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①Amy: Bye, Lucy. I have to bounce!

Lucy: What?

Amy: I have to bounce. You know﹣I have to go. We say that a lot in San Francisco.

②Lucy: That's cool! What other things do you and your friends say?

Amy: Well, for example, we say someone is 'sketchy' if we think they aren't very nice.

Lucy: Sketchy? All right I like it.

③Amy: What about things you say here in Britain?

Lucy: Well, if I say He's tasty', do you know what it means?

Amy: Beats me!

Lucy: It means he's good﹣looking

④Amy: Look, there's Dave. He's quite tasty, isn't he?

Lucy: Well, he's a bit sketchy sometimes﹣but I like him!

Dave: Hi! What are you two laughing about?

Amy: I can't tell you now﹣I have to bounce!

Dave: Huh?

(1)The two girls are mainly talking about  

A. the boy

B. the language

C. their friends

D. their hometowns

(2)The three characters are making a conversation in   according to the picture.

A. a school yard

B. a supermarket

C. a library

D. a cinema

(3)When they say "A girl is tasty" in Britain, it means she is  

A. kind

B. smart

C. pretty

D. happy

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Lively music, singing and the sound of beating drums fill the room.As an orchestra(管弦乐队) plays performers dressed in colorful costumes move across the stage(舞台). Welcome to Chinese opera.

    Chinese opera is an important(元素)of Chinese culture. Most operas are based on stories from long ago. The amazing stage performances are often set against grand backgrounds. Beautiful paintings hand movements and martial arts(武术)help tell these famous stories.

    There are more than 300 forms of Chinese opera, including Beijing Opera, Yue Opera, Yu Opera, Ge Zai Xi and many other forms. of all of them, Beijing Opera is the most famous. Beijing Opera combines(合并)singing, dancing and acrobatics. Instruments such as drums, bells and cymbals accompany(伴奏)the performances.

    Facial design

    Traditionally, performers used masks(面具) for their facial design. Today, however, performers use makeup, They paint colorful designs on their faces. These colors and designs help to create each character. For example, a brave character has a red face, while a black face means bold. A yellow and white face represents (代表) someone who is dishonest.


    Costumes give clues(线索)to the performers' characters and roles.Audiences(观众)that are familiar with opera will get to know a story by the masks and costumes. Costumes usually have many designs and colors. The same costume can be used in different shows, however, it will represent a different character.

    Promoting the arts

    Many colleges and schools in China desire(渴望)to keep the art of Chinese opera alive. They provide an education system for talented students. Applicants(应试者)must pass a written test,an audition(试镜)and an interview and only the most promising students are accepted to study at these colleges and schools. Once accepted into the program, students begin a seven﹣to﹣twelve﹣year journey through the school. After graduation, many go on to work as professional actors on stage or in the movies.

(1)Of all forms of Chinese opera, which is the most famous?  

A.Beijing Opera

B. Ge Zai Xi

C. Yu Opera

(2)The character with a yellow and white face is  

A. brave

B. dishonest

C. bold

(3)What does the word promising mean in the passage?  




(4)Which of the statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?  

A. Anyone who likes Chinese opera can be accepted into the program.

B. If a person knows opera well, masks and costumes will help know the story.

C. Once in the program, you have to study for 7 to 12 years at school.

(5)What is the passage mainly talking about?  

A. Chinese culture

B. Beijing Opera

C. Costumes and facial design

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

[1] It's Friday evening.My daughters sighed(叹息) when I gently took the iPads away from their laps.One by one, our screens we returned off.We lit the candles and sat down to have a big meal.

[2] We call it our "Technology Shabbat"(科技安息日) which lasts from sunset(日落)on Friday to sunset on Saturday.Now most friends know they will not be able to contact(联系) us by using computers or mobile phones for 24 hours.

[3] I first understood the importance of "Technology Shabbat" in 2008, when my father had got brain cancer.Some day he would have only one good hour, and the only thing I wanted to do was to be with him.When I looked ①______my father, I turned off my mobile phone.

[4] Soon after that,my husband and I decided to turn off all the electronic things for one full day every week.

[5] During our "Technology Shabbat",times lows down.Our Saturday snow feel like mini﹣vacations.We drive cars or ride bikes.We work in the garden, play board games and cook meals with our kids.I feel like a better mother, wife and person.

[6] Keeping a balance(平衡) between the good and the ②______of technology is important for my family.The technology helps us share knowledge and funny ideas all over the world.But the technology also takes something away from us.When we ③_____up late at night linking(连接) from website to website or sending messages, we click(点击) again and again until we have been overloaded(超负荷的).

[7] Now we're rushing into the time full of high technology.(5)We should pay attention to what we are doing online and when we should go offline

[8] I will always remember the most important thing in my family:Technology Shabbat.

(1)When is "Technology Shabbat" in the writer's family?(No more than 10 words)

(2)What did the writer and her husband decide to do after her father got cancer?(No more than 18 words)

(3)What's the good of technology according to the passage?(No more than 15 words)

(4)Fill in each blank with one proper word.




(5)Translate the underlined sentence in the seventh paragraph into Chinese.


(6)Do you like the idea of "Technology Shabbat"?Why or why not ?(No more than 25 words)


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

    To many people,art is a human expression of creativity.But in recent years,you may have read news about artificial intelligence(AI) creating its own art,such as painting or writing poems.Some people worry that AI might someday replace(替代) artists.

    But this worry seems to be unnecessary,at least for now.Many artists today are turning AI into a useful tool. Instead of replacing artists,AI is bringing artists more possibilities.

    A piece of music created by Al recently attracted attention.AI was used to create the music based on the protein(蛋白质) structure of COVID﹣19.The music lasted nearly two hours.The project was led by Markus Buehler, an American musician and MIT professor(教授) of engineering.He assigned(指定) a unique note(独特的音符) to each amino acid(氨基酸)in the protein.The AI then translated these notes into music.

    Listeners found the project "mind﹣blowing"."It allows me to see the virus in a new way,"said one listener.This surprising combination(结合) between science and art could not be achived without AI.As The Verge wrote,"AI helps artists play around in unpredictable ways,creating things beyond(超过)what they have ever thought was possible before."

    Apart from creating imaginative works,AI can also take care of repetitive(重复乏味的)tasks for artists.For example,in the comic and cartoon industries,there are now AI tools that can automatically(自动)color in back﹣and﹣white line drawings.Although the results can be unpredictable and require a little cleanup,it can give artists room to experiment(实验),by cutting down the time it takes to color each picture.

    As Peter Ward wrote for The Culture Trip,"Art of every kind has always been influenced by technological developments."AI can become a useful tool to bring change to the art world if it's welecomed and not unfairly feared.

(1)According to the passage, AI can't  now.

A.write poems


C.replace artists

D.create music

(2)Which of the following is NOT true according to the third and fourth paragraphs?  

A.AI created a piece of music about COVID﹣19.

B.Many of AI's art creations are beyond artists' imagination.

C.Science and art can be combined with the help of AI.

D.Markus Buehler was not a professor of engineering,but a musician.

(3)The underlined phrase "Apart from" in the fifth paragraph can be replaced by"  ".


B.Instead of

C.Because of

D.According to

(4)What's the main idea of the passage?  

A.Technological developments have greatly influenced people's daily life.

B.AI has been widely used in science research.

C.AI is bringing more help to the art world as a useful tool

D.AI's creativity has caused more and more worries.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mobile phones are one of the most useful inventions of the last 50 years, but not everything that is said about them is good. Mobiles are often believed to be the cause of a number of things from poor eyesight and headaches to house fires. There's even one theory that mobile phones should be responsible for the disappearance of bees!

    The theory is that the radiation (辐射) given off by mobile phones does great harm to bees, navigation systems (导航系统). Bees have a built﹣in system a bit like GPS and this helps them find their way back to their hives.But recently, thousands of bees have failed to find their way home. It is believed they are dying far from their hives.

    The problem was first noticed by beekeepers in America and is a lot more serious than it at first seems. The important thing about bees is that most of the crops in many countries of the world are pollinated by them. Without bees, the crops can't continue to grow. Many beekeepers in Europe have reported losing between 50 and 70 percent of their bees. Jim Piper, a London beekeeper, said to the reporter, "My business is becoming worse. Twenty nine of my forty hives are now empty."

    Nobody knows for sure whether the theory is true or not, but it's a fact that bees are disappearing in very large numbers. And we can't manage without them.Einstein said that if all our bees disappeared,man would only live for four more years! If the mobile phone theory is correct, we need to do something about it right now﹣before it's too late.

(1)What might be caused by mobiles according to Paragraph 1?  

A. Poor listening.

B. The forest fires.

C.The disappearance of bees.

D.Terrible toothache.

(2)What does the theory in the passage say?  

A. Bees have GPS inside their bodies.

B. Mobiles have an influence on bees' hives.

C. The radiation makes bees unable to fly.

D. The radiation makes bees lose their way home.

(3)The underlined word "pollinate" probably means"  "in Chinese.





(4)What does Paragraph 3 mainly tell us?  

A. Crops will stop growing.

B. Beekeepers' business is getting worse.

C. Bees' disappearing is a serious problem.

D. Beekeepers in Europe found the problem first.

(5)The author write this passage to  

A. call on people to help beekeepers

B. show how a bees built﹣in system works

C. ask people to stop using mobiles right away

D. warn people of the possible harm mobiles do to bees

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A yearbook is a tradition of high school life in the United States.The book contains(包含) the name,photo, and signature (签名) of each student in your final year, so that you can remember who you went to school with.A 15﹣year﹣old girl Catherine Cook and her brother David wanted more than this.They thought,"Why not have a yearbook online?You could learn about people's music tastes, the movies they like,and so on."

    Catherine thought of the name﹣ myYearbook.com, and the logo (图标). To advertise the site Catherine and David wore T﹣shirts with the site logo to school and soon hundreds of their schoolmates became users of the site. She spent many evenings talking on the phone to programmers in India, and collecting ideas from her schoolmates. Then her older brother Geoff came up with the money to start up the website.

    MyYearbook users can join in the fun by sending messages and "collecting" friends.

    They can watch the same videos from films and TV programs, and share music, photos,homework and study guides. Some teens feel they can make friends more easily online.Chatting online helps some shy people not to feel left out.

    Users can also make "Lunch Money" by doing activities on the site. They can then spend their Lunch Money on gifts, or donate(捐赠)it to charities. They have saved 0.3 km2 of rainforest cleaned up 1 million kg of CO2, set 22,000 books to Africa,and bought 20,000 kg of rice for people without enough food.

    Running the website did not stop Catherine and David from finishing their schoolwork Successfully,and going on to university,where they still spent 50 hours a week on the site.

(1)Who got the idea of setting up myYearbook.com?  

A. Geoff.

B. Catherine and David.

C. A US high school.

D. Indian programmers.

(2)How did Catherine and David get their schoolmates to know the site?  

A. They advertised the site through videos.

B. They offered chances to make money.

C. They made a phone call to every student.

D.They wore T﹣shirts with the site logo to school.

(3)MyYearbook.com is set up to help users  

A.remember the school

B.run a site

C.learn more about each other

D. make money

(4)Which of the following is NOT true about "Lunch Money"?  

A.It can be donated to charities.

B.It can be used to help people.

C.It can be made by doing activities at school.

D. It can be used to protect the environment.

(5)What is the text mainly about?  

A. The Cooks.

B. A yearbook online.

C. Lunch Money.

D. US high school life.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

You might not think much about where your garbage goes.But now you might want to know.On July 1,Shanghai introduced a new garbage﹣sorting policy (垃圾分类政策).People there need to put different kinds of garbage into different bins. Other cities in China will do the same soon.

    Garbage sorting is a big problem because there is too much garbage these days.It is bad for our environment.In fact, we can make use of some garbage again. But first, we need to sort it.

    For example, if you put an old battery (电池) into the "harmful waste" bin, people can use it to make new batteries. But if you don't, the battery will end up somewhere else.Then, it will pollute the environment.

    Garbage sorting and recycling around the world

    Germany: There are big machines in supermarkets. You can put bottles in the machines and get money back.

    Japan: A truck playing music comes to people's doors to pick up their garbage. There are eight or more kinds of garbage. If you sort any of them wrong, you will get a notice on your door.

    Indonesia: People can take buses for free if they give plastic bottles to bus stations.    An hour﹣long bus ride costs three large bottles.

    Four kinds of garbage in Shanghai

    Recyclable garbage includes paper, books, plastic items, and glass bottles. Harmful garbage includes lamps, batteries, and other things with harmful chemicals (化学品).Wet garbage usually comes from the kitchen, such as food and vegetables. Dry garbage is anything you cannot put into the other three bins, pens and towels, for example.

(1)What can we learn from Paragraph 1?  

A. Many countries take Shanghai's garbage sorting policy.

B. Many other cities in China have garbage sorting policies.

C. Shanghai is the first city in China to make a garbage﹣sorting policy.

D. China is the first country in the world 10 make a garbage﹣ sorting policy.

(2)The writer gives the "battery" example to tell us  

A. how to sort our garbage

B. how important sorting is

C. what harmful waste is

D. how difficult sorting is

(3)If you  , you can take a free bus ride in Indonesia.

A. put bottles in a machine

B. take plastic bottles to the station

C. get a notice on the door

D. put garbage into different bins

(4)Which bin should "newspapers" go to?  

(5)Which is the best tile for the passage?  

A. Sort Garbage, Save Earth

B. Less Garbage, Cleaner Environment

C. Clean Shanghai, Beautiful China

D. Different Countries, Different Policies

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In Britain,Australia,Canada and a few other English﹣speaking countries, people don't stop celebrating when Christmas Day is over. They also celebrate the following day, known as Boxing Day. It is a popular day for giving additional (另外的) gifts. It has bee celebrated for so long,but nobody exactly knows how it started.

    Some people believe Boxing Day began in the Middle Ages. In those days, in some special places there were special collection boxes where people threw money for the poor.The day after Christmas the boxes were opened,and the money was counted. Then the money went to helping the poor in the area.

    Others believe Boxing Day started about 300 years ago when some rich people had Christmas feasts (盛宴). They offered lots of food to their guests. Because many servants(仆人) were needed to make and serve the food, they could not celebrate Christmas with their families. To thank them, the rich people would put food into boxes for their servants to take home.

    Now Boxing Day has become a public holiday in some countries.Some people spend the day boxing up old or unwanted things and donating (捐赠) them to the poor. Many people are active in helping service organizations (组织) like the Red Cross.

    No matter how Boxing Day got its start, it's a wonderful time to donate things or give small gifts to people. By doing so,you can make someone's holiday much happier.

(1)From the first paragraph we know that Boxing Day  

A. has a long history

B. is before Christmas Day

C. is celebrated in only three countries

D. is the day for buying gifts

(2)In the Middle Ages people put  into the boxes.

A. unwanted things

B. food

C. old things

D. money

(3)What did the servants mainly do on Christmas Day?  

A. They took the food home.

B. They had Christmas feasts.

C. They made and served the food.

D. They celebrated with their families

(4)Today Boxing Day is a time  

A. to thank the rich people

B. to make the guests happy

C. To give people help or small gifts

D. to remember the old days

(5)What's the best title (题目) for the passage?  

A. Christmas Day

B. Boxing Day

C. The Red Cross

D. The Middle Ages

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

    The movie Ne Zha came back to the big screen last year. And lots of people watched it.

    For many years, the character Ne Zha has been familiar to many children of China. Most Chinese children came to know Ne Zha from the TV series Journey to the West. Of course, Ne Zha in that TV series is not as great as Sun Wukong. But still, Ne Zha is popular in Chinese children's hearts.

    Now, the relationships among the characters in the 3D movie Ne Zha are given modern meanings. New Ne Zha in the 3D movie is more than a child. He is very happy when he feels the warmth of the familyAnd he does not hide his anger when he meets bad men. He lives as he wants to live.

    It was hard to believe that a panda﹣eyed, buck﹣toothed(龅牙) child could be a hero in hearts of millions of people. But it made it and the movie was a big success.The film's director and screenwriter is Yang Yu. It took him three years to write this play and two more years to make the cartoon.It is one of the most successful cartoons made in China. You can enjoy the beauty created by high technology when watching it

(1)From which TV series did most Chinese children come to know Ne Zha?


(2)What does new Ne Zha look like in the 3D movie?


(3)How long did it take Yang Yu to write the play and make the cartoon?






  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

How did people tell the time before clocks were invented?

    At first, the ancient people looked up at the sun and could tell it was the middle of the day when the sun was directly overhead in the sky. They also knew when it was morning or evening.

    Later, the Egyptians used sticks. These sticks measured (测量) time during the day.The sun shone on the tall stick and the stick made a shadow(阴影). As the sun moved across the sky, the position(位置)of the shadow changed. This would let people tell what time it was.

    Over time, the Chinese first used sundials instead of shadow sticks. The sundial has a type of shadow stick on it, As the sun shines on it, a shadow appears on the numbers.Each number stands for an hour of the day. But sundials don't work at night or on a cloudy day! There are no shadows unless the sun is out.

    Water clocks used water to measure time at night. Water dripped(滴落)slowly from one bowl into another. The level of the water in the bowls showed the time.

    People also used sand﹣glasses. You may have seen one. Some games still use sand﹣glasses. The sand falls from the top of the sand﹣glasses to the bottom. It measures short amounts of the time. The more sand falls, the more time has passed. When the sand has finished falling, you have to tum the sand﹣glasses over.

(1)At first. the ancient people told the time by looking at  

A. the stick

B. the shadow

C. the sun

D. the moon

(2)Which picture can be a"sundial"?  

(3)Sundials can be used to tell the time when it is  

A. sunny

B. rainy

C. cloudy

D. snowy

(4)Which is right according to the passage?  

A. Sticks measured time in Egypt day and night.

B. Sundials were first used in ancient Egypt.

C. Sand﹣glasses usually measure a long time.

D. The water clock told the time by the water level in the bowls.

(5)What's the main idea of the passage?  

A. Something about sundials.

B. How to tell the time by looking at the sum.

C. How to tell the time in the past.

D. Some inventions in China.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The Millennial Trains Project is a non﹣profit (非营利性的) organization that makes it possible for young people to take part in creative projects. The organization leads crowdfunded(众筹的) train journeys.These journeys provide young people with the chance to help different communities. The organization has already completed two journeys. Twenty﹣four people are now getting ready to be a part of the third.

    To get a place on the train, each person has to raise﹩5,000 and have an idea for a project. At each stop, they get off the train to explore a different town, city, or wherever their projects take them.

Amy is planning to visit bookshops and libraries. She wants to find out what they are doing to encourage more people to read, and what technology they are using.She also wants to know if they are using social media (媒体) to connect with people.

Tom wants to make a difference to the education system. He knows that universities are becoming more and more expensive each year, and that many people think higher education is no longer affordable. Over the next 10 days he is visiting seven universities. He wants to see what they are doing to meet these challenges.

Jenny's project is natural disasters.At each stop,she is going to interview local leaders, workers, and computer game designers.She then plans to create a game that will help people prepare for disasters.She believes people are more likely to remember something important when the information is fun.

These 24 people are strangers now, but not for long. The next week is going to be a life﹣changing learning experience for many.


(1)Who can get the chance to take part in the projects?  

(2)How many journeys are mentioned in Paragraph 1?  

(3)Where is Amy going to visit?  

(4)How will Jenny help people prepare for disasters?  

(5)What do you think of the Millennial Trains Project?  

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


    This sport is like football on bikes. There are two teams. Each team has usually got two players. Players in each team try to hit the ball into the goal. They can use their bikes or their heads to do this. The winning team is the team with the most goals at the end of the game.


    This is an ancient sport from India. The players use two things: one long stick, called a danda and a short egg﹣shaped bat, called a gilli. There are two teams.One player puts the gilli on the ground inside a small circle and hits it into the air with the danda. Then the player hits the gilli again and runs to touch a spot outside the circle to get a point.


    The sport is also called underwater hockey(曲棍球). There arc two teams. Each team has got six players. Players swim underwater to play this game. They use small sticks and a puck. The puck is a little like a ball.Players try to push the puck along the bottom of a swimming pool into the other team's goal.The winning team is the team with the most goals at the end of the match.

(1)Which is the correct order of the pictures according to the passage?  





(2)Which part of a magazine may this passage be taken from?  

A. Animal World.

B. Teenage Problems.

C. Science and Technology.

D. Sports and Games.

(3)What do these sports have in common?  

A. They all have a short history.

B. A long stick is needed for each sport.

C.Every sport team has six players.

D. There' re two teams in every sport game.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

    The Chinese kite is a symbol of the Chinese handicraft (手工艺品). Flying a kite is a very popular activity in China. In spring, large numbers of people gather in the squares or parks and fly beautiful kites there.

    A philosopher (哲学家) called Mozi was said to be the inventor of the Chinese kite. His invention had the bird's name of "Yuan", a kind of bird of the hawk (鹰) family with a long tail. He made the kite out of wood. Later, his student Lu Ban improved it and made the kite out of bam boo.

    With the development of papermaking, paper was introduced into the kite﹣ making. The kite got the name "Zhi Yuan", as "Zhi" in Chinese means paper. And during the Five Dynasties period, people tied the bamboo whistle (哨子) to the kite. When the kite was flying, the airflow (气流)

could make the whistle sound like Guzheng playing. So the kite carried the name "Fengzheng".

    From then on, making and playing the kite became very popular in Weifang, Shandong Province. Every year in spring, when the weather became warm, almost every family went out to fly the kite and have a picnic on sunny and windy days. It was an exciting folk activity and a good time to display various beautiful kites. At the same time, they also enjoyed the warm weather and fresh air. The tradition has been well kept until today and has become the world﹣ famous Weifang International Kite Festival, which is held from 20th to 25th in April every year.

    Flying a kite in spring does people much good. For example, it is a good way to reduce the backache (背痛). Besides, when people fly a kite, it can help them forget their stressful (压力重的) situations and reconnect (再连接) them to nature.

(1)From the second paragraph, we can know that "Yuan" is  

A. a bird's name

B. a kind of shape

C. a symbol of stress

D. an inventor's name

(2)How long does Weifang International Kite Festival last every year?  

A.5 days.

B.6 days.

C.7 days.

D. 8 days.

(3)What is the last paragraph mainly about?  

A. A lot of ways of making kites.

B. Some advantages of flying kites.

C. The dynasties of making kites.

D. The good places of flying kites.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

    As usual, Amber was hurrying to catch the yellow schoolbus,Luckily the trafic lights turned green as she was to cross the road, so she made it.When the bus passed the golden arches(拱形门) of MeDonald′s, they reminded her of a hamburger.She hadn′t had breakfast that morning because the fruit salad on the blue dish didn′t look delicious at all.However, Amber remembered that she was still on a diet.So now she was really in a black mood.

     You may have noticed that several colors were used in the above story so as to help describe Amber's morning.In fact, colors influence your life more than you can ever imagine.Take language for example:You may describe a sick person as being"a bit green".To describe a depressed(沮丧的) person, you say that the person is"feeling blue".In short, colors do add interest to daily conversations.

    Besides, colors can be used in many parts of your daily life.Have you ever thought about why many school buses and taxis are painted yellow, and stop signs red?Since yellow is the most eye﹣catching color,it can catch people's attention, especially in heavy traffic.As for red,it is the color which usually shows warning; as a result, some traffic signs use this color.For the same reason,hot﹣water taps are usually marked red.

   The colors of a dining environment possibly decide how much you eat.Most fast﹣food restaurants are often decorated in bright colors such as red, yellow, orange, and white for the purpose of increasing people′s appetites(胃口).This is because bright colors are natural colors found in many foods,and,therefore,able lo raise people's spirits.Blue, in comparison with bright colors, is sad to lower people′s appetites because few foods are blue in nature.For those who are on a diet, blue dishes and bowls might help!

    "Morning, Amber!What happened?You look a bit green, "said Violet, Amber′s best friend,

    "Nothing…just feeling…blue, "said Amber.

    "Hey! Come to my place tonight.Do you know what I just bought?A wii! It′s red﹣hot."

    Amber was tickled pink to have the chance to play wth the wii and said, "Sounds great!"

(1)According to the passage, if you are on a diet,  might help.

A.putting your food in a blue dish or bowl

B.turning on a yellow light during the meal

C.painting the walls of the diningroom white

D.covering the dining table with an orange cloth

(2)Most school buses are painted yellow because  

A.it tells other divers to prepare to stop

B.it helps bus divers say in a good mood

C.it can easily catch other people′s attention

D.it is the color that most schoolchildren like

(3)Which of the following statements is true?  

A.Amber looked ill when Violet saw her first.

B.Amber ate up all her fruit salad in the morning.

C.Amber refused to go to Violet's house in the end.

D.Amber didn′t catch the school bus and was late for school.

(4)Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?  

A.Colors influence people's daily lives.

B.Most fast﹣food restaurants are painted grey.

C.Different colors are used for different purposes.

D.Colors make daily conversations more interesting.

(5)What can we infer(推断) from the passage?  

A.Amber was not fat at all.

B.Amber cheered up at Violet's invitation at last.

C.Violet didn't know how colors influenced our lives.

D.Arches of McDonald's are painted gold only to make them beautiful.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

    Tea is tasty and good for you.It is also one of the most popular drinks around the world.But what is tea?And why is it so popular?

    All tea comes from tea leaves but tea is not always the same.There are many kinds of tea.You can drink black tea,green tea,white tea or fruit tea.Each type of tea has a different taste and a different colour.

    The history of tea begins in Asia.In China, Korea and Japan,tea is still very important today.In Japan, it can take many hours to prepare and drink tea with your guests.In Malaysia,a popular drink at breakfast is teh tarik('pulled tea').Malaysians say it is good for you and tastes good with canai bread.

    Tourists in Kuala Lumpur like watching the tea sellers make 'pulled tea'.The tea sellers pour hot water on black tea.After five minutes, they add sugar and milk.Then they 'pull' the tea﹣they pour the tea from one cup to another many times.

    In many counties, you must have a special kettle to make tea.People in different countries also like to add different things to their tea.For example, Russians use a special kettle called a samovar.They like drinking tea with lemon.Sometimes, they also drink tea with some sugar or jam.

    In Turkey, tea comes in a Caydanlik.A Caydanlik has two kettles:one for the water and one for the tea.Drink Turkish tea with some sugar.

    Arab tea,called karak,has cardamom,ginger,milk and sugar.In the United Kingdom,they add some milk and sugar.

    The British usually eat biscuits with their tea.In Japan, they like…

(1)Tea, a drink with a long history,first appeared in  





(2)The writer uses the punctuation mark"…"at the end of the passage to  

A.express his uncertainty of the subject

B.show his special taste in Japanese tea

C.attract readers' interest in further reading

D.hide his limited knowledge in this field

(3)What is the best title for the passage?  

A.The History of Tea

B.Different Tea Kettles

C.The Most Popular Drink

D.The World in a Teacup

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
