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Seeing blood in a horror movie might make you cover your eyes,but real blood isn't scary at all.(1)   That's why blood donors are considered lifesavers.

    Blood donors are those giving blood﹣usually about 200ml at a time﹣to blood banks or blood donation(捐赠)centers.(2)   For example,someone may have lost blood in accidents,or have a serious illness that requires his blood to be replaced.Hospitals and blood banks store the blood and try to keep enough on hand.

    (3)   Medical workers ask donors several questions to make sure the blood is safe to use.Then the donors relax,often reading a magazine or talking as their blood is drawn.Afterward,the donors may receive some juice or water and maybe fruit to give them energy.The process is simple,not scary.(4)  

    To give blood,a person must be at least 18 years old and must meet certain other requirements.Students of all ages,though,can learn more about the donation process by visiting a local blood donation center.(5)   It is also an easy way to help a community.

A.Donating blood is not difficult.

B.Then the blood can be used for people in need.

C.In fact,blood is the gift of life and keeps us alive.

D.Donating blood is not only one of the easiest ways to save lives.

E.Most people are able to donate blood again in several months if they wish.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

All over the world,thousands of animals are used for wildlife tourism.People travel to watch monkey shows,hug baby tigers and swim with dolphins.It might look like fun,but there are reports that animals are hurt now and again.

    The World Animal Protection(WAP)says that up to 550,000 wild animals are exposed(暴露)to ill treatment around the world;in Cambodia,for example,it's been reported that elephants have died after carrying tourists for long in hot weather.This is getting attention﹣over 100 travel companies have promised that they will no longer open up such places.However,some people argue that animal tourism isn't always as bad as it seems.So what do you think?

    Group Yes

    ●Animals weren't put on this planet for enjoyment.They should be free to live as they choose.

    ●The way animals are treated is often cruel and causes much pain.Even if treated well,they cannot act in the same way as they would in the wild.

    ●We don't need wildlife tourism.We can see animals close up in their natural home in TV programs.There's no need to disturb(打扰)them in real life.

    Group No

    ●It is enjoyable and educational for people to communicate with the wonderful animals.

    The more people know about them,the more they want to protect them.

    ●Wildlife tourism brings money to poor areas and may be the only way for some people to make a living.

    ●Not all animals are treated badly.Some endangered animals are under the protection of programs that look after rare species(稀有物种).

(1)How many wild animals are facing bad treatment according to WAP?  

A.More than 100.



D.About 550,000.

(2)The underlined words "such places" refer to(指)the places for  

A.foreign travelers

B.sick elephants

C.wildlife protection

D.animal tourism

(3)What opinion do the two groups have in common?  

A.Animals can live wherever they like.

B.Wildlife should be protected.

C.Animal tourism supports poor people.

D.Wildlife is well looked after.

(4)"Group Yes" suggests that people should not disturb animal  

A.in Cambodia

B.in travel companies

C.in real life

D.In poor areas

(5)What is the text mainly about?  

A.Ways of protecting rare species.

B.Different opinions on wildlife tourism.

C.How to bring tourists enjoyment.

D.Whether to collect information on wildlife.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Birth order﹣﹣﹣does it matter? Are you different because you are the first, second, or third child in your family﹣﹣﹣or maybe the last of nine?

    A study found that first﹣borns have an average(平均的)IQ that is three points higher than people who fall into a different place in the birth order, perhaps because first﹣borns often help younger brothers and sisters, which improves their own skills. In 2007, an international organization of CEOs found that 43% of CEOs are first﹣borns ,33% are middle children, and 23% are last﹣borns. First﹣borns are more likely (可能的)to be doctors and astronauts and get higher pay.

    If first﹣borns are more successful, last﹣borns are generally more agreeable. They are also more likely to be funny, possibly to get attention from all the bigger people at the dinner table. Mark Twain and Stephen Colbert were both the youngest in large families, and Jim Carrey was the youngest of four. According to a 2007 Time magazine article, "The power of Birth Order," last﹣borns are more likely to be artists and successful businessmen.

    Then there are the middle children; we have not ignored(忽视) them! Many middle children are short of one﹣on﹣one time with their parents. They often feel shortchanged: the oldest gets more rights, and the youngest is "spoiled(宠坏的) ".Though they may be ignored, middle children are more likely to grow into easygoing adults.

    Many factors(因素)make us who we are, but if the research is correct, birth order may be one of the most important factors.

(1)Who is most likely to be a CEO?  

A. A first﹣born.

B. A second﹣born.

C. A third﹣born.

D. A last﹣born.

(2)What can we learn about Jim Carrey?  

A. He was likely to be given low pay.

B. He was likely to be agreeable.

C. He was a first﹣born.

D. He was a middle child.

(3)What does the underlined word "short﹣changed" in Paragraph 4 probably mean in Chinese?  





(4)We can learn from the research that birth order  

A. has no influence on IQ

B. matters a lot at the dinner table

C. may decide who we are

D. is a factor in making us powerful

(5)What would be the best title for the text?  

A. Where Is Your Place in the Family?

B. Who Improves Your Social Skills?

C. What Makes You Successful in Life?

D. How Can You grow into a Big Man?

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Many Chinese people will wonder what presents to get for their moms on Mother's Day, but not many know Mother's Day is actually a festival from overseas.

    Mother's Day originated(起源) in America during the early 20th century. The festival spread to China as early as the 1980s and was widely accepted.

    Why did a foreign festival become popular in China? In fact, Chinese traditional culture has always encouraged filial(孝顺的)devotion to parents. There are many stories which show filial respect in ancient China. For example, the story of "Taste Liquid(液体的) Medicine for Mother" tells us the filial virtue(美德) of Emperor Wen of the Western Han dynasty. His mother had been sick for three years. He often stayed up by her bedside and cared for her day and night. He tasted the liquid medicine first before she drank it. Also, mother love is a repeated subject in Chinese ancient poems, like "Song of the Parting Son" by Meng Jiao, a poet of the Tang dynasty. Now this poem is still a must in the school textbooks. Children in China are brought up with the education of filial devotion.

    On special days, people often use roses or forget﹣me﹣nots to express love. Carnations are considered as the perfect flowers for mothers around the world, but few know that China has its own for mothers﹣﹣﹣the tiger lily.

    Love for mothers can have different ways of expression. What matters most is love, not the festival itself. What mothers truly want is perhaps just a simple expression of love from their children.

(1)When did Mothers Day spread to China?  

A. In the 1920s.

B. In the 1980s.

C. In the Western Han dynasty.

D. In the Tang dynasty.

(2)What is the poem of "Song of the Parting Son" mainly about?  

A. The filial virtue of Emperor Wen.

B. Caring for the old.

C. Traditional Chinese medicine.

D. A mother's love for her son.

(3)Mother's Day is popular in China mainly because of  

A. its wide spread in many countries

B. our ancient stories of respecting parents

C. our traditional cultural values

D. its simple way of expressing love

(4)What is regarded as the Chinese own flower for a mother?  

(5)What a mother truly wants on Mother's Day may be  

A. a big dinner

B. a celebration party

C. greetings of the festival

D. expensive presents

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Sweden is famous for its ICEHOTEL.The hotel is in the village of Jukkasjarvi.It has to be rebuilt every year because it is made of ice.

24 years ago.a company wanted to attract visitors to Jukkasjarvi in cold winter months.They decided to hold an art show inside an ice hall built on the nearby frozen(结冰的)river.The building was a great success,attracting many day visitors.A group of brave visitors came to the show with sleeping bags and said they would spend the night inside the ice hall.At this exciting moment,the ICEHOTEL was born.

People usually begin to prepare for the ice hotel in March and April.They carry about 5,000 tons of ice to a cold storage (存储空间)where it sits till the beginning of winter.They begin to build the hotel at the beginning of November.About 100 workers take part in the work.By the end of December,it is ready and open for business.The best part about this building is that it is really a green building.The hotel works all winter.As summer arrives and the temperatures rise,it easily changes into one large pool,leaving nothing behind.

Over the years,many other ice hotels can be found in Canada,Finland and Romania.However,the first one remains the biggest of all.


76.The ice hotel in the  of Jukkasjarvi has to be  every year.

77.24 years ago,an art show was held inside an ice hall to  visitors to Jukkasjarvi in  

78.It usually takes about  workers nearly two  to finish building the ice hotel.

79.The ice hotel is really  ,for it changes into a  in summer.

80.There are many ice hotels in Sweden and three  countries.And among them,the  ice hotel is the biggest.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms.Grain Rain(谷雨),as the last term in spring,starts on April 19 and ends on May 4.

Grain Rain comes from the old saying,"Rain brings up the growth of hundreds of grains",which shows that this period of rainfall is very important for the growth of crops.Here's something that you may not know about the Grain Rain.


Grain Rain falls between the end of spring and the beginning of summer,and the temperature rises much higher than it does in March.With dry soil and heavy winds,sandstorms may happen more often.


There is an old custom in southern China that people drink tea on the day of Grain Rain.Spring tea during Grain Rain is good for the eyes.It is also said that drinking tea on this day would prevent bad luck.


People in northern China have the tradition to eat the vegetable toona sinesis during Grain Rain.An old Chinese saying goes"toona sinensis before the rain is as tender as silk(嫩如丝)".The vegetables is good for the stomach and skin.


The Grain Rain Festival is celebrate by fishing villages in northern China.Grain Rain marks the start of the fishermen's fast voyage(航行)of the year.The custom dates back to more than 2000 years ago.

42.When Grain Rain ends,  starts.




43.The underlined word"crops"refers to  

A.plants in the field

B.trees in the forest

C.fishes in the sea

44.The people in southern China  on the day of Grain Rain.

A.drink tea

B.eat toona sinensis

C.start the first voyage

45.We can infer that"toona sinensis"must be a kind of vegetable which  

A.can bring good luck

B.is dilicious and healthy

C.grows at the seaside

46.The right order of the titles from 1 to 4 should be  

a.Eating toona sinensis

b.Sandstorms happen

c.Grain Rain Festival

d.Drinking tea




  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


    China has ended its long﹣lasted one﹣child policy,all Chinese couples now are allowed to have two children,which means that many Chinese children,including you,may have siblings (兄弟姐妹) in the future.

    Like many only children in China,Pan is happy and confident,except when she feels lonely every now and then."It's not fun,especially when I travel with my parents.How I wish I could have a brother or a sister,"she said.Now it could be time for Pan to realize her dream.But what would it be like growing up with a sibling?

    Having a sibling can prevent children from bad feelings such as loneliness and fear,according to Laura Walker from Brigham Young University,US."Siblings give kids something that parents can't,"she said.

    You may not feel lonely because there is someone else to play with.You can also talk about various things and share secrets with each other.

    But children with siblings also have to control their feelings and learn to compromise,said Laura.You need to share things with your siblings,including attention from parents,toys,the bathroom and even the TV.There is also unpleasant competition which you have to deal with.

    It's also said that the birth order decides how parents treat their children.Parents are usually very nervous and strict with their first child.So firstborns (including only children) have more sense of responsibility because parents set high goals for them.When the couple has a second child,they are more relaxed,less strict and have fewer rules.So late﹣born kids are usually funny and creative.


51.The first paragraph is mainly about  

A.a chance for siblings         B.problems of only children      C.the one﹣child policy

52.From the passage we can know that Pan  

A.feels lonely all the time

B.may have a sibling in the future

C.enjoys traveling with her parents

53.According to Laura Walker from Brigham Young University,children with siblings  

A.can stop themselves from fear and loneliness

B.may give their parents various things

C.must share everything with each other

54.The underlined word"compromise"means   in Chinese.

A.争论                   B.质疑                  C.妥协

55.We can learn from the passage that  

A.children must set high goals for themselves

B.parents should help siblings become great friends

C.siblings need to deal with competition between them.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


    I always had a nice cup of tea every morning in my country in Indonesia.(66)  

    When I arrived in the early morning for the first time at Sydney airport,the first thing that I looked for was a coffee shop.Finally,I found a nice coffee shop with many people queuing (排队)to order.(67)  Then a very friendly girl asked me if she could help me.I said that I would like to have a cup of tea.Then she asked me,"(68)  "I thought she was making a morning joke with me.So I said,"Red tea,please."With a very unfriendly face she asked me again,"Black or white tea,please?"(69)  I didn't know what actually black or white tea was.I only knew that having tea is usually with or without sugar.

    One day I had a cup of tea at the university tea room.I saw a lady drinking tea with milk in it.Then I asked her,"(70)  "She smiled and said,"Yes,you can."At that moment,I understood that black tea is no milk added and white tea is with milk.How big is the difference of having tea between Indonesian and Australian people!

A.I didn't say anything.

B.I jumped into the queue.

C.Would you like black or white tea?

D.Can I say that you are having a white tea?

E.It gave me a great feeling in the morning.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

    What would the world be like if cars could drive themselves?Imagine seeing an empty car passing by on its way to pick up its owner,or a car full of passengers who are reading,listening to music or even sleeping.But none of them are worried about the road ahead.

    Well,all of this could be the future of driving.There are several companies,including Google,working on driverless cars.So far,no Google self﹣driven car has gotten a traffic ticket,but some of them have been in accidents when other cars hit them.

These cars are now still in the testing stages.But,if the tests are successful,these electric self﹣driven cars could be put into use very soon.

The cars already have many features (特点)allowing them to take the place of drivers during certain situations.Some features include cars being able to park themselves,or slow down when they notice objects close by.They can also control the speed if there are dangerous conditions.

    Scientists and engineers believe,with the help of wireless (无线电的)signals,cameras and GPS,we are now at a stage where creating a safe self﹣driven car might be possible.

    The cause of deadly road accidents is usually careless drivers or dangerous conditions.The self﹣driven car may be able to prevent these.However,some people do not like the idea.American lawyer Whit Drake,for example,doesn't believe these cars are safe.He thinks that technologies can also be mistakes.

61.The main purpose of the first paragraph is to  

A.make readers wonder about self﹣driven cars

B.get readers to pay attention to road safety

C.tell readers to keep away from heavy traffic

62.The testing self﹣driven cars need  energy to run.




63.From the passage,we know that the testing self﹣driven cars can already  

A.avoid being hit by other vehicles on roads

B.control the speed in dangerous situations

C.turn around when getting near objects

64.What might make the self﹣driven cars run safely according to the passage?  


b.wireless signals  






65.What is Whit Drake's attitude (态度)toward the safety of the self﹣driven cars?  

A.He has doubt about it.

B.He believes it completely.

C.He doesn't care about it.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

You know how much your telephone has changed over the past 10years?Your car will change even more than that in the next 10years.One of the biggest changes is that cars will drive themselves.

"We certainly have the technology for it now."says Andrew Poliak of automotive(机动车辆的)technology supplier QNX."We expect self﹣driving cars to be a mainstream thing between 2020and 2025."

The American company Google has been working on self﹣driving cars for years.These cars are already on the roads in the United States and are truly self﹣driving.They have to steering wheels(方向盘)or pedals(踏板).Last week,the police ordered one of Google's cars to stop for driving too slowly on a public road.The car was not breaking any law,so no one was punished.

Another American company,Tesla,added an"Autopilot"feature to its cars last month.With the Autopilot turned on,the vehicle drives itself.The car will speed up,slow down,brake and drive by itself.You can take over driving any time by turning the steering wheel or touching a pedal.The car uses sensors(感应器)to know when driveway changing is safe and whether it should speed up or slow down.

Tesla Autopilot is made for cross﹣country driving.It keeps you in the driveway and helps you avoid hitting other cars.It does not work well on local roads,for it will not stop at a red light or stop sign.

Reporter Carolyn Nicander Mohr tried the Autopilot feature of a Tesla earlier this month.She had a hard time trusting the car to do what it should do.She thought about disabling the Autopilot feature many times during her trip.She wanted to take control at every bend in the road and hit the brake when the car in front of her slowed down.Yet the car drove perfectly.

Other companies are working on self﹣driving cars,too.Marcedes﹣Benz,Audi,BMW.Volvo and Toyota all have plans for such vehicles.


63.What do Andrew Poliak's words probably mean?  

A.It is too difficult for people to make self﹣driving cars now.

B.Self﹣driving cars will be first put on the market in 2020.

C.There will be more self﹣driving cars in use in the future.

D.Nobody loves to use self﹣driving cars at the moment.

64.Why did the police stop the Google car?  

A.It had no driver.

B.It went to slowly.

C.It broke the traffic rules

D.It had no steering wheel.

65.The underlined word"brake"probably means  





66.According to the text,Tesla Autopilot  

A.is truley self﹣driving

B.can sense traffic lights

C.won't work on freeways

D.isn't safe in crowded areas

67.From the passage,we can infer(推断)that  

A.self﹣driving cars are popular nowadays.

B.self﹣driving could be trusted by anyone.

C.a special driveway should be built for self﹣driving cars.

D.self﹣driving cars need improving.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

    Today we can do everything with apps: pay bills, order food and shop for anything.Mobile technology means we can hold the world in our hands, However,when it comes to technology and health care,opportunities and challenges come together.

    Let's start with the ways to get health care.Telemedicine can allow a patient to use technology to see the doctor online and get a diagnosis (诊断) and instructions without leaving home.

    In addition, there are many patient websites. These allow for different kinds of interactions about our health needs without involving the medical team.Setting a date with doctors and reading lab results are readily achieved by technology.

    A whole new age of medical care seems likely (可能的) to come in the future.But every coin has two sides. What might be on the other side of techno﹣health care?

    Firstly, we should think about the health care experience as a whole.A usual visit to a doctor begins with a receptionist (接待员) ,who can see and tell how a patient is doing, This may influence the treatment effect. It's unlikely that a patient website will have such intuition

    Next, sharing the details of one's life requires trust, which takes time to build. This is certainly true in health care, where some of life's best and worst moments involve doctors. The human touch should not be undervalued and is unlikely to be there over the smartphone.

    Lastly, test results can be difficult to understand. When someone without a medical degree sees a flagged result with no explanation on the website, there's room for all kinds of stories to form in their minds﹣and also great worry.

    So how does medicine adapt (适应) to the new technology age? Very talented companies are working on it. There is medical equipment(设备) that can be used at home to send necessary signs and heart sounds through telemedicine.It seems likely that some companies will find a way to explain test results.

    But what it will not achieve is the warmth of human interaction and touch. Patients often need someone to listen to ﹣and care about﹣their journey story, which will never be realized through a human﹣less technology.Technology should be a tool,but depending on it totally will most certainly have unexpected effects. Let's not allow our humanity to be one of them.

(1)According to the passage, how does technology help health care?  

A. It encourages doctors to voice their needs on the websites.

B. It offers the patient a convenient way to get a diagnosis.

C. It improves relations between doctors and patients.

D. It provides an opportunity to build a medical team.

(2)The word "intuition" in Paragraph 5 probably means  

A. an ability to understand

B. an interesting experience

C. a chance to win

D. a fair decision

(3)What do you know about techno﹣health care from the passage?  

A. Patient websites require trust from doctors.

B. Talented companies can give medical advice.

C. Flagged results may cause worry for patients.

D. Medical equipment collects patients' stories.

(4)The writer probably agrees that  

A. technology can deal with unexpected effects.

B. telemedicine can take the place of usual health care.

C, it is difficult for patients to adapt to the new technology age.

D. techno﹣health care should take humanity into consideration.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There are millions of recipes(菜谱) hidden in the boxes and hearts of grandmother and parents. These family recipes are a special part of our family history. Some of them have been passed down from generation(一代人) to generation.

    "I realized I couldn't go home every weekend for my mom's delicious dishes," says Shreya, who is about to enter university.Shreya has recently started following her mother around the kitchen,taking notes on how to make her "masala chai" and tasty kachoris.

    "Those special tastes can immediately unlock a whole flood of emotions, memories and feelings of family, love, and comfort," says she.

    She adds, "I am looking to the day when my kids will come to know of their grandmothers through the dishes they cooked."

    But many of us find it difficult to keep the food connection with our busy life.Even if we have time,not many of us take the effort to collect and record the recipes from our grandmothers and parents. We often get a recipe on the phone and take it down quickly on a piece of paper.We just stick it onto the fridge for a week or two and forget about it as soon as the paper disappears from there.

    Actually,there are simple ways to keep family recipes,Scrapbooks(剪贴薄)are easily found in the market. You can even add photos to record every detail of your memories about the recipe.With the help of some popular apps like Story Scans, recording family recipes has never been easier.What is needed is to scan(扫描) the recipes and record the story behind each of them. It can become the most meaningful work you have ever done with and for your family.

    Keeping family recipes is saving and honoring our tradition so that future generations can continue to make family ties stronger. Every time you remember your loved ones, recreate one of the dishes from your collection and let the memories from the good old days comfort you. So why not gift your kids a family recipe book when they are starting a new life?

(1)Why does Shreya follow her mother around the kitchen?  

A. To clean up the kitchen.

B. To note down recipes.

C. To prepare family dinners.

D. To talk about family rules.

(2)What can we learn from the passage?  

A. Ways to record recipes can be easy.

B. Most people like writing recipe books.

C. Recipes have become popular with kids.

D. People often buy recipe books in the market.

(3)Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?  

A. Family Recipes: Secrets of Cooking

B. Family Recipes Are at a Crossroads

C. Family Recipes: Connections to Interests

D. Family Recipes Are More than Just Recipes

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

What's in a Name?

    Many American names come from England.But where did most English names come from?

    Centuries ago,most people in England had only one name﹣﹣their first name.In the 11th century,five

or six of the 50 people in a village might be named William,and it was easy to get confused.But in the Middle Ages,people found a way to describe each person exactly.If there were four Williams in one village,one might be referred to as William the son of John.A second might be called William from the hill.A third,William the blacksmith(铁匠).And a fourth,William the brown haired.In conversation,people might refer to the four Williams as William John's son,William hill,William smith,and William brown.

    It was 300 or 400 years before the extra ( 附加的) names gradually developed into last names,or

surnames.They were passed on from generation to generation.By the 1300s,Robert,the son of William

smith,had the name Robert smith,even if he was not a blacksmith like his father.As the last name became widely accepted,the first letter was capitalized,as in Robert Smith.By the 15th century,most people of the upper and middle classes had surnames.

    Many surnames were based on father﹣son relations.The"son of"part was added to the father's first

name,like Johnson,meaning John's son.Sometimes it was shortened to just"s",as in Jones or Evans.

Surnames like Hill described the place where a person lived.They are the most common type of surname.A third kind of surname was based on a person's job.Forester was someone who looked after the forest.

In the Middle Ages,occupation names such as Baker,Carpenter,and Miller became common.The fourth kind of surname was nickname(绰号).A man whose surname was Bear might be as fierce as a bear.

   Have you ever wondered why some surnames are so common?The most common surname in the

English language is Smith.Being able to make metals(金属)into tools was an important skill in the Middle Ages,and many people were trained as blacksmiths.The most common American surnames are Smith,Johnson,William and Brown.

61.Where do many American names come from?

62.When did people find a way to describe each person exactly?

63.How long did it take for extra names to develop into last names?

64.What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?

65.Why were many people trained blacksmith in the Middle Ages?

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Culture Insider: Children's Games in Ancient China

   During ancient times, children didn't have smart phone, iPad or computer to entertain them. Instead, they came up with interesting games to play in their childhood. Let's take a look.

   News from China Daily 2017﹣06﹣01

Kicking stone balls

   During the Qing Dynasty, kicking a stone ball around was a popular game in the northern part of China, and it was often played in winter to keep warm.

Playing hide﹣and﹣seek

   Hide﹣and﹣seek is a traditional game for children, popular around the nation. There are two ways to play: covering a child's eyes while other kids run around to tease(戏弄)him or, more commonly, others hide and one child must try to find them.

Flying kites

   Kites have quite a long history. The earliest kites were made of wood, instead of paper. The three most famous kites are the Beijing kite, Tianjin kite and Weifang kite. Each has its own feature. For example, the bird﹣shaped kite with long wings is a special kind of the Beijing kite.

Watching shadow plays(皮影戏)

   The closest thing to watching a film during ancient times was going to see a shadow play. The artists control puppets(木偶) behind the screen and tell stories to the music.

(1)According to the text, the game of kicking a stone ball was   

A. played in summer

B. like flying kites

C. invented in Beijing

D. popular in North China

(2)How is hide﹣and﹣seek usually played ?   

A. One plays and others watch

B. Others laugh and one must cry

C. Others hide and one tries to find

D. One runs and others try to catch

(3)What does the underlined word " feature" mean in the text?   





(4)Which ancient game is like watching a film?   

A. Kicking stone balls

B. Flying kites

C. Playing hide﹣and﹣seek

D. Watching shadow plays

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In Chengdu, tea culture has developed into the Chengdu﹣featured (特色的) tea house culture.There is a saying about Chengdu tea houses :You could see more tea houses than sunny days. Why can the tea house Chengdu catch so much eyesight?It is because of their many different functions (功能): for relaxing ,meetings,as well as entertainment.

    Chengdu tea houses are often decorated (装饰) with bamboo desks and bamboo chairs Chengdu people love tea houses, because they love chatting They often gather together in a crowded tea house, and drink tea when chatting In their free time,they often have a cup of tea and cake, watch actors performing traditional arts, talk and laugh with people in the tea house, which could be true joy of life.

    The soft wind is fled with tea's smell. The teas they use usually jasmine green teas,Dragon Well,and Biluochun. They use northern Gaiwan as tea sets (larger than Gongfu Gaiwan).Gaiwan is made up of three parts: the lid, the cup and the Saucer (茶碟).When the tea service master pours water into the Gaiwan,you will see the water filling from the air into Gaiwan ,with a lively sound.In a moment, water stops.Then look at the Gaiwan. The water in it is just right at the level of the Gaiwan's mouth, with a simple drip (水满)on the desk.This is a unique (独特的)skill,as well as an art.

    No matter where you are in Chengdu, in a quiet park or in a busy street, you can see those featured tea houses.They have fair price and good service. People can stay there for half a day,having only a cup of tea and little snacks. In the talks of friends and neighbors, the colorful tea culture of Sichuan is fully expressed.


(1)What are the functions of Chengdu tea houses?


(2)What are the desks and chairs in Chengdu tea houses made of?


(3)What's the difference between northern Gaiwan and Gongfu Galiwan?


(4)Who has the unique skill of pouring water in the tea houses?


(5)What's the passage mainly about?


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
