chinese.









(5)The following facts are the "Flynn Effect" EXCEPT    .


A child may easily find apps on a smart phone


A child may be good at completing the missing parts of a puzzle


A high score on a video game won't help solve the problems in life


A ten﹣year﹣old child can move up through the levels of a video game easily

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Science is the best way we have of finding out about the world.Scientists collect evidence(证据).They have ideas about the way things work.Science tests those ideas.Sometimes the test will show that the idea is not correct.If the idea passes the test,it adds to our understanding.

Scientists make observations (观察).They may look,or listen.They may read the work of other scientists.This gives them ideas.You can do this.You can look around you.You can ask questions.You can plan a test to find out.You can discover something new.

Scientists make predictions.They say something about the future.They might say 'if I do this,then I think that will happen'.Isaac Newton was a famous scientist.When he shone white light through a glass prism,he saw a spectrum (光谱) of different colors.Newton predicted what would happen if he shone the spectrum through a second prism.He thought the colors would come together and he would see white light again.He tried it.He shone a spectrum through a second prism.He was right.The colors made white light.He discovered that white light is made up of many colors.

It's important to test your ideas.I's important to plan a fair test.A scientist wondered how a tree grows.Where does all that material come from?Was it from the soil?

He planted a young tree in a pot.He weighed the pot,the dry soil and the tree at the start of his test.Years later,the tree had grown tall.It had many branches and leaves.The scientist dug it up.He weighed it.The tree weighed far more than when it was young.Then he weighed the pot and the dry soil.It weighed just a bit less.

Where had all the new tree material come from?He decided that trees use water,and a gas from the air,to grow.

(1)According to the passage,we know that science can help us    .

(2)We can know scientists try    to make observations in paragraph 2.

(3)After Newton shone a spectrum of different colors through the prism,he saw        .

(4)The scientist did a test and found that trees can grow because of            .

(5)We have learned that                from the passage.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Water is important to all living things but some areas in the world are short of water a lot.So we should try to protect and save water.

A group of students from Zhejiang University have successfully developed an"air hand﹣washing machine".The machine uses an infrared ray induction system (红外线感应系统),which can feel the presenceof our hands.If it feels there are hands,the water with the air will come from the tap.And it has been proven that it is nearly as effective as traditional hand﹣washing.It uses only ten percent of the water that regular hand﹣washing does.The students have even set up a company to introduce the product to the public.

Li Qizhang,a member of the team that developed the machine,told a reporter that a model of their machine had already been placed in a classroom building at the university and it worked very well.

In 2014,a student called Chen Puyang first thought of the idea while he was washing his hands.Washing one's hands uses a lot of water,Chen thought.Would it be possible to replace the water with air? Others may not give the question a second thought.However,for Chen and Li,who were studying fluid mechanics (流体力学) at the time,this was considered to be an excellent idea.

Soon,Chen,Li and several classmates started on the project.After a year of research,the team cam up with a gravity﹣driven (重力驱动) hand﹣washing machine successfully.


(1)The underlined words"presence" means "    "in paragraph 2.









(2)The underlined sentence in the 4th paragraph means       .


other people may no spend a second thinking about the question again


other people may think it is impossible to use air instead of water


other people may not think or worry about the question all


other people may think there is no answer to the question

(3)We can infer from the passage that        .


the air hand﹣washing machine will be expensive


you can wash your hands clean without any electricity


you can buy the "air hand﹣ washing machine" in the shop now


the students developed the machine by the knowledge of fluid mechanics

(4)Which of the following is TRUE about the"air hand﹣washing machine"?    


A company was set up to produce the machine.


It doesn't need any water when you wash your hand.


It was invented by two students from Zhejiang University.


The idea of the machine came to Chen's mind in a sudden.

(5)Compared with the air hand﹣washing machine,how much water can be wasted by regular hand﹣washing?    


Only ten percent of the water.


About twenty percent of the water.


About ninety percent of the water.


A hundred percent of the water.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Have you ever wondered how a book is made?It takes a lot of people to make a book.It can take months,or even years,for a book to go from an idea to a finished product.

    A book begins when an author comes up with an idea for a book.Authors get ideas in different ways.They may get ideas from their own lives,from watching the world around them,or from reading.

    Next,an author may plan the book by making an outline (提纲).Sometimes authors do research to gather information.They may read books or articles.They may interview people or visit places.

    Then,the author begins to write.Authors may write for months or years to finish a manuscript.A manuscript is the text an author produces for publication.

    Finally,the author sends the completed manuscript to a publisher.If the publisher decides to publish the book,the author works with an editor.An editor reads the manuscript.Then he or she recommends changes to improve the book.A copy editor reads the manuscript to correct any grammatical mistake.

    After an author makes the suggested changes,a designer may decide how the book will look.The designer may choose the size,shape,and type styles for the book.Some picture book authors create their own illustrations(插图).If not,an illustrator is chosen to create pictures for the book.

    The illustrator makes sketches of pictures that will go on each page.The sketches are sent to the publishing company.The editor makes sure the pictures clearly tell the story.The designer checks how the words and pictures will fit together on the pages.

    After the design changes are made,the illustrator begins creating the final pictures.He or she may change the colours,the perspective,or the composition of pictures.It may take months to create all the pictures.

    The finished art is then sent to the publisher.The designer adjusts(调整) how the pictures and words fit together on the pages.The completed pages are sent to the printer.Many books are still made into books with paper pages.

    The printer uses huge printing presses to make the pages.The pages are fixed together.The book cover is added.The finished books are then sent to the publisher's warehouse.They are stored there until they are bought by libraries and bookstores.

    E﹣readers have changed how some books are made.Some authors do not use a publisher at all.Instead of sending a manuscript to a publisher,some authors turn their manuscripts into e﹣Books themselves.Finally,an author's eBook is uploaded(上传) to virtual bookstores on the Internet.Customers can buy and download e﹣Books from these websites.

(1)According to the passage,the designer's job is to      .

A.create pictures for the book

B.make an outline of the book

C.decide how the book will look

D.correct grammatical mistakes in the book

(2)Your first book will be published soon.What will first happen to it after the illustrator has created the final pictures?      


A designer often chooses a style for the book.


The editor and the designer check the words and pictures.


The designer finishes the pages.


The printer prints the pages.

(3)The writer uses the LAST paragraph to       .

A.introduce the history of e﹣Books

B.describe the disadvantages of e﹣Books

C.show the development of making a book

D.ask customers to support authors in making a book

(4)The writer explains how to make a book by   .

A.giving causes

B.showing steps

C.providing examples

D.expressing opinions

(5)What is the best title for the passage?        

A.From Idea to Book

B.Different Kinds of Books

C.Workers in the Publishing House

D.Between Publishers and Customers

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

If you've ever walked through fog (雾),you might have noticed that your skin and hair get wet.This is because fog is made of tiny water drops.Scientists are helping people collect these drops to make drinking water.

    In some towns,there is no fresh water.People there have to use trucks to carry fresh water. It is expensive.

    Since rain falls to the ground,it can easily be collected into tanks (水箱).But the water drops that make up fog don't hit the ground.Instead,they float (漂浮) in the air.To turn fog into water,you have to catch the water drops.

    A fog catcher is made of nets with two posts.The nets are usually set up on a hilltop.As fog passes by,the nets catch the water drops.The drops run down the nets and into channels.The channels lead the water into large tanks where it can be stored.A fog catcher can collect 10,000 liters of water a day.Scientists have helped set up fog catchers for towns in Chile,Nepal and Mexico.

    Fog catchers are a great way for people in small and lonely towns to have their own fresh water.Centuries before scientists created fog﹣catching nets,nature was making fog into water on its own.As fog passed through the mountains,large leaves got the drops just like the nets do.People learned to drink the water collected on the leaves.Thanks to modern fog catchers,enough water can be made for a whole town!

(1)What does the word "It" in Paragraph 2 mean?   

A.Trucks' carrying.

B.Rain collecting.

C.Fog catching.

(2)What is a fog catcher made of?   




(3)A fog catcher can collect     of water a day.

A.1,000 liters

B.10,000 liters

C.11,000 liters

(4)Centuries ago people learned to drink the water collected   .

A.in channels

B.on the nets

C.on the leaves

(5)What can be the best title of the passage?   

A.Catching Fog.

B.Catching Rain.

C.Catching Snow.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Every living thing needs to reproduce.Reproducing means creating more members of your group.In order for plants to reproduce,they have to spread their seeds (种子) to other areas.Plants have developed all kinds of ways to do this.

      The simplest way is gravity.Many seeds are inside of fruit.When a piece of fruit gets too heavy,it falls from a tree to the ground.Sometimes animals will pick up the fruit and drop it in another area.That helps move the seed even farther away.Apples spread this way.

       Other plants use wind to spread their seeds.Dandelions are a good example of this.Dandelion seeds are so light that when wind blows,it carries dandelion seeds to new places.Maple (枫树) seeds also use wind.Their seeds are connected with long,thin leaves that look like wings.When the seed falls from the tree,its "wings" help it fly farther from the tree.

      Some animals help plants spread their seeds.The animals eat the seeds.While the seed is in the animal's body,it stays whole.when the seed leaves the animal,it's in a new place.

      Ants also help spread seeds.Some seeds have a special smell that attracts ants.The ants bring the seeds back to their home,which of course is underground.They only eat part of the seed.They leave the rest of the seed underground.After that,the seed can start growing.

(1)What does the word "gravity" mean in the second paragraph?   

A.The action that makes animals drop seeds.

B.The help that moves seeds even farther away.

C.The need that comes from animals and plants.

D.The force that causes fruit to fall to the ground.

(2)How do maples spread their seeds?    

A.They use ants.

B.They use wind.

C.They use smells.

D.They use animals.

(3)What do ants do to help spread seeds?   

a.They only eat part of the seed.

b.They help seeds fall from the tree.

c.They carry seeds to the underground home.

d.They pick up the fruit and move it far away.

e.They leave the rest of the seed underground.





(4)What is the theme (主题 ) of the text?   





(5)What's the best title for the text?   

A.How Plants Spread Seeds?

B.Why Animals Pick Up Seeds?

C.How Wind Helps Seeds Spread?

D.Why Seeds Have a Special Trip?

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
