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Do you know something about tree rings (年轮)? Do you know they can tell us what the weather was l_____, sometimes even hundreds of years ago?
A tree will grow well in a climate with lots of sunshine and rainfall. And l____ sunshine or rainfall will limit (限制) the growth of a tree. We can see the change of climate by studying the tree rings. For e______, to find out the weather of ten years ago, count the rings of a tree from o______ to the inside. If the t_____ ring is far from the eleventh ring, then we are sure that it was sunny and rainy most of that year. If it is near to the eleventh ring, then the climate that year was bad.
Tree rings are i______ not only for studying the history of weather but also for studying the history of man. Long long ago there lived a lot of people at a place in New Mexico. But now you can find only s_____ there—no trees and no people. What h_______?
A scientist studied the rings of d_____ trees there. He found that the people had to leave b_____ they had cut down all trees to make fires and buildings. As all trees had gone, the people there had to move. 

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The woman has studied English s   1990.
—Have you heard a   Lei Feng?— Yes,of course.
The plane has a   in Tianjin already.
In fact,since 1989          (工程)Hope has built schools all over China.
How long has Lingling           (认识)Sally?

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  • 难度:未知

A:Mum,I’ve lost my art book.Have you  it anywhere?
B:Is it the book  a red cover?
A:Yes,that’s  ! Where did you  it?
B:Sorry,I    seen it    .   you tried to look    it under your bed? Maybe you dropped(丢) it there.
A:Oh!Here it    .    goodness!
B:You should    more careful from now on.
A:Yes,it won’t happen(发生)    .

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(一)This is Wang Xiaoya, a f____________1 hostess in CCTV. She is b____________2 and clever. She is my f____________3 TV presenter. I like w____________4 her programme. I want to be a person l____________5 her.
(二)I think everybody knows h____________6. He is very p____________7.He is a famous host for CCTV. We all love him. He is humorous (幽默的). He isn’t handsome. He h____________8 big eyes. He is not very tall. B____________9 his voice is attractive. He can m____________10 us laugh.

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Once when Tom was a boy, his mother went out for a picnic. Before she went, she said to him, “Tom, while I am away, stay near the door, and watch it a __________(1) the time. ” She said this b__________ (2) there were lots of thieves in their town. Tom sat down beside the d__________ (3). After an hour one of his uncles came. He said to Tom, “ Where is your m _________ (4)? ”
“At a picnic,” he answered. “ Well , ” said the uncle, “ we are going to visit y__________ (5) house this evening. Go and t_________ (6) her.” His uncle then went a__________ (7), and Tom began to think. “Mother said, ‘Watch the door all the time.’ and u__________ (8) said, ‘Go and tell her!’” He thought and t________(9), then at last, he pulled the door down, put it on his back and went to his mother w_________ (10) it!

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The w______ report says there will be a strong wind today.
The t_______ will stay above zero in the daytime.
The rain will stop our school’s a_____. The student’s won’t be happy about it.
What good weather! I think the r____ season stops.
Will the good weather l_______ long?

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Tom felt terrible. He had a   1  fever, so he went to see the  2  . The doctor said, “Listen   3  ! I’m going to give you three  4 medicine. First, these white pills.   5  one pill three times a day after  6  . Now look at these red ones. Take one every night before you go to bed. For these yellow pills, take two every  7 you get a headache, but never more than five times  8 a day.”
Tom went back and did as(按照) the doctor  9 him and soon he felt much   10 .

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A traffic accident happened near our school. Luckily, n___________ of the passengers was hurt.
Our teachers taught us to sing l____________ songs before class.
At first, the mother almost went m____________ because she lost her daughter.
The landlord is so c___________ that almost everybody hates him.
To our surprise, they made p____________ with each other in the end.

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Xiang Qiuchi was listening to the r_______ at nine last night.
Look at the young man with light hair. He is so h_______.
He was taking a s_______ at this time last night.
I used to work in a car f_______.
—The movie is wonderful.
—I a_______ with you.
I really enjoy the music. It sounds so _______(令人愉快).
I felt very _______(难过), because he hurt my dog.
Here’s some _______(有用的) information about travel in Canada.
—Do you wash _______(碟子) at home?
—Yes, but not often.
The teacher told us a funny story. All the students _______(笑了) happily.

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  • 难度:未知

The panda comes f    China.Its f    food is bamboo.It can c    trees.
The snake is Asian. It h    no friends. It doesn't like w   ,but the elephant likes water. It can eat 600 kilos of g    in a day.
The camel lives in the d    in Africa.
The wolf lives in the E    forest. It likes to eat m   .
The kangaroo comes from A   .

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Their grandchildren l    in Australia.
I often v    my website at the weekend.
How many e-mails do you s    every month?
Can you get i    on the Internet?
Do you know how to d    music?
Becky can’t play computer g   .
How do you o    a new document?
His brother can’t w    his homework on the computer.

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He never p    computer games.
That is a great i   .
His grandfather often listens to m   .
How about going to Beijing for a h   ?
M    is the second (第二) day of the week.
Liu Xiang is my favourite sports s   .
Tomorrow is Daming's birthday. Let's send him a p   .
When you go to a concert, you'd better buy a t   .

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He often takes p   in the park. This is one of them. It’s beautiful.
Mr.Li has got two s   and a b   .They are clever.
We call mother’s sister a   and mother’s brother uncle.
Your mother’s or father’s mother is your g   .
He is one of my f   .
Many parents and g   wait outside the school gate when school is over.
How many people are there in your f   ?
This is my brother. H   name is Tom.
—What is your l   name?—Green.
Have you got a   sisters?

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      (有)two maps and some pictures on the wall.
Her father      (没有)  any sister.
        (有) some water in the cap.
 —What’s his      (爸爸的) job? —He is a teacher.
I can see      (十九) students in the classroom.
Tom’s school is a beautiful school and it’s     (英语) school.

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We can eat meals in the d    hall in our school.
There is a bank n   to the hospital.
In our school,there is a big l      ,we often read book in it.
His father bought(买) a d      for her.it can help her study.
Ten and forty is     .
There is a football match in the g    .
This is a 5-star h      .
My mother often takes me to the clear p   ;there are many people play in it.

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