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How Can You Become a Successful Learner?

Everyone is born with the ability to learn.But whether or not you can do this well depends on your learning habits.Research shows that successful learners have some good habits in common.

Creating an interest in what they learn

Studies show that if you are interested in something,your brain is more active and it is also easier for you to pay attention to it for a long time.Good learners often connect what they need to learn with something interesting.For example,if they need to learn English and they like music or sports,they can listen to English songs or watch sports programs in English.This way they will not get bored.

Practicing and learning from mistakes

Good learners think about what they are good at and what they need to practice more.Remember, "Use it or lose it. " Even if you learn something well,you will forget it unless you use it. "Practice makes perfect." Good learners will keep practicing what they have learned,and they are not afraid of making mistakes.Alexander Graham Bell did not invent the telephone overnight.He succeeded by trying many times and learning from his mistakes.

Developing their study skills

It is not enough to just study hard.Good learners know the best way they can study.For example,they may take notes by writing down key words or by drawing mind maps.They also look for ways to review what they have learned.They may do this by reading their notes every day or by explaining the information to another student.

Asking questions

Good learners often ask questions during or after class.They even ask each other and try to find out the answers.Knowledge comes from questioning.

Learning is a lifelong journey because every day brings something new.Everything that you learn becomes a part of you and changes you,so learn wisely and learn well.

How Can You Become a Successful Learner?

Have some good habits in common.

(1)    in what they learn

Practicing and learning from mistakes

Developing their study skills

Asking questions

*Connect what they need to learn with something interesting.

*Use it or (2)    

*Practice makes perfect.

*Alexander Bell was not

(3)  overnight.

*Not only study

hard but also know (4)        they can study.

*Ask each other and try to find out the answers.

(5)    comes from questioning .

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It's very popular to travel in modern life.As travelers,we should try our best to protect the environment.Here is some advice on how to be a green traveler.

◆Make smarter flight choices

Air travel is not an environmentally﹣friendly way to travel because it uses a lot of energy.If you must fly,be sure to pack light to cut down the plane's load.And try to book a non﹣stop fight (预订直达航班).Connecting fights (转机航班) usually require longer periods of lying and planes will use more energy.

◆Respect (尊重) natural environment

Marked hiking tails (有指示标识的游览步道) are there usually to protect the natural environment and keep wild plants safe.In beach areas,don't use products that are harmful to the sea water and try to protect the ocean's ecosystem.

◆Support locals directly

Buying handmade products and art pieces created by local people can help hand down cultural tradition and create jobs.Food that is grown locally and things that are sold by local families are often better and cheaper,all while helping keep money in local pockets.

◆Find ways to give back

Consider the ways that you can help the local community and give back while traveling.This can be as simple as picking up litter in a park or volunteering to clean up a beach.If you're planning a trip where volunteering is your main goal,make sure you won't take jobs away from local people.

Some advice on how to be a green traveler

Make smarter flight choices

●You can pack light and(1)   in order to save time and energy.

Respect natural environment

●The natural environment and wild plants

(2)   by marked hiking trails.

●Use products (3)   harmful ingredients (成分) and try to protect the ocean's ecosystem.


●Buy local products and food to help hand down cultural tradition and keep money in local pockets.

Find ways to give back

●You can pick up litter in a park or

(5)       clean up a beach.

●You can't take jobs away from local people.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A friend's grandfather came to America from East Europe.After arriving at Ellis Island,he went into a cafeteria(自助餐厅) in Lower Manhattan to get something to eat.He sat down at an empty table and waited for someone to take his order.

Of course nobody did.Finally,a woman with a tray(餐盘) full of food sat down opposite him and told him how a cafeteria worked.

"Start out at that end," she said," Just go along the line and pick out what you want.At the other end they'll tell you how much you have to pay."

"I soon learned that's how everything works in America." The grandfather told a friend, "Life's a cafeteria.You can get anything you want as long as you are ready to pay the price.You can even get success.But you'll never get it if you wait for someone to bring it to you.You have to get up and get it yourself."

In fact,life is like a cafeteria.Don't wait for success to come to you.And success is in your own hands.

(1)Grandfather knew    about the cafeteria before the woman told him about it.

(2)The woman told Grandfather how        in a cafeteria.

(3)From the passage,we can infer(推断) that it was Grandfather's        to eat in a cafeteria.

(4)The writer doesn't think it right          in life.

(5)Life is like a cafeteria because we need          both in a cafeteria and in life.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


immediately ,pleasure ,ask,think about

Many studies worldwide show that girls have more friendships than boys.In fact,many teenage boys can't name a single best friend.When they(1)    ,they often think for a while before answering, "My best friend?I can't (2)    that.I am busy with my homework,and I have so many different friends that it is hard to choose just one best friend."

Girls,however,can usually answer the question (3)    , "A best friend?Of course.We have a lot to share with each other.We get much more (4)    from talking,daydreaming."

We have to realize:boys share activities,while girls share feelings.The qualities (品质) that boys and girls consider important in a friend seem to be the same,regardless of (无论) the basis of these friendships.The important thing to remember is that both of them are friendships.We all need friends in our lives.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


hour ,long,careful ,girl,reply ,be

My friend,Robert,has a twin sister named Amanda.Though they get along well,there

(1)    some things about Amanda and her friends that puzzle (困扰)Robert.He can't understand how girls can talk for so(2)     .For example,sometimes when he leaves home to play football,Amanda and her friend,Sharon,are sitting on the sofa,talking.When he comes back two and a half(3)    later,they're still staying in the same place,continuing the same conversation on the same topic.One day Robert was so curious(好奇的) that he asked Amanda what they talked about,but she (4)    , "We're best friends.We talk about almost everything- film stars,pop songs,recipes,everything!"

Boys and girls have different attitudes(态度) towards friendship.Friendships between girls are usually based on shared feelings and support (支持),but friendships between boys are based on shared activities or interests.A boy might be(5)     about sharing his feelings with his close friends.A(6)     closest friend,however,might be eager(急切的) to tell her about something that has happened in her life.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Hey!Mother's Day is coming.Have you planned something good for your mom?If not,here are some suggestions about how to make her happy.

    Buy a Present for Her

    Most children don't know what their mom's favorite thing is.You do?Then,what are you waiting for?Buy her something she likes.The best time to give her that is while she is sleeping at night.Put it on the table next to her so that she'll be surprised to see it when she wakes up.

    Treat Her as a Queen

    Your house is a palace with a king and a queen.It doesn't matter if you're rich or poor.Your mother is the real queen in your life and in your family,though her duties make her look like she is not.Give the lady a day off and you can do the housework and make some delicious food for her.Maybe you can go to a shopping mall to choose nice clothes that would make her look beautiful!

    Share Sweet Moments

    Our mothers have special memories in mind.It is the time that they gave birth to their healthy babies.How about you?What's your best moment with her?Maybe you can tell her how happy you were when she looked after you during your terrible days in your life.

    Tell the Wonderful Words

    Life is short.Those three words can make her heart jump for joy,you know?Just tell her "I love you!" and it would make her smile so sweet.Just try!We don't want to miss such a wonderful thing,right?

(1)  to Make Your Mother Happy

Buy a(2)  for your mother

◇Buy her something that she likes best;

◇Put it on the table next to her to give her a surprise.

Treat your mother as a queen

◇Do the housework to make her relax;

◇(3)  nice clothes for her to make her look beautiful again...

Share sweet moments

◇Remind her of your best moment with her;

◇Tell her you were so happy when she

(4)  good care of you during terrible days.

Tell the wonderful words

◇Tell her "I love you" to make her heart jump for joy;

◇Just have a (5)  and take action now.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(Li Lei is talking on the phone with his French friend Mike.)

Mike:Hello! (1)          

Li Lei:Yes,speaking.

Mike:Oh hi,Li Lei,this is Mike.What are you doing now?

Li Lei:Not much.I am just reading Journey to the West.(2)         

Mike:No,I haven't.I hear that it is very interesting.Could you please lend it to me?

Li Lei: (3)     .I will lend it to you as soon as I finish reading it.

Mike:Thank you.By the way,I would like to buy some books on Chinese culture.(4)    

Li Lei:Near our school?Yes,there is.I can go with you tomorrow.

Mike:Really?It is very nice of you.Thank you so much.

Li Lei: (5)                 .

Mike:See you then.

Li Lei:See you.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Chinese people started to build gardens more than 2,000 years ago.Chinese gardens are a special form of (1)t    Chinese culture and art.

At the entrance to a Chinese garden,there is usually a huge stone or wall to screen(挡住)your view.This is to give you a pressed﹣in feeling,in order to later produce unexpected joy (2)w    you turn around the hall to see the amazing rock formations(假山)and a big lake.The best (3)e    is the Summer Palace.

Rock formations play an (4)i    role in the design of a Chinese﹣style garden.Without them,a garden could not be considered a Chinese﹣style garden.They are as important to a Chinese﹣style garden as sculptures are to a European﹣style garden.Ge Garden in Yangzhou is famous for (5)i    Four Seasons Rockeries(假山花园).

(6)G    in the south are mostly small in size.Chinese garden designers have used the method of "borrowing scenery with a mirror(镜子)" to create a sense of (7)s    .A mirror is hung opposite a window to take in the outside scenery.A fine example of this is Pian Shi Shan Fang,a rockery in He Garden,Yangzhou.A big mirror is built into the wall of its west corridor.The whole garden will be (8)s    in the mirror wherever the visitors are.A pool or a lake in a garden (9)a    serves this purpose.A pool runs from south to north through the garden of Pian Shi Shan Fang.East of the rockery,a man﹣made moon is reflected(倒映)in the (10)p    .

Whatever methods used,every effort is made to achieve the purpose of giving visitors a sense of space in the garden.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Reading is fun!You can also analyze texts(文本)to learn more from the texts and about the texts.One way you can do this with fiction books,passages,or poems is by exploring their themes.

A theme is a central idea running throughout the text,connecting the characters and events.The writer may express his or her thoughts about humanity or a worldview through a theme.Themes can be ideas like friendship,bravery,love,honesty or family.Make sure you know what the writer is saying.

Sometimes,themes are hard to find out.First,the theme may not be able to be included in just one word like the examples above.There may also be more than one theme in the text.What's more,some themes are not presented in the words directly.You have to use clues in the texts to find them.

To start exploring the theme,first you need to make sure you've read the whole text.Since themes develop over time,you can't fully understand the underlying themes until the end of the text.Then,ask yourself to sum up(概括)the text and try to work out a "big idea".For example,did many characters resolve problems with their families?If there was only one small problem with a character's family,then "family" might not be the theme of the text.Finally,after finding out a "big idea",go through the text to find examples that support this idea.You needn't repeat every detail of the story﹣a few key examples will be fine.

Now you are ready to explore the theme of a text!

Exploring the (1)    of a text

Main points

Detailed information

(2)    is a theme?

● A theme is a (3)    idea that connects the characters and events.

● The (4)    thoughts are possibly expressed through the theme.

Why is it (5)       to find the theme?

●You might not (6)    the theme in just one word.

●There may also be more than one theme in the text.

● Some themes are not presented in a (7)    way.

How can you explore the theme?

●Read the text till the (8)    to fully understand the themes.

●Work out a "big idea" of the text by summing up the text.

●Find some key examples to (9)   the "big idea".It's not (10)    to repeat every detail.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Ways to reduce food waste

Food waste is a big problem around the world. While some people t ___ 1___away unwanted food, lots of people in other parts of the world face food shortages.

In order to reduce food waste, many c ___ 2___in the world like German and France have food banks. People and grocery stores can give extra food to them and they can give the food to t ___ 3___in need. Shanghai Oasis opened China's first food bank in 2015. In five years, it saved seven million tons of food and h ___ 4___760,000 people.

Many fruits and v ___ 5___go to waste because they look ugly. For example, about 25 to 30 percent of carrots don't make it to the store because of their l ___ 6___. So try to buy ugly food next time, since it is j __ 7___as good as "normal" food.

Many Chinese restaurants are telling people to o ___ 8___dishes by using the "N-1"formula. "N" s ___ 9___for the number of people in your group. So if you're in a group of s ___1 0___people, you should order five dishes.

To reduce food waste is a big task, and it needs time. Everyone can do something to make a difference.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Eyes always on us

Video cameras are everywhere: schools, theatres and stores. But in recent years, theyhave entered our homes. Many parents set up cameras at home to watch their children's online classes and homework. Are cameras really helpful? What do students think about it?

Li Ming

Earlier last year, I liked to lie in bed and videos instead of studying. This watch affected my studies and made my grades worse. So my parents set up a camera to keep an eye on me.

It worked. With the camera watching, I had to do my homework first and make plans for studying at home. When I was alone at home, the camera made me feel safe because I knew that my parents were watching on the other side. My grades improved after a year.

Zhang Hua

When I was in Grade 8, my parent set up a camera in my room. I really didn't like it because I felt like there were always eyes watching me. I felt so uncomfortable that I couldn't sleep well at night.

Knowing there was a camera around when my friends came to my home, they would speak quietly and carefully. We couldn't have pillow fights. I was sad. So I asked my parents to take the camera away. They agreed it as long as I promised to behave well. I feel happy and free now.

回答下面5个问题, 每题答案不超过5个词。

(1) What does the underlined word "they" in Paragraph 1 refer to?


(2) What was the reason for Li Ming's parents' setting up a camera at home?


(3) What happened to Li Ming one year later?


(4) Why does Zhang Hua feel happy and free now?


(5) What do you think of parents' setting up cameras at home?


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Homestays are becoming more and more popular, and people around the world are offering their homes as hotels. Homestays offer cheap places to stay, and the chance for guests to see the area like a local. They are very popular with people who want to stay in another country to study or on holiday. We asked three families who run homestays to tell us about where they live.

The Atal family

Our family home is in a small village in the north of Pakistan, in the Himalayan mountains. The village is quite small and very quiet. The mountains are extremely beautiful. You can go for long walks and swim in the rivers but there are no shops, cinemas or cafes.

Kate and Julian Foxton

Our two-bed house is by the sea in the south-west of England. It is about five minutes' drive to the nearest village of Portreath. There are lots of beaches, rivers and forests and it is very quiet. We spend a lot of time reading books, watching films and going for walks. Our area is great for sports like surfing, kayaking and mountain biking. However, the houses here are expensive, which can be a problem for local people. There are no buses or trains here, so it can be difficult to get around without a car。

Chafic and Aline Halwany

Our home is near the centre of Beirut, Lebanon, one of the largest cities in the Middle East. There are lots of cafes and restaurants, which open late at night. We love it here because it's so friendly and you can always find what you need-lots of people come to stay to learn Arabic and French. However, it can be noisy at night, and there is quite a lot of traffic during the day.

Homestay holidays - A home __ 1 ___ from home




The Atal family


It's in a small and quiet village in beautiful mountains.

People can __ 2 ___and swim there.

There are no shops, cinemas or cafes.

Kate and Julian Foxton


It takes a short __ 4 __to the beaches, rivers and forests by car.

It's a good place for ___ 5 ___like surfing, kayaking and mountain biking.

Houses here are not ___ 6 __.

It's difficult to get around ___ 7 ___a car.

Chafic and Aline Halwany


Lots of cafes and restaurants ___ 8 __at night.

You can always find ___ 9 __you need.

There is much __ 10 ___at night and lot of traffic during the day.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

All the runners stood nervously at the starting line.All of them had prepared

(1)    (they) for this important race.

The race meant more to a boy named Bill,because most of the other runners had greater speed.Could Bill realize his dream of being (2)    "all﹣school"runner?He would have to finish in the top 5 to win that honor.

Bill's life (3)    (fill)with disappointment.Primary school had been a long nightmare(噩梦) for him.Of all the reading skills,he even couldn't pick up(4)        (basic) one,although he had tried many times.Bill did not complain(报怨).He simply tried hard.But in the following years he was till unable to catch up with his classmates.

Then one day his teacher called us in (5)    a conversation.She said, "I'm sorry to have to tell you this,but Bill isn't trying anymore.He has given it up(6)    (complete). "I became very sad and afraid.I was afraid Bill might have forever lost heart.

I had a talk with Bill.I told him about my own experiences.I said, "(7)  I was the slowest one in my class in primary school,my parents and teachers were loving and understanding.Because of that,I made it through those years and finally went on to a music school.Now,you know,I'm a(8)      (piano).We think achievements come easily to others.Life usually isn't like that.The person who(9)       (success)is usually only a few percent. "Bill said, "Dad,I guess that not doing so well isn't all that bad if someone loves you and stands by you.

In the (10)        (nine) grade,Bill went out for the race again.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In the (1)       (south) part of China,eating qingtuan at the beginning of spring is a kind of tradition.Chinese people (2)       (start) to eat it more than 2,000 years ago.It is made of sticky rice(糯米)and red bean paste(红豆沙),and is famous for its softness,freshness and sweetness.

People living in the Yangtze River Delta(长江三角洲)usually put qingtuan on the tombs(墓)of their dead family members to cherish the past memory.Making qingtuan is also a chance for family members to get together at home.It(3)       (real) takes time and effort to make the snack.

Now,qingtuan has already spread its special taste to the northern part of China.Qingtuan has many different (4)    (taste) inside it,such as apples and bean milk,to meet customers' tastes.The difference of the taste shows that it's getting more and more popular across the whole country.

Even though there is warm weather and green leaves in spring,the season wouldn't be complete(5)          (with)a taste of qingtuan.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Fill in each blank with a proper word with the help of the given letter.

Have you ever imagined (1)t    to other countries without your paper passport?In the (2)f    ,there will be a new kind of passport called the "cloud passport" and it will come into your (3)d    life someday.Your paper passport will become history.

The cloud passport will have your name,photos and so on.It is easy (4)f    you to check them on the computer.、

If you take a paper passport with you,you might lose it. (5)H        ,with the cloud passport,you don't have to worry about that.Do you think the cloud passport is a great idea?

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
